Why are vile posts about LadyLogic deleted, but not vile posts about Diane Squires?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


-- Sysop is a hypocrite (@ .), March 18, 2000


SIMPLE. Someone's ratings fell. Another's rose. Though suggesting that someone slept with the Head Censor was a bit uncalled for (without facts and IV. & V.)



-- The Shadow (shadow@knows.com), March 18, 2000.

I agree that at least one of the posts (and maybe more) about Dianne Squire were uncalled for. But to answer your question as to why that post hasn't been deleted, I would guess that its because Dianne hasn't asked for it to be deleted.

-- Malcolm Taylor (taylorm@es.co.nz), March 18, 2000.

It is not the same as someone posting their own personal information and having another person asking for its removal.

Perhaps OTFR just hasn't seen it yet?

-- your full name (yourem@il.address), March 18, 2000.

I also find the "vile post" about DJS to be offensive and request that it and others like it be deleted.

OTFR -- If you agree, please make it happen.


-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), March 18, 2000.

Im opposed to ANY deletions, as it will start a course of action that will be difficult to reverse. It has been said a million times before, Just dont read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 18, 2000.

I see your point, RA, but when the title itself is offensive it keeps getting shoved in your face.

That's why I earlier suggested possibly relegating such things to an Archive (rather than actually deleting them), where they would still be accessible by those who wish to read them. Of course, as was explained, they would keep on popping up again in New Answers whenever someone posted an answer, so this idea wasn't a great solution.

I guess that tolerating them is better than "creeping censorship" if there is no better alternative.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), March 18, 2000.

Uno momento, por favor,

I don't think there's anyone on heaven or earth who thinks "John Long" was seriously asking me anything serious. His post was descriptively pornographic and his sole purpose was to enflame. Whereas, the post about Diane was in bad taste, but haven't any of you wondered why a degreed woman would donate months or even a year of her time without compensation? Capital acquisition is pretty important to most of us. Love (pleasure) and money are usually the biggest motivators! What kind of motivation can there be for donating that much time? I'm not implying I think it was sexual, because I don't have any idea. But, I'm sure the post made others think about this too.

Hey Chris, if you're reading this,...it seems like you knew Diane pretty well, do you know why she did that?

Now, don't anybody talk until I get back in a couple of days :o)



-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 18, 2000.

Who's the hypocrite here? You come on MY forum posting under a fake email to complain about MY standards of what's vile and what's not?

Email me your requests to delete, I'll make my decision from there.

-- Old TB2K Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), March 18, 2000.

OTFR, you rightly identify this as YOUR forum. It is hard for a lot of the forum regulars, who put a lot of effort into their contributions to grasp that this does not give them any more than a moral claim to a piece of forum ownership. When TSHTF, you are the owner of this forum and we are free to come and add value to it.

The implicit contract is that your sysoping will also add value that we all enjoy the benfit of, but that is entirely in your hands. I don't envy you the task. You can't please everyone, least of all those who don't understand the rules, or willfully refuse to submit to them.

Do as you see fit.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), March 18, 2000.

Brian, you make my point eloquently. My rules are posted in the About section of this forum. It clearly says that pornography should be brought to my attention (if I don't catch them myself first). Suggesting that someone has sex with animals, and suggesting that another has sex with a man has a clear cut difference to me. Making the former claim on 3 exact same threads is considered spam by me also, not mentioning that it is written by a troll with the intent to flame.

I have no problem understanding basic laws of civility, and I'm happy to teach them to those who have a difficult time understanding such.

-- Old TB2K Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), March 18, 2000.

Old Regular:

Absolutely correct. If I had posted a thread about ANYONE having sex with barnyard animals I'd expect to have it deleted. Of course, my mother taught me about things like that.

OTOH, I'd be just as happy not seeing any gratuitous messages about assumed bad behavior by anyone including Ms. Squires.

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), March 18, 2000.

My thanks once again to you, otbr, for being a great sysop and for showing the discretion that you do.

I have no problems at all with your deletions to date and want to thank you again for this forum.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), March 18, 2000.

