What lessons have you learned lately?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
What has life taught you lately? Did you feel like you were being bashed over the head with the information?
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000
Life has taught me (again) that just as things get settled and calm down a little bit, they will get all shaken up again in short order.My journal is titled Thursday's Child for a reason -- I should have known that finding somplace I like living was too good to last.
It is my destiny to be constantly uprooted and schlepped three thousand miles across continents, oceans, whatever.
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000
Trust my intuition. Trust my intuition. In everything I do - from working in the darkroom to sorting out problems for and with friends. Intuition. It's been trying to make me trust it for years. I don't, and I should. It is rarely wrong.
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000
Learned. relearned and learned over again. We old, lame and halt seem to be still trying to do what was easy and quick for us when we were younger.So, I would think by now I would have learned it and have it down pat, no ? The formula in my engine doesn't like the low octane fuel, but if it tries to go on high test it will throw a rod, break a crankshaft or just do a, "Wonderful One Hoss Shay" and fall apart period.
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000
Recent life lessons:
- Always keep an open mind. The possibilities are endless.
- Take a risk. If you don't give something a try, you'll never know if you might have succeeded.
- When things don't work out the way you planned, it's usually for the best.
- When you expect the worst, the worst is even worse than you expected.
- If you don't ask, the answer is always "no".
- Roll with it, baby, roll with it.
Honestly, these are the little gems I'm learning to live by. Oh here's another one, but it's something I learned a loong time ago, but am finally learning to accept:
Mom is ALWAYS right! (Well, mine is at least! And man I really used to despise that!)
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000
Learned then ignored then relearned then forgot then recently relearned with a vengeance."You'll have nothing if you don't take care of yourself and your health"
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000
Major lesson: never ever reveal personal information in a forum.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000
...even under an assumed name.Also: You can never, ever be anal-retentive enough to satisfy all the bureaucrats in your life, and yet you are obliged to keep trying. (special lesson April 15 every year.)
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000
4 20oz glasses of Shiner Bock are more effective than any laxative.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000
One lesson I've learned over and over again is that who you are on the inside matters not one whit.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000