Any experience with Nikon 2X for coolpix? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anybody have experience using the Nikon 2x teleconverter for the coolpix 950? how about the Tiffen model? Is either worth having? Does the loss of depth of field and aperture make them tough to shoot with?

Thanks, Robbie

-- Robert Gurganus (, March 26, 2000


Well, I bought the converter only to find to my horror that it is worse than useless outdoors as it obscures the optical viewfinder. I have yet to be able to take a decent picture to find out whether or not the $$ were well spent. *G*

-- Robin Rowlands (, March 26, 2000.

I have used the 2X teleconverter on the Nikon CP950 with no great difficulty. Does take a bit of time to learn to use the lcd display in fairly bright light (for me, being nearsighted it means taking my glasses off) but after learning that trick I find it works quite well. Take a look at this image of my grandson on a slide at a local park.

2 year old grandson

-- Bill Cook (, March 26, 2000.

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