Boo! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hey all, just thought I'd drop a line and say hey! Know I havn't talked to you all in a while, keep the email coming and I'll try to stop by more often!Peace!
-- Drizzt (, March 26, 2000
hey drizzt! How are you and chip doing? : ) Did you two ever finish that sci-fi/fantasy story? I hope I catch up with you online soon.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 26, 2000.
*laughs* Nope, havn't touched it since I talked to you last more than likely. This year has been sucking all my free time up with papers and projects....I'll get it there though! *grin*Drizzt
-- Drizzt (, March 26, 2000.