Garbage-in Garbage-out AVI file vs Mpeg-2 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have ATI AWI 128 32mb PCI.Usually I captured Avi file from my card (VCR2 Mode)and encode it to LSX for VCD ready Mpeg file. The result was acceptable quality,less jerky motion than direct capture mpeg-1. Recently I experiment to capture Mpeg-2 file and edit it to Video Studio V.4 and export out to Vcd-mpeg-1 file. The quality was much nicer than capturing AVI files.It was almost the same as the source file. Did anyone there use this method? It another way around of capturing uncompressed AVI file w/c the encoder use GIGO encoding (garbage-in Garbage out).

-- Ismael R. domingo (, March 20, 2000


What data rate did you use for the capture and at what frame size?

If you have the Panasonic encoder I would be very interested in your comments relating to quality. In my tests, using the Panasonic encoder it gave better results than using the LSX based encoders from the timeline in VS4 and MS6.

I cannot capture in Mpeg2 but I have a lot of stuff which has been archived in DVD compliant VBR mpeg2 files and I used them to do this output test in both VS4 and MS6 (same encoder in each), but in my view the quality produced by the Panasonic was better.


-- Ross McL (, March 21, 2000.

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