Hey, it's art.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

There is a new development in the world of Fon Flux. I have constructed a Flux-themed building in the 3D Active Worlds program. This program is an enormous virtual reality chatroom, spanning several 'worlds'. My building is not Goodchild Tower, unfortunately, but it's nice. You can go to www.activeworlds.com and download the free software required to become a tourist in Active Worlds and come check it out. It is located in Alpha World at 7n 4908e. Build an addition while you're there, if you like. I hope to see you all there.

-- neobe316 aka Stonce (neobe@kscable.com), March 25, 2000


ART, you say? I'm there.

-- Frostbite (mbkrooks@bellsouth.net), March 31, 2000.

Actually, 3 buildings now: Tower 314507, a visitor's center, and a communications center; it's all in the same little area - you can't miss it.

-- Stonce Anomi (neobe@kscable.com), March 31, 2000.

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