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Is there a way of saving desktop appearance schemes on windows NT so that I can use them from workstation to workstation? I mean things like colours, icon spacing, wallpapers and screensavers etc etc. I've just come up with a real mint one, and I don't wanna lose it when I log off. Please help someone!

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000


I use a Laptop and my wallpaper travels everywhere with me!

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000

This is of no help at all.

But my wallpaper is the Mackems Guide to the Premiership, which I got from Talk of the Tyne. Makes me laugh everytime I see it.


-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000

Speaking of screen savers, does anyone know if last year's version(from teh official s*ite) works on NT? I'm finally getting a new laptop at work(no, they're not the least bit worried that I'll walk at any minute. hee!) and it will be NT as oppsed to win95 that I've got now.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000

The desktop settings are stored profile by profile on the NT box itself - someone more technical than me might offer up a registry setting where this is (boringly probably in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive) so if you move across onto different machines you'll have to bring the whole lot over and then either set up from scratch(y) or save the files to the same place and drag over the appropriate registry key.
That's enough for a Monday morning.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000

You should be able to set up a roaming profile that will 'follow' you to whatever station you log on. It's fairly straightforward, but you may have to be set up as administrator of your workstation to start with, or, if you're well enough in with your systems admin people, get them to do it.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000

Well I have a folder in my f drive which allows me to play with application data, and there is a login.nt file there. I've managed to get it to come up with my wallpaper when I log in, but how do I set colour schemes, font settings etc?

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000

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