Militia Cell Still In Bunker Waiting for Y2K! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Militia Cell Still In Bunker Waiting for Y2K!

Militia Commander unable to persuade members to come out!

One of the provisions of our Y2K preparedness was to have individual cells under their own command in the event of the Y2K UN/NWO/Amish Invasion. These cells were to hold up in their locations, complete with supplies to meet whatever may come. One of these cells chose to hold up in their bunker. Completely sealed off from the outside world and completely self sufficient. This meant that they would assess their own situations and act according to their own judgment. This was deemed necessary in the event the invasion cut off communications to cells within the militia. They would not be dependent for anything. Not for food, shelter, or even communications. Now therein lies the problem. We never thought that Y2K would be a bust. The Amish were held at bay (at least for time being) by our efforts. (click for details) Now our problem is trying to get these guys to come out. We have tried everything. We contacted them by e-mail. They thought we were setting a trap. We phoned them. Another trap. We tried radio contact (with our secret code). They still thought trap. Thought we had been captured and tortured into giving our code. We tried to make personal contact. Our members were tear gassed. I myself appealed to them with a bull horn. They said I was some tricky Amish commie and would send me to meet my ancestors if I didn't get my lying humble butt out of there.

Continued efforts to coax these guys out have been met with stiffer and stiffer resistance. We may have to launch an offensive on the bunker to save these guys. This will undoubtedly mean casualties on both sides, but we are talking militiaman's lives here. We owe it to these guys to go in and get them, no matter how many are sacrificed. This is the cost of freedom.

-- Norm (, March 23, 2000



Obviosuly a parody web site-and a good one at that. Great find, Norm.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), March 23, 2000.

Reminds me of the movie poltergeist[sp?]. The part where the minister convinces everyone to go into a cave and seal it because the end of the world is coming.

LOL What a bunch of dufus'! Dufuses? LOL

Seems to me though that using force to get them out is stupid because of the chance of losing lives. If they stay in, fine. Why bother?

After all, they are supposed to be self-sufficient, right? LOL

let 'em alone. ROTFL

-- I hear you knocking (, March 23, 2000.

It is our duty to save them from themselves. Call in the FBI, the exact team that saved the Davidians in Waco should do it. This time they will be able to prove they didn't fire on the bunkerites. Edited videos will be available for only four easy payments of $19.99 plus 5.99 shipping and handling.

-- r (, March 23, 2000.

The Amish???!!! Since when have the Amish become a threat? What're they gonna do, run us over with a buggy? Maybe throw rocks at us? Raise a barn around us so quickly that we're trapped?

Pretty funny story. Unfortunately, it sounds plausible.


-- Jimmy Splinters (, March 23, 2000.


You are too much!!! LOL ROTFLMAO !!!!!

-- tears in my ears (iml@aughing.too.hard), March 23, 2000.

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