That's easy. It's because this forum is dominated by the insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, psychotic barbarians like Ra, Flint, Sifting, Jim Cooke, Mickey, cinlooo, Liberal Hater, etc. etc. who are not willing to listen to ideas by anyone else. They think it is okay for them to insult and attack anyone with differing ideas, but when they are challenged by someone who doesn't agree with their views they think these people should be driven away from this forum and used as targets for their psychotic attacks. "Uncensored freedom of speech" in their view, is being able to continue their hypocritical behavior while deleting anyone who disagrees with them or counterattacks them in the same manner they attack others. Then all of a sudden it is considered unacceptable, and these people become targets for their snide derogatory remarks and slanderous attacks, as is being done with Ed Yourdon and Diane.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 18, 2000.


Slanderous attacks? People who don't listen? None of the people you've mentioned, including me, regularly include the type of vile, slanderous language that seems to be your everyday vocabulary in their messages except you. A message from you that doesn't include some tirade mixed with a helping of four letter words is as a rare as warm day in January. Surely you jest.

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), March 18, 2000.


And this is just from one message of yours:

insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, psychotic barbarians, psychotic attacks, hypocritical behavior, slanderous attacks

But at least there's no four letter words so you're making progress :^)

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), March 18, 2000.


You forgot Ken Decker.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 18, 2000.


That's easy. It's because this forum is dominated by the insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, psychotic barbarians like Ra, Flint, Sifting, Jim Cooke, Mickey, cinlooo, Liberal Hater, etc. etc. who are not willing to listen to ideas by anyone else. They think it is okay for them to insult and attack anyone with differing ideas, but when they are challenged by someone who doesn't agree with their views they think these people should be driven away from this forum and used as targets for their psychotic attacks. "Uncensored freedom of speech" in their view, is being able to continue their hypocritical behavior while deleting anyone who disagrees with them or counterattacks them in the same manner they attack others.

Sounds alot like a speech from Dubya.

But OK. Hawk is upset; but in my experience, he makes useful comments and, from time-to-time, is very funny. He should be welcomed here; as much as Decker or Flint. You don't have to agree with everything that they say to value their contribution.

Hey, I was one of the people who got nasty letters from Yourdan over the break-up. Who cares? Forget it.

Best w

-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 18, 2000.

Me attack someone?!

Hawk, you're delusional AND completely obsessive. This sort of thinking isn't healthy Hawk. GET HELP

p.s. awe, I get it. I somehow injured your masculinity. well, don't worry. You didn't have any balls to begin with.

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 18, 2000.

ROTFL cinlooo, I rest my case. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 18, 2000.

Hey Hawk, follow along with me. I'll go slowly for you.

Pot, kettle; pot, kettle; pot, kettle.

BTW, the collective gang you mentioned doesn't delete anything. OTFR has sole propriety, and is quite competent, as far as I can tell.

Am reposting my response to you from another thread. Just want to make sure you caught it. Sorry, am hotlink-challenged.


Just for the record, Hawk, it's in the commas. Commas are greatly underutilized and underappreciated.

<< No, you're not smart enough to worry about that stuff, Alex. Just concentrate on learning how to spell first, before you start getting involved in world affairs. >>

Apparently you missed the irony you created. Oh well, the rest of us caught it.

More importantly, why do you have to be such a fart? You seem to view every vague or straightforward slight toward doomerdom as a personal attack on you. More than likely, no one is thinking of you when they're posting such observations. Hmm, maybe that's what disturbs you, because clearly, you are disturbed. You're like the kid who intentionally misbehaves, because negative attention is better than none. You step into a perfectly harmless little thread, just to spit on someone, interrupting the flow to say, "look at me!" I'm a doomer from way back, long before I ever heard of Y2K. And I love listening to the Art Bell show, as long as I have a steady supply of solar-charged batteries for my bullshit detector. But, jeez, I can laugh at myself sometimes. Often, in fact. I sincerely hope you acquire this skill.

-- (Miss Ann@th.rope), March 16, 2000.

-- (Miss Ann@th.rope), March 19, 2000.

Jim, surely you jest...

"None of the people you've mentioned, including me, regularly include the type of vile, slanderous language that seems to be your everyday vocabulary in their messages except you."

My language is slanderous? Ha!! You need to get a dictionary my friend and start studying.

Slander is saying things like Ed Yourdon and Diane Squire are having sex together, or falsely accusing them of censorship, as you folks so often do.

