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I'm really tired. You find the links today.If you know HTML you can make a link with the TARGET="_top" tag; if you don't know how to do that, just type in the URL and we'll cut and paste.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Did you play cops and robbers when you were a kid, but grew up to be a geek instead? The eholster is made for you, buddy.I'd love to know if they're actually sold any.
Also, I might throw to the European researchers who've made a 10GB hard drive from a roll of sticky tape. Really. And you don't even have to unwind it.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Project Grizzly"Meet Troy James Hurtubise, a self-styled "close-quarter bear researcher," who's obsessed with going face-to-face with Canada's most deadly land mammal, the grizzly bear."
This guy built what he hopes is a "grizzly-proof" suit of armour... Be sure to check out the suit's stats!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Here's an interesting salon article: Keep a Web Journal, Get Fired... or Worse
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Paul Bernardo/Karla Homolka case:
This still keeps me awake at night. Karla and I exchanged several letters regarding them purchasing one of my Rottweilers and I made arrangements for them to come up and visit me and the dogs *alone* on a Sunday afternoon. (!!!) They eventually bought a Rottweiler from another breeder, but I now have a friend or family member come to the house or interview prospective buyers at my clinic during work hours...
"There but for the grace of God..."
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
The University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology has a neat Animal Diversity Web.And I'm still asking for voodoo curses: who (and how) would you curse?
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Before I add to the weblog...Cathy! CATHY! Oh my god! OH. My. GOD! It just got me shaking, reading what you wrote about Karla Holmoka. So glad you are ok.
Ok, the weblog.
I read Beth's weblog every day, and love it, so it is fun to give some back. Here goes:
For Revenge: The Virtual Voodoo Doll -fun for the Java enabled.
For Shopping: Restoration Hardware, for wonderful, elegant, and fun stuff. Check out their drawer pulls!
But my new fave, hands down, is Half dot com. This is absolutely the best way to buy and sell used books, movies, and games online, and their customer service rules. My fave is that when they bring up your selection, they offer a price comparison to amazon, and reel, so you can see what kind of a deal you are getting.
An old favourite, and where I get all of my "Dirty Girl" stuff, which makes great presents, is Da Fridge, an ecletic mix of soap and magnets, and a fun place to browse.
Oh, and I am more than just shopping! But really, who could pass up buying "personal body jewelry, like this lovely piece?
Hideous, sick bastard Paul Teale Bernardo is back in the news as his lawyers try to get an appeal for his case. Is this the same link Cathy posted? I can't check now, but if it is, I apologize.
Hate School? Move to British Columbia, where kids get locked out of school for a few months every 3 years, while their teachers fight to remain some of the best paid educators in Canada.
Can you spare a five, to help finance a micro loan to a female entrepeneur? How funny is this, to see a concept started in Bangledesh brought to a first world country to help women denied loans in traditional forums?
Have something to say about the Jon-Benet Ramsey case? Why don't you call her parents tonight, and ask them a few questions?
Or, you could watch Moby live tonight, 10pm EST.
OH! This weblog thing is fun! Beth, if you ever want someone to fill in for you, please ask me!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Hey, this is fun! One from the Michael Moore list -Mike's TV series, The Awful Truth will be starting it's second season on the Bravo Channel, on Wednesday, May 17. If you don't know who Michael Moore is, he's the guy who did the movie Roger and Me. The show is probably one of the best on TV, focusing on Unions, worker rights, and corporate abuses. Excellent TV for all the Socialists in the audience (solidarity brother).
Check out the Website for synopsis and Realmedia of last season:
The Awful TruthEnjoy!
*Beth, hope there's no too much HTML to fix -I'm lost without Homesite!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
A couple of links to go with my shit fit in the "Share something" thread:Kingdome Imploded in Seattle: ``It just happened so fast. Everyone started clapping. They were just gasping and yelling and clapping,'' said Susan Clark, one of about 130 people who watched the implosion at a $250-a-head fundraiser from the 11th floor of a nearby building.
Husky Stadium collapsing in 1987, halfway through its initial construction.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
Here's one for the bizzare files,Telephone Area Codes and their biblical connections.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
I don't have a link but I just wanted to point out to Kristin that the teachers in British Columbia are not on strike, the support staff (janitors) are.The teachers are in fact losing out big time because they will not be getting any strike pay for the lost days but they cannot cross the picket line because of their union.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
I thought that this was funny, but I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I'm tired, so I could be wrong.For the feline lovers among us, there's Shop Cat.
And I like Epicurious.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
There was something about this headline that just about killed me..Tax-free condoms rub conservatives the wrong way.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Found this today: Silicon Valley Tarot.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
What does the TARGET="_top" tag do? When I give links, I just use the anchor tag.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
It makes it so that links open outside the frame. Otherwise, if people read the forum within the frames on my site, any links they follow will load inside the frame.I guess I should have spelled that out. Anyway, it looks like this:
A HREF="" TARGET="_top"
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Aha, that makes sense. You need to close the tag with at the end, right?
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
I tried to follow the instructions...really I did! ;-)Anyway... Blame Canada for sure eh?
A HREF="" TARGET="_top"
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Oops! I should have been even MORE clear. Cathy, you don't need to type all of that, that's only if you're making an actual link. How's about this: if you don't know HTML, do what Cathy did the FIRST time, and just type the url, like this:
And we can cut and paste. If you DO know HTML and you want to link, try to use the target tag. I was about to tell you exactly how to make a link so that those of you who don't know HTML (and really, there's nothing wrong with that -- I don't know Swedish!) can make links, but it's probably best if you just type it out.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Ok Beth! :-) Check this out then... No wonder all those Crazy Canuck guys have such short, yet ugly, haircuts! ;-)
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
From andrea's post about the tax-free condoms:``It's promoting promiscuity,'' Cathie Adams, president of the Texas Eagle Forum, a conservative group, told the Dallas Morning News. ``It's giving young people a confused message. At home they are learning one thing and our tax code is teaching them something different.''
If the tax code is teaching anyone anything, it's teaching us that we're all going to get screwed anyway, so maybe the gov't's doing us a favor by giving us tax-free condoms.
Lighten up, you damn conservatives!
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Here's a good article about why so many women drop out of technical positions and why the industry better wise up and fix things.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
I've always been a sucker for modern folklore stories, and my favorite one has always been the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. Just the other day I stumbled across this really extensive site which comes up with pretty conclusive proof about what happened to her. Check it out. (I used the TARGET="new" tag instead. That way, people won't have to leave this forum and can still take a look, without having to resort to their right mouse button. I prefer it that way, personally.)
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2000
Here's a blurb about a study I wrote about in my journal last week. The study showed that finger lengths differed in gay and straight women and men, and the author postulates that this may be due to differential exposure to androgens in utero.I went to a talk the author gave last week, so I heard about the study then. So I guess this goes to show that you should all read my journal for the inside scoop on exciting breakthroughs in science!
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2000
I found your journal entry very interesting, Jen. Unfortunately the article tends to contradict your assertion that straight men have the lowest index:ring finger length ratio. So maybe your journal isn't such a great source of factual scientific information.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2000
What I wrote was factual, but a simplification, as are the reports in the popular press, which is why there is an apparent contradiction. If you would like me to clarify further, you can either e-mail me directly or read the actual article when it comes out this week.
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2000
A test for ya'll:
-- Anonymous, March 31, 2000