Unemulated roms?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi, I have been given lots of roms I think haven't been emulated yet... but since I'm not sure, if anyone can help, you're welcome! Here's a brief list: Thundercade Scud Race Rival Schools united by fate Mortal Kombat 3 ...more to come... thanks a lot.

-- Mr. Vaz (elvasco@tin.it), March 22, 2000


Thundercade: Not sure, may be in progress, but don't hold your breath

Scud Race: Haven't heard of this one before, anyone else?

Rival Schools: United by Fate: Capcom ZN-2 - emulated by Impact.

MK3: Not until the protection is cracked at least.

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hn.pl.net), March 22, 2000.

Scud Race.... Muahahahahahaha.

Yeah, right. :)

Actually, I suppose it's possible these days since it was a racing game from about 3-4 years ago. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the US Version, though. Pretty sweet graphics, and you got to ride in a McLaren, a Viper, and two other cars. All the cabs I saw for this game were the huge variety with a seat that moved around during play.

But at any rate, I wouldn't expect this one to show up from the MAME crew (or any other emulators) for a little while. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing Daytona USA 1&2, Sega Rally Championship and others...

Brian McLean

-- Brian McLean (bmclean84@hotmail.com), March 23, 2000.

I'm sorry, there was a mistake. It wasn't Scud Race, it was Rad Mobile. Sorry again.

-- Mr. Vaz (elvasco@tin.it), March 24, 2000.

I WANT SCUD RACE. Where can I get it, I mean it is 8 years old, but I still play it almost eveeryday at the arcades

-- Maplassie (rene@aplustech.co.za), December 07, 2004.

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