Four letter words are not slanderous at all, but they seem to be the only words that you bastards understand, so that is why I need to use them on this forum. You folks try to pretend that it is not offensive to insult others as long as you use your innuendos and fancy vocabularly, but I know exactly what you are doing. The actions speak much louder than the words, and it isn't what you say, it's the way you say it that really counts.

As I have said many times before, I'm not the one who initiated these kinds of attacks, but I do avenge my attackers. Rather than being deceptive and dishonest about my intent as you folks do, I am honest and straightforward, and make sure it is understood that what you do to others is no less polite than the four letter words I choose to make my point.

If you think you can hide your intentions behind the language you choose, you really should know that you're not fooling anyone but yourselves. Flint's little confession about kicking the anthill for a few laughs and to feel superior is a perfect example of how hypocritical your behavior is. If you continue to go on thinking that this type of behavior is desirable, you will someday soon discover that you have become an excellent candidate for a political office, but a lousy example of a human being.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

OK you guys, Hawk's figured us out.

Game off!

Yep Hawk, you sure showed us how smart you are. They all told me that you were too dumb to catch on but I knew, I just KNEW YOU WOULD!

Way to go Hawk!

Well shoot, we need a new game now. =oP

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

Miss Annthrope, I have no idea what you are talking about with the reference to commas.

As for my comment in the other post, have you no sense of humor? You claim that you are capable of laughing at yourself sometimes, yet you assume the poster of that thread is not? When someone misspells 7 words in one small paragraph, I think they deserve a little harmless ribbing. You obviously took it way too seriously, and might I add my comment was not addressed to you, so it's really none of your stinking fat-nosed business in the first place, asswipe.

(p.s. don't forget to laugh at yourself sometimes, and now is one of those times) :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

cinlooooooooooo! the bimbo! lol!!

"p.s. awe, I get it. I somehow injured your masculinity. well, don't worry. You didn't have any balls to begin with."

Oh shucks, I guess this means you're going to throw me into the same category as all those "good-looking smart guys who are all gay"!

(p.s. You sure have a lot of strange sexual references in your psycho-analytical comments about everyone else! Could this perhaps be a projection of your own "difficulties" onto others? Hmmm, wonder what Freud would say? :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

Hawk, let me re-phrase it into words I know you'll better understand:

You're just a BIG PUSSY.

Now quit your snivelin and go to bed.

(dont forget to floss)

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.


cinloooooooo says....

"Me attack someone?!"

then goes on to say...

"Hawk, you're delusional AND completely obsessive. This sort of thinking isn't healthy Hawk. GET HELP

p.s. awe, I get it. I somehow injured your masculinity. well, don't worry. You didn't have any balls to begin with."

hold on, there's more...

"Hawk, let me re-phrase it into words I know you'll better understand:

You're just a BIG PUSSY."


Naaaaw, you'd never attack anyone cinloooo, that's just the way you talk to everyone! To put it plainly, you're just a bitch who hasn't been getting enough of your long lost friend Mr. Dick!!

It's hard enough being a dyke, but an ugly dyke? Wheeeew! I can understand why you hate men so much, they probably want nothing to do with you! Poooor baby. :-( LOL!

(P.S. Looks aren't everything, but a change in your attitude would help a lot.)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

{major eye roll}

Well, Hawk...you're boring me to tears. Would you please excuse me. Ciao

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.


Hawk is a "Big Pussy".

He talks a tough game, but that is pretty easy to do over the internet.

Hawk, pull up. Watch out for the anthills. Check your stabilizers for 100% probability Y2K problems. Idiot. Keep posting though. You're nothing short of amusing. Kind of like the semi-retarded kid that used to disrupt our gym class.



-- CJS (cjs@noemail.com), March 19, 2000.

It's quite obvious from the last few posts to this thread that Hawk simply doesn't understand irony.

BTW, who is this "Mickey" fellow who's so insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, and a psychotic barbarian?

Personally I read Hawk's posts because I find them entertaining and a reminder of how illogical some people can be.

-- Mikey2k (mikey2k@he.wont.eat.it), March 19, 2000.


"Hawk is a "Big Pussy".

He talks a tough game, but that is pretty easy to do over the internet."

