Where to trade HIGH quality VCD TV shows? Anyone?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm looking to find a place to trade high quality VCDs of TV series. I'm currently recording Space Above and Beyond(SAAB) from the Sci-Fi channel and Gundam Wing from the Cartoon Channel.I'm looking for people to trade with that have recorded in high quality (704x480 capture to 352x240 NTSC using Panasoinc or equivalent quality) and good production (commercials cut out, talking over credits removed, etc.).
I'm looking for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, movies not available on DVD like Princess Bride, Star Wars Trilogy, Indiana Jones Trilogy, etc. One episode per VCD.
If you know of a good place or you want to trade, or do a "This week, I'll record this, you recorded that and swap", I'm all for that. I want high quality. NO pixilation.
Let's talk.
-- Michael S. Gilmore (mgilmore@san.rr.com), March 21, 2000
Oh forgot. The Outer Limits and X-Files are good too =) Although, I'll probably just buy the X-Files 5th season and some Friends episodes because they can be bought.
-- Michael S. Gilmore (mgilmore@san.rr.com), March 21, 2000.
Damn... How could I forget Babylon 5!!! I guess I'm going to just talk to myself in this thread ;)
-- Michael S. Gilmore (mgilmore@san.rr.com), March 22, 2000.
Hi Michael,My store offers a couple of TV Series VCDs for sale at rock bottom prices. All items are original and I simply detest pirates.
I current stock X-Files and Babylon Movies and Series. I will add friends next week. If you are interested, come to store at
-- vince (webmaster@videovalley.com), March 22, 2000.
i bet my sweet ass that the man who posted the request posted the answer too.... xaxaxaaxaax
-- Nick Morgan Parsons (lula_popa@yahoo.com), April 22, 2002.
I have a few TV shows in VCD, and sone in DivX which you can convert to vcd. If your interested, e-mail me.
-- Adam (simpsons2006@hotmail.com), August 02, 2002.