John R W Stott Outline : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I just returned from the Ivy Jungle (College ministry) University Church Conference. If you are involved in college-age ministry, either on the campus setting or in the local congregation I highly suggest getting involved with the Ivy Jungle, through their monthly newsletter, the Ivy Jungle Report, and through their various ministries. Feel free to e-mail me directly for more info.

One of the guest speakers at the conference was John R W Stott. Here is a very basic outline of his message, The Paradox of Preaching

Authentic Christian Preaching Must Be Both:

I. Biblical and Contemporary
A. A biblical exposition of the Word of God. We are the trustees of the revelation of God, and what the Almighty sets the bounds to, we must not pass.
B. Contemporary in that it resonates with the modern world. While it is true that the text means what it says, what the author meant it to say, it may have many messages thru application.
C. Authentic biblical preacher is bridge building.

II. Authoritative and Tentative
A. Using conviction and courage, preachers must share the truth of the Word.
B. While this is true, we must lead the sheep to biblical pastures so they can feed themselves.
C. Dont let the fact that we have the truth cloud our presentation to a lost and dying world.
D. Present that truth in a way that it will be accepted by those who truly believe.

III. Prophetic and Pastoral (Firm and Gentle)
A. We must bear witness to what God has revealed with boldness, but without being insensitive.
B. Deal gently with those who are slow to believe.
C. We cant be one or the other  we must be both.
D. Biblical preaching should disturb the comfortable  and comfort the disturbed.

IV. Gifted and Studied
A. Preachers are called of God to serve His kingdom through the Word.
B. Though called, they must continue to study, to be developed and nurtured.

V. Thoughtful and Passionate
A. The mind and the emotion are fully engaged.
B. Some are champions of biblical orthodoxy, with sermons as dry as dust, no feeling, no heart.
C. Others are all fire, but no light, like the prophets of baal, with a long appeal but no exposition of the Word.
D. We must be both.
E. We need balanced biblical Christianity.

Baxter  First the light, then the heart.
Loyld-Jones  Preaching is logic on fire.

A young man was standing before the preaching board in England, worried as to if he would be given his license to preach or not. When asked if he thought he was ready to head out to bring the Word of God to the masses, he stated, Honestly, I dont know if I can set the Thames River on fire. One of the older men on the board replied, I dont care if you set the Thames River on fire  I just want to know one thing: If I drop you into the Thames  will you sizzle?

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I would add, gentlemen, when you are given the chance to preach the Word, do you sizzle, or do you fizzle?

Darrell H Combs

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000



That's some good stuff you got there. I'd love to get their newsletter & any other materials as I'm about to start the most important of college ministries - my oldest son starts college in the Fall.

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000

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