Funny that you mention that, in the same breath in which you call me a big pussy. I'd be more than happy to meet you in person and see if you're willing to say the same thing to my face. Ever tangle with 6'3" and 240 lbs. of solid rock before? There aren't too many that I can't take, especially if they got a smartass mouth like yours, fuckwad. Post a real e-mail and we can chat. Maybe if I'm lucky you'll be right in my neck of the woods! Or are you too much of a big-mouth pussy? I'll bet you are. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

"Ever tangle with 6'3" and 240 lbs. of solid rock before?"

Why, as a matter of fact yes, and I'll be damned if I'll marry one of her daughters again.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 19, 2000.


so you want to kick some ass now? big boy, didn't they (remember you have to have someone like yourdon, north or other pscho, militant nut case to tell you what to do)ever tell you that violence is the last defense of the truly ignorant.

fuck off you 240 lbs. of dog shit!

-- ooh, i'm so scared (kissmy @ss.now), March 19, 2000.

LOL!! As I guessed, CJS is a spineless wimp with a big mouth and no balls. Not only does he not want to meet me, he is now so scared that he's pretending to be somebody else! Fuck off, faggot boy.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.


I've had a few minutes to reflect on this thread and i must apologize for my post above. it just occured to me that Diane must have been giving you access to those sacred spaces of hers which explains your aggressive stance. don't worry big boy, you can screw her your dog or yourself and we won't mind. :)

-- great revelation (kissmy@ss.now), March 19, 2000.

Big Boy,

Guess again, i'm not cjs. just someone who is tired of your horseshit!

P.S. was she good? did she have her perverted way with your body and your (gasp) feeble little mind?

-- lurker finally exposed (kissmy@ass.fuck face), March 19, 2000.

"Guess again, i'm not cjs. just someone who is tired of your horseshit!"

I guess you're right, you're even more spineless than CJS. Hell, you don't even have enough guts to use the same name when you post. You're probably hiding under the covers in your bed with your mommie's laptop jerking off at the porno so that she won't see you! ROTFLMAO!!!!

Well, I'll tell you what dipshit, I'm running a special tonight for twerps with big mouths that need to get some piss knocked out of em. You see, God has assigned me to a mission to eliminate the scum from the Earth, and he lets me do whatever I see fit with no guilt whatsoever. Why don't you post your address too, we'll get together and see if we can't help you out with a little attitude adjustment. I think everyone deserves a second chance, but not a third. Whaddya say there, you worthless little monkey-spanking bastard? I'm willing to help you understand the way life works if you want to give it a shot. If you don't, you'd better pray that you never run into me shootin your mouth off like you are now or you'll never get a second chance. Come on pal, let's give it a go. Who knows, maybe we're next door neighbors and we can start your lessons right away!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

Hawk, since you're obviously none-too-bright, I'll clarify the comma reference for you. Your inability to understand this simple exchange explains how you missed the irony in your own words.

In response to the original post by Alex, you wrote: <>

Then, cin, with astute observation, wrote: <>

So, I sent your sentence back to you, corrected: << No, you're not smart enough to worry about that stuff, Alex. Just concentrate on learning how to spell first, before you start getting involved in world affairs. >>

Get it now?? A person with minimal talent for punctuation ought not criticize someone else's spelling. Granted, I'm assuming Cin's meaning, without her consent. Hope I'm not stepping on toes here. I admit this minor error of yours deserves much less attention than I'm giving it. Still, you irritate me, so I'll continue.

I see what you mean--that I overreacted to your post. I DID think his post was self-deprecating and I thought YOURS was serious. Since tone doesn't translate well in this format, I immediately saw your words in a negative light, based on your past behavior. Perhaps I was just wrong. I'll ponder this freakish possibility.

In truth, my diatribe was in response to most everything of yours that I've read, not only this post. That was unclear; my fault entirely.

No, your message was not directly addressed to me. Nor was Alex's addressed to you. Are you proposing we all address our comments to certain individuals, and that only the chosen are free to respond? Maybe that is what is meant by "free speech?" Or are you promoting censorship? Keep me posted, please.

