Good news and bad news : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Okay, the good news is Editrix now knows why she's felt so awful for the last year.

The bad news is they think it's a minor blockage or damage to the heart, so I'm going in this upcoming Wednesday (all day -- home in the evening, if all is simple) to have a widdle bitty catheter put up, up, up into the heart (I get to watch on a screen -- I'm going to demand still photos so I can annoy people with pics of the inside of my heart -- high on the weird-geekdom scale). They'll see what's wrong, and probably fix it right then and there.

The good news embedded in all this is I'll be cutting back on my work and have been ordered to "take it easy" for a few weeks following the procedure. So -- more time for me online! :-) Hey, sitting on my butt at the computer is something I can deal with. (heh)

So ... here's my request: would you guys light candles, sacrifice incense, sacrifice squirrels, chant ... whatever you "do," and send those good woodgies my way on Wednesday? Much thanks -- and much love to you all. I know I'll be fine. It's actually a very simple procedure -- and afterwards, I'm going to be back to my old self, they say. Whooohooo! Watch out!!! Editrix will be back in force!! (wicked grin)

-- editrix (, March 18, 2000


Hey You! I have "opium spring" incense burning just now as I write to wish you a silent chant of OOOMMMMM [dylexics read MOOOOO] and let us all see you "present" as you feel you want to be in Exile! P.S. If you prefer another scented incense? I have "Virgin Spring". Just let me know what works for you!!!! hahaha...Sib

-- Sibil (, March 18, 2000.

All the best Edi. I know you will be fine and feeling tons better soon!



-- Shel (, March 18, 2000.

I'll be thinking about you on Wednesday. I'll even do my version of the prayer thing. Just picture me shivering "nekkid" out in my backyard at 5:00 in the morning doing the power dance and you should be just fine! Seriously, I hope you come home soon and have a little relaxing fun online. Moo!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 19, 2000.

Wishing you all the best. All our prayers are with you... Jas (goal__)

-- Jas B (, March 20, 2000.

Ok I'm trying to be patient but not having much luck. If anyone knows how Editrix is please post a message here!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 23, 2000.

Editrix reports this afternoon that that she passed the eschemia diagnostic evaluation with flying colors, and that the earlier test was apparently a false positive. There is however, more to undergo~~to get off this adventure into Scientific-Non-Wonderland. Perhaps this was all the fault of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, 4000 years ago? If you get your hands on those arterial images you had done, Edit, show us the "arteries of a nine-year-old", and the heart of an "ox" you claim you have! Until we hear from you, repose in comfort; bathe with candle light.

-- Sibil (, March 23, 2000.

*hallelujah* Yee haw!!! That's the best news i've heard in days. Thanks sib. : ) Tomorrow night 8 p.m. Central Standard time we celebrate OK?

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 23, 2000.

Laighe, I want to know if the celebration is PotLuck or not?

-- Sibil (, March 23, 2000.

BYO everything! LOL

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 24, 2000.

Eash I hope all is really well editrix !! I do have some favors with some saints, Ill ask them to keep an eye upon you.. best to you

-- oblivoin (, March 25, 2000.

always available when Im about bell, Just IM

-- oblvion (, March 25, 2000.

Hi oblivion! I hope she's really ok too. Until I "see" her in Exile I won't be completely sure myself... Get well soon Edit!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 26, 2000.

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