Reserve team line up : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Now that we have trimmed the squad a little, what will the reserve team line up like now. Is there a chance that the lads like Kerr, Green and Chopra could be given that push towards the first team squad. It would give us a chance to see if they are capable of moving up the grade.

Softie any ideas?

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000


Welcome De Builder. Are you new here as I haven't seen your handle before? or Are you a lurker from the previous BBS or someone who has changed their alias?

I asked this question a little while ago, and got the answer that some of the first teamers will play a bit more often in the reserves.

As for who'll be regulars in the reserve team next year...

We'll need a new reserve team keeper as Perez, Karelse, Martin (U.19's keeper) are all oot the door in the summer. So says Bobby.

Pual Robinson appears to be the only striker we'll keep, who's been a regular in the reserves. Though Softie and many other, myself included, will be hopping Coppinger returns/stays. (Hey softie Coppy coped the FourFourTwo curse).

As for midfielders. McClen is staying (why?), Green and Kerr while still U.19s are likely to play more often than they have this season. gavilan is still a posibility as he has Dyer and Solano ahead of him. If we get two new midfielders Lee might put in some appearances here. While Maric, Glass, Brady, Fumaca and Antunes are all outa here.

As for defence. Stephen Caldwell will be back. I don't know what's happened to David Beherall as I haven't heard of him all season, he's not on the transfer list and as far as I know has been left. I expect Griffin and Hughes might play a bit more reserve football if the defence doesn't suffer to many injuries next season, as they aren't likely to get much of a look in unless they're playing LB. Gary Caldwell, while still being in the U.19s next season is also likely to play a fair bit.

As for Chopra, he'll be moving up to the U.19's next season, but is likely to start appearing on the bench for the reserves. Also Shola Amoebi, our Nigerian striker from the U.19s is also likely to start getting some time in the reserves as well.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2000

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