Warning issued on oxygen canisters

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Updated: Thursday, Mar. 23, 2000 at 18:24 CST

Government issues warning on oxygen canisters By The Associated Press HOUSTON -- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Aeriform, a Houston company, have requested that all air cylinders purchased in the last two months marked "compressed air - breathing" be checked for oxygen content. Aeriform joined OSHA in issuing the warning after two sandblasters at a Harris County chemical plant died Tuesday while cleaning boilers. They were breathing through masks connected to similar cylinders, which have been found to have had inadequate oxygen levels.

The cylinders were filled by Aeriform, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The company shipped the class D breathing cylinders to companies in the Houston, Port Arthur, Beaumont and Corpus Christi areas.

Records cannot confirm which companies received cylinders or where they might have gone after being received by the initial companies.

Distributed by The Associated Press (AP)

-- mike in houston (mmorris67@hotmail.com), March 24, 2000

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