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What is a screener? What does Telesync mean? Are ther other "silver" VCD terms I should be aware of? Thanks for the help,
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, March 23, 2000
SCREENER: is an acutal video copy of the film. More so a promo release. Tp put it more simply the qulaity is as if you just rented it in the store. All they are, are "very advanced" tapes to show movie houses and video stores to see if they would want the film. TELESYNC: movie recorded from a screen, BUT in an empty theatre
-- Doug (, March 23, 2000.
i bought a screener from and it was good quality the film was "Ravenous" also the eddie murphy film "life" was good quality also
-- jone beresford (, March 24, 2000.
Screener and Telesync are two methods piraters get away with to make their VCDs. Since they make lots they can make dedicated pressed (read: "silver") VCDs for next to nothing and then proclaim that since unlike us hobbyists they do not use CD-Rs they sell the Real McCoy. You might have inferred "screener" and "telesync" have little to do with "silver" VCD; the former two are sneaky pirate avenues; the last generally refers to a "pressed" (or stamped) CD, (like original audio CDs you buy from HMV, not CD-R or CD-RW we are wont to use for our VCD creation interests here).
-- EMartinez (, March 25, 2000.