Finally, thanks for the giggle. Yes, I am laughing at myself. Not for the reasons you suggest, of course, but because, contrary to your ignorant declaration that my nose is fat, my nose is quite lean. Thus, my laughter arises from the memory of my sister calling me B.H.N.--for Bob Hope Nose--when we were young. (She had a tendency toward exaggeration, in my opinion.) And having never used my body (nor any parts thereof) to clear someone's arse from persistent and bothersome dingleberries, I remain perplexed by your casual classification of me as an asswipe.

The really funny thing is, though, I actually AGREE with most of your ideas and observations. The apparently confident certainty the pollies display sickens me as well. They actually believe that by analyzing TODAY, they can understand TOMORROW. That's your regular old garden-variety arrogance, born in a darkened back alley from fear. I'm a diehard doomer, for many reasons, and dammit, nobody's gonna take that away from me. The world IS going to end, I tell you, from something or another, some day (humor.) But it's your delivery I find so consistently offensive. You display your uncanny knack for irony once again, in your statement, "it isn't what you say, it's the way you say it that really counts." Elaboration on this remark would be an exercise in redundancy

Sorry you got caught in the crosshairs, Hawk. I'm just having fun with words. And you're such an easy target. Back under the rock I go.

-- (Miss Ann@th.rope), March 19, 2000.

your right my dear hawk. i did change my name and for that i apologize. just for you i am going to change my name again and i promise you that any time i post i WILL use it just so you know it's me. from now on i will be known as "monkey spanker". now in all fairness, you have to promise me that you will post as Hawk the Lard Ass so i know it is really you.

i'm sorry to hear that you that god has you currently assigned to "eliminating the scum of the earth". it is sooo depressing when HE has HIs followers commit suicide. Myself, i'm currently an agent of satan, though my duties are largely ceremonial.

BTW i've heard that you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the soul (get it, soul=sole)let alone "run a special tonight for twerps with big mouths that need to get some piss knocked out of em". and sorry to tell you that i know how life works already as i have unfortunately run into enough enough dim witted fuckheads as yourself to know that when they get their mouths to jawing their talking out of their assholes and will probably end up smacking the sleazy slut that they are currently with because they couldn't intimidate the MAN they intended to.

in fact, i've learned that if you are faced with with the truly violent, ignorant and unwashed you should always be polite. so, you let me know what state your in and i will go out of my way to shoot my mouth off in person. sorry to tell you that i doubt we are neighbors because i live in a community that has standards, ones that you obviosly could never meet.

i left a message for you on another post. i hope you can point and click your way to it. ciao.

P.S. you wanna buy a monkey? freshly spanked of course.

-- learned my lesson now (butyoucanstillkissmy@ass.fuckface), March 19, 2000.

"Myself, i'm currently an agent of satan"

LOL!!! Should have known a dumbshit like you would worship Satan, who doesn't even exist except in your warped psychopathic imagination.

But that's perfect, now I can not only feel no guilt in beating the fuck out of you, but I will take extreme pleasure in it! Too bad you're too much of a chicken shit. Here's my email address: godschainsaw@hotmail.com Drop me a line and let me know where you are, I'd like to see you say those nice things to me in person. In fact, I'd LOVE it! :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

Ding Ding, hey, what round is this? Opps sorry, I used a comma!!!

Hey Hawk, r u a biker??????


Talk about 'live' internet action...you guys must of went to the school of quick quips...

(and I thought I was the crackdown queen in the 80's, go figure!!)


-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

I was accused at one time of driving Hawk to use 4-letter words. I wondered if trying a little harder could decrease the letter count until he was using 0-letter words.

But here's how it works:

Hawk puts out a troll post justifying outrageous assumptions with patent illogic.

Others try to set him right.

Hawk calls them names, starting with "liar" and working down.

Others respond with insults.

Hawk escalates to 4-letter words.

When the 4-letter words have no effect, he resorts to threats of violence.

After all, might makes right.

Hadn't heard from Squirrel Hunter so maybe it was him. Hawk, since you're so big and powerfull, I'm sure you could succeed in forcing an MD-80 to the ground where the other failed last week.

-- Mikey2k (mikey2k@he.wont.eat.it), March 19, 2000.

Oh please...I'll kick your butt and not even smear my eyeliner!

