can i trust & ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hello to everybody,i m in france and considering to buy some vcds from those sites in uk. did someone ever buy from them ? can we trust them ? what do you think of credit card payment on those sites ?
thank you mario
-- mario guiraud (, March 27, 2000
-- RIC (MANIC@HOTMAIL.COM), March 28, 2000.
hello can take up to six weeks to deliver but they dont rip people off, dont take credit card orders but they are very fast and reliable i would reccomend both but the 2nd 1 would have to be my final desicion
-- james (, March 29, 2000.
try this they deliver fast and also they do credit card payment.
-- bryan (, April 13, 2000.
I bought 9 vcd's for £40.15 from vcd-import and only received 6 of original Titles and 3 very old titles eg 1 was Backdraft! Payment was made on Sept.19th 2000. Furst 4 were delivered Dec 2000 and balance of 2 + 2 others came 28th March!!!! They said my original 'other' Tiles were no longer available but they still sell 'em. Inspector gadget was one of the Titles and it's STILL on sale. ITherefore total Delivery took 6 months and 10 days from payment. I would recommend & VCR titles.I know of no other vcd sites.Alx
-- Alx Alexander (paul@alx11alexander,, March 31, 2001.
The only stores that I feel happy about buying from are listed on my site and they follow my code of fair practice. Should they ever fail to follow this code of practice they would be de listed and would lose a large amount of traffic and a clear message would be sent to the whole VCD buying community to avoid the store concerned.It started out as a hobby but I am gaining the respect of the stores concerned - and the customers - especially those I have got involved with complaints and in ALL cases so far the complaints were resolved sucessfully.
To access this site & get free comsumer protection go to - I only get involved with a complaint if it's against a store taht I list.
-- Waynne Smith (, March 31, 2001.
please anyone i need vcd-imports e-mail address! please e-mail it to me. thanks
-- michael (, June 07, 2001.
i ordered from vcd-import on 28/10 payment taken on 29/10 im still waiting and judging by whats been written i have a long wait ahead their contact details can be found on the site or : sales: support: (9am-5pm Mon - Fri) phone +44 (0)7092372162 ( this is a mobile phone by the way) fax +44(0) 7092372163 (again 9-5pm Mon-Fri)
hope this is useful
-- CJ Lloyd (, November 10, 2001.
VCD-IMPORT well what can i say. All the items i ordered off them did finally arive (some taking up to 3 months) and often the quality of those films were reasonable. But low and behold it had to come to an end one day. VCD-IMPORT.COM has gone! no where canit be found......lost in the void of the web. Who knows, maybe one day it will back.......and hopefuly with a quicker postal service!
-- Alex Ball (, January 08, 2002.