VCD that plays on my VCD and not my computer! Help! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I made a VCD using Adaptec EZ CD Creator 3.0 and 4.0 using the same mpeg. For some reason these VCDs won't play in my computer but they'll play in my Pioneer 525. I can read the file systems in my computer but when I try to play the VCD (when program tries to read the *.dat) I get read errors.Has anyone had this problem? Also, in EZ CD there is an option to choose the "size" of selections. Does anyone know what this does and whats it for?
Thanks in advance,
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, March 18, 2000
That they play on your Pioneer means they're okay. What application are you using on your PC to play them?? Most will get away on Windows Media Player or Xing. The playable files are the *.dat files in the MPEGAV and SEGMENT directories.
-- EMartinez (, March 19, 2000.