No but seriously, Hawk, are you incarcerated? This would explain much; the mentality, the attitude, the physique (so you say). I just wasn't aware internet access was available in prison.

p.s. say hello to Bubba =)

-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

>Hawk puts out a troll post justifying outrageous assumptions with patent illogic.

I'm going to toss my $.02 into this brawl: I'm not convinced that the poster known as "Hawk" on this thread (and yesterday's postings) is the same writer who wrote the essay about the MD-80 on the old board.

The above dialogue in which "Hawk" claims certain physical proportions strikes me as something a high school student might write, whereas earlier writings stike me as works of an older person, even with the occasional four-letter words. If I had more time, I'll stick up a few threads as reference, mainly the MD-80 essay, but I'm short of time to scan through the archives to find it.

I know that it's been pointed out before, but the "Hawk" on this thread reminds me of some LL postings, including the "missed commas."

Thus, I will keep an open mind when I see a post from "Hawk," as well as from several others, who might be victims of this latest game from the imposter trolls.

Flame away, but I refuse to get involved in any flame wars this week.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

LOL cinloooo! How do you think I would be able to meet with punks like CJS and the monkey spanker if I was incarcerated? No, prisoners do not have direct Internet access, but they do post on it through their connections on the outside. As a licensed bounty hunter, this is how I get some of my best leads and information. I am not incarcerated, though I did do some time when I was younger. Afterwards I learned how to channel my energy into positive actions when I joined the Guardian Angels. The prison guards and police became good friends because I've been helping them out. I can go into a prison and visit a convict to get some information and the guards will allow me to "persuade" this person in any way I see fit. They welcome my services because it saves them a lot of trouble. Violence can be a good thing when it is used to rid the world of scumbags, and I know that this is the mission I have been given by God.

Monkey-spanker and CJS, I'm still waiting for you to send me an e-mail of any location where you'd like to meet, if you have the balls.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

Hawk, if this really you....

Get some help. Persuading prisioners in any way you see fit is not channeling energy in a positive direction.

But, even with my disputes with Hawk, I must say this sounds like a troll.

-- Jim Cooke (JJCooke@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

*They welcome my services because it saves them a lot of trouble. Violence can be a good thing when it is used to rid the world of scumbags [ ... ]

This sounds like a line from a book ... Mickey Spillane (sp?) novel? I'll bet you a Michigan or Ohio lotto ticket, Jim, that this is an imposter troll on this thread. Well, I've got some bigger fish to fry -- one of the mainframes just crashed and burned. Have a decent evening, y'all.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.


"Persuading prisioners in any way you see fit is not channeling energy in a positive direction."

Sure it is. I give them a chance to redeem themselves by helping God to get humanity back on track so they'll realize we can solve all of our problems without hatred. It's better to give them a second chance than to just kill them like Shrubya does, isn't it? He isn't setting a very good example for our children on how to solve problems. Besides, I don't usually have to hurt them very much. When you know Aikido you can have a person on their knees screaming for mercy simply by bending their fingers back the right way, without even bruising them. Also, this is the real me, feel free to ask the sysop. Lately I've been getting fed up with the kind of ignorance and selfishness I see in the world, and I figure this is a good opportunity to sharpen my skills for the upcoming summer crime wave. Would you like to meet in person some time? I think when you get to know me you'll understand me a lot better, and I'm sure you'll agree with my views. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.


Are you serious? Tell me you arent... Also, for what reasons do you rough up prisoners?

Bounty hunter? Or a biker? Answer the question....

This inquiring mind HAS to know.

A mission from God? What God do you feel of service to?

I am not trying to be sarcastic, I am sincere here....

I do find you amusing, for real, you have a very 'different' sense of humor....then again, I always prefer those who say what the mean, when they mean it.



-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

Oh sure Hawk. And if we DON'T agree with your views you'll just bend our fingers back and torture us until we do. Ha!

But seriously Hawk, you're a lot of fun to scrap with. No hard feelings of course.

Don't hurt me, ok?


-- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 19, 2000.


Thanks for the in-depth description of yourself, it confirms what I suspected.


6'5" 235,

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

I've learned never to argue with people who are on a mission from God.

-- (why@m.I.reading.such.threads), March 19, 2000.

