Centuries old condoms give weight to size debate

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Centuries old condoms give weight to size debate


Some of the world's oldest surviving condoms have been unveiled for the first time in London and their size is puzzling historians.

The 350-year-old sheaths are made of animal's intestine with a ribbon sewn into the open end, so they can be drawn tightly to secure them in place.

The 17th century condoms were discovered in the latrine of a tower in central England during an excavation.

Also on display at the British Museum are a pair of 18th century condoms made of the same material.

What is puzzling historians is the fact that the 17th century condoms are about 18 millimetres narrower than the modern versions, while the 18th century examples are about 11 millimetres wider.

But using either size was hardly an act of spontaneity for lovers, they had to be softened in warm milk overnight before use.

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 19, 2000


Thanks Uncle Bob, All my life, I knew there was something I'd been wanting to know, but I didn't know I wanted to know it. Actually, I'm not sure I want to know it now. But now that I know it.....I'm sure this knowledge will come in handy to know.

-- gilda (jess@ listbot.com), March 19, 2000.

"What is puzzling historians is the fact that the 17th century condoms are about 18 millimetres narrower than the modern versions, while the 18th century examples are about 11 millimetres wider."

Intestines are organic material, made up of cells that dry up and shrink over time, just as leather does.

-- (Elementary@watson.com), March 19, 2000.

they had to be softened in warm milk overnight before use.

Oh! Now I have something to tease my aunt about when she takes a glass of warm milk to bed.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.


I knew I wished I'd of been born in the 18th century.....

now, correct me if i'm wrong, so this implies the 18th were somewhat, eh, um shall I say a 'tad bit' larger?

oh well, I'll have mine w/out the milk.

====consumer who is having a rough day anyhow.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

sheaths are made of animal's intestine...

Am I the only one here who finds this on the gross side? I know that they didn't have latex, but I remember reading somewhere that women in Italy used carved out lemons in the same way modern diaphrams are used (lemons are acid, as are modern spermicides).

I think I'd rather deal with lemons over animal intestines.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

opps -- didn't mean for the above to be thought of as sexist. Maybe ladies wouldn't want to deal with lemons. Either way, I'm glad that I don't live back then.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

...which leads me to my favorite pickup line "Darling, does this condom make me look fat?"

-- Big Brother (bigbrother@hotmail.com), March 19, 2000.

Was it the Italians that phrased, "Go suck a lemon?"

-- (vitaminC@pucker.up), March 19, 2000.

ROFL Pucker.Up!

Kb8, back then, people didn't just use intestines as condoms. Their more extensive use was for sausage casings. In europe, they STILL use intestines for sausage casings, and some farm-made sausages here in the states are still cased in intestines, like the Amish for example. There's nothing unhealthy about thoroughly cleaned inttestines.

Using intestines for condoms beats using candy wrappers, IMO, as reportedly the some Australian youth are said to do, in a Discovery Canada Channel documentary on birth control history. The show aired 2 months ago. The scooped-out lemon device was also mentioned, along with other even more bizzarre devices.

When people are desperate enough for a solution to a problem, creativity abound.

-- (elementary@watson.com), March 19, 2000.

You can still get "skins" -- Four-X brand. MUCH better feeling than rubbers. But skins are not as good for virus protection as rubbers, so in this age of AIDS paranoia they are not as popular/wellknown. They do work just as well for syph and clap prevention, though.

But if it's only birth control you're interested in, rather than disease protection, skins are just as good. Of course, even more reliable is soixante-neuf or the old "Hershey Highway". :o)

-- A (A@AisA.com), March 19, 2000.

(deleted obcenities and moved post to Deleted posts/threads from TB2K Spinoff Uncensored. OTFR)

-- monkey spanker (hawkcanstillkissmy@ss.now), March 20, 2000.

(See above. OTFR)

-- Boswell (fundown@the.farm), March 20, 2000.

OMG AA! Thanks for sharin

Now all you have to do is talk your wife or your girlfriend into it. Good luck

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 20, 2000.

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