I need conversation!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I could really do with some company! I've been desperatly been trying to joint davinchi's notebook but to no avail. I feel a little like belladonna, pretty, bitter, and eventually poisenous to those who are too close to me. I don't know what kind of people you are, but you seem to have somthing that I lack - conversation.
-- belladonna (effin-likely@excite.com), March 18, 2000
I'm willing to converse and I'm sure many others are too but please remind me not to get too close to you. Eek! LOL
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), March 19, 2000.
Thanks - Belladonna's not really that bad - In fact it can be quite hallucinogenic i've heard! Perhaps my last comment was a little less than inspiring chat, i'm not always so desparing. Its just that i seem to have collected more books than chat of late and i need an escape. My schedual is too eratic for most folk except for those close to me. Thanks again LOL....
-- effin-likely (effin-likely@excite.com), March 19, 2000.