Fer Gods' Sakegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Enough, Already! with the Census pananoia! You would be better served by watching the plane chemtrail thing. One fellow wrote he has lived in the same place for 25 years, and he was suspicious of a Census taker who showed up on his place. Like it was some Gov't conspiracy. I am here to tell you, the Census Takers, come from all walks of life. My Mother was one, for one year, extra money and all. She went down one unknown road after another, to full fill her duty, in order to get a weekly pay check. YOU know you have been there for 25 years, does anyone else? You think because you have resided in same place, you should have a stone, etched with same? You think, you believe, you exist in Infamy, because you have been in the same spot of the earth. Your small spot means nothing, in our life, Claim it, all you may. There is another life to follow ours (though we thought this life form might end a couple month's ago). Your Great Grandchildren may someday search the archive of records, for your name, for some search of their heritage, from whence they came. And before we get all paranoid about giving out our personal information, God said, there is Nothing, an other human, can do to you. Fer your Great Grand Children's sakes, answer the Questionare, leave a trace for those who follow, and load up your gun if you want to, and shoot the be-Jesus out of any who try to take away your freedom. Just leave a trail, a crumb, for those , of your blood, who follow you.
-- Census (p@ranoia.com), March 18, 2000
Census paranoia occurs about every 10 years, if my memory serves me right....Now this is a funny issue. Here we have Big Bro' doing the official count - "how many in household", "what color are you favorite socks?", etc. and we get a tad suspicious....and complain about it on the internet where everywhere we go we get "cookied" and tracked and maybe even our email address lifted through that wonderful Microsoft enabled operating system/browser/Outlook Express "integration"....
How many cookies....in YOUR tray? Ever looked at them? Will you be suprised to even see your real NAME in some of them? Welcome to the REAL BIG BROTHER - Korporate USA! ;)
-- FactFinder (FactFinder@bzn.com), March 18, 2000.
Dear Factfinder, "they" can investigate my "Cookies". until the cows come home. I haven't figured out how to vanish all the places I have visited, who placed the ugly cookies , to haunt me until 2003(the devils). But I do not fear, any of them. I speak rarely, but when I do, I speak from the heart. Flame me if you are inclined, But I stand slow, and smoldering, for truth.
-- Fer Gods' Sake (p@rnanoia.com), March 19, 2000.
IT is not the census taker it is the questionaire. There is no reason to ask personal questions.The consituition doesn't ask for this kind of thing.
-- ET (bneville@zebra.net), March 19, 2000.
Census...just what are you saying? {smirk}
-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.
It's not $10/hour Joe Smith Censustaker that I want to avoid. It's the IDEA of some government buearucrat schmuck asshole leech punk having my home phone number and 51 personal details about MY life.My great granchildren can look in my kid's photo album.
If we keep kissing Big-Government ASS, ny grandchildren will just be slaves on the plantation anyway.
When I see a government punk leech i puke. The SENSE-US is a perfect example of illegal intimidation and nosy bullshit from liars.
-- SENSE-US (theDOGateIT@dot.com), March 19, 2000.
Hannibal Lecter enjoys census takers....With a big honkin' plate of fava beans and a nice chianti.
-- CJS (cjs@noemail.com), March 19, 2000.
For God's Sake - you are soo-o-o-o-o- right! And didja ever think about this? Those folks who are complaining about the census, refusing to answer, saying that they are standing up for their rights and saying they'll pay the fine rather than answer - just by paying the fine their name will be on the rolls.
-- imho (Redy@or.not), March 19, 2000.
Census:Enough, Already! with the Census pananoia! You would be better served by watching the plane chemtrail thing. One fellow wrote he has lived in the same place for 25 years, and he was suspicious of a Census taker who showed up on his place. Like it was some Gov't conspiracy
My point exactly. sarcasm key depressed Let me guess, in school you were known for your ability to read, retain and understand. sarcasm key released
Well, off again.
Best wishes,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 19, 2000.
Just leave a trail, a crumb, for those , of your blood, who follow you.Census, the genealogists of the future have other sources beside the census. Obviously, the census was a great help in tracking wholesale moves, like those 60+ families who left Western New York and settled in Southeastern Michigan ca. 1830 - 32, but the genealogists of 2080 will have vast amounts of information on the computers, especially if the Mormons continue their efforts. I fully expect current tax rolls to be available to reseachers by the end of my lifetime, if not sooner, so don't sweat the census holdouts. If it's necessary, a good genealogist will be able to find most of them, assuming they're not Amish -- that's another problem, entirely.
-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.
I address two of the responses. "Cin", I have read your posting over time, to be one of the most caustic responses that I have seen one human deliver to another. Your posts lack a feeling of one humanity to another. You deliver quick and fast, a fast punch at one's level of questioning, to disqualify their post. This is an ugliness on your soul. I don't care how freaking "puter smart" you are, you seem to be lacking in the "kindess area". The next response to ZIX, no, I was not Valedictorian of my class. I have had "mind lapses" from one time to another, and I am not an brain brilliant endowed, in this life time, but I know truth when I see it feel it, read it, hear it. Frankly, I was surprised by your sarcasm. Your previous posts seemed to be objective. Enough for this thread.
-- Census (p@ranoia.com), March 19, 2000.