UK - Delays Mar Demon ADSL : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
[Fair use for education and research only]Posted 23/03/2000 4:00pm by Tim Richardson
Delays mar Demon ADSL trials
Demon's trial of BT's ADSL service is suffering severe delays due to cancelled installations and faulty services, The Register has learned.
Sources close to the trial claim that of the 500 people supposed to be hooked up to the trial, only ten per cent have so far been connected. Of the 50 kits installed, 17 don't work.
It's understood that at least one user has lost the use of his BT phone line completely - and standard BT engineers won't touch it because it's an ADSL line.
Last Friday BT cancelled all but one of the 30-something installations that were due for last Monday. Such a last minute change to scheduled installations appears to be a less-than-isolated incident.
Demon is reported to be holding back on arranging further BT installation appointments until it gets assurances from BT that it has the capacity to do so without cancelling them at the last minute.
A spokeswoman for Demon said the company did not comment on rumour or speculation.
A BT spokesman said he wasn't aware of any problems. "We've received no customer complaints and are not aware of any problems," he said.
The Register understands that the service is fab, when it does work.
-- (, March 23, 2000