Consumer, you shouldn't believe what you see on TV about bikers. Bikers for the most part are gentle good-hearted people, and they seldom get into fights. It's only a few punks that give them a bad name. I am a part-time bounty hunter when the right ticket comes along, and a biker as casual recreation. Not an active member in any clubs right now, but I have hung out at several shindigs with the Hell's Angels and other groups, and they are good people. I am part of the God of love, as are all of us. Insensitive people simply need to be given a taste of their own medicine in order to get them back on the right pathway, since this is the only thing they understand. Mankind as a whole shares the responsibility of making sure that our entire race unites together on our journey back to God, but it will take each and every one of us to do our part to expedite this process. If people had the courage to stand up against lost souls like Hitler then millions of innocent people would not have died. Lost souls who practice non-loving behavior do not respond to love, they only respond to fear. It is really only within themselves that their fear lives, because they know that everyone is capable of the same type of behaviors they practice. After they begin to understand the suffering they have put others through, they will start to live a life of love, and all fear will disappear. Many of these lost souls are simply not aware of the hurt they do to others, so my mission is simply to make sure they understand. Everything I do is perfectly legal and I have God's blessing for continued success in helping the human race attain our highest level of spiritual awareness.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

Uncle DeeDah,

What suspicions? Just wondering, thought it was cute post, now if i only knew what it meant.......(shaking head in massive confusion)


Thanks for responding and to wit, I know many bikers, they are good people....

Still confused as to your mission?

Loving is one thing, but I can understand the roughness, must be the bounty hunter in you....lol

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 19, 2000.

Two years ago a friend of my Son put up a web site with a discussion forum. This guy is a serious stunt artist and has a following world wide, kind of a minor league Evel Knevil. Like this forum it was uncensored and required no registration to post. Some serious flaming took place with name-calling and threats of cyber ass kickings were common. There was one particular dude that came off just like our own little badass wannabe, Hawk. He claimed to be a good friend of the Knevil family and his psychotic ramblings got out of hand. This guy got to the point where he was threatening all manner of physical harm to others and many were screaming for him to show up at high noon to settle the deal. There was another forum regular that actually worked for the Knevil family and one day he posted a very interesting piece of information. Turned out this so-called hard case was a 32 year old man that was mentally ill and living at home under professional care, wheel chair bound. This poster asked everybody to cut this poor guy some slack, as he really didnt have control of his facilities. His parents didnt want him to get in trouble, as the net was his only form of entertainment and contact with the outside world. After that, he was given a lot of empathy and I understand that Robbie Knevil actually sent him an autographed picture, which was a big thrill.

I guess my point here is that few of us ever meet in person (Probably a good thing) and folks like Hawk are most likely outcasts in their own little real world. Forums like this give them an opportunity to create a personality where none exist. Ive sparred with Hawk here myself but it is foolish to let him get under your skin. His words tell you all you need to know and from that you can decide if it is worth even responding to him. Kind of like having a little pet gerbil, watching it scurry around when provoked.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 19, 2000.


Basically I am inclined to agree with some of your assertations,but your delivery and tact are in question.

If you would really like to sharpen your skills there is a little BB called TB2000 EZ board ran by some dude by the name of Yurdon,they are in need of some basis civics 101 courses and I feel that you are just the man for this mission.

Ten feet tall and bullet proof.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 19, 2000.

Gotta agree with KB. This poster is a semi-literate teenager with too much time on his hands. Anyone who's really in the biz knows better. It's been an interesting thread that has come a long way from bitching about the vile posts about DJS and her spaces. Now back to our regularly scheduled Sunday night discussions.

Mr. Humph

-- (humph@here.now), March 19, 2000.

Might I add there isn't much to say about Ra, other than the obvious fact that he is a worthless little shitwad weasel who spends all day on the computer looking for someone to play shoot the boogers with! Lol!!! Talk about not having a life, I'd say it is definitely between you and Y2KPro for the most pathetic little twerp I've seen on the entire Internet. And that is a LOT of twerps! ROTFL!!! I know damn well you're too much of a faggot wussy to meet me in person, but the offer stands for you as well. Hell, why don't you get a whole bunch of you together like CJS, the Monkey-spankin jerkoff, Pro, Sifting, and the whole booger-eatin, noodle-yankin bunch of ya, and I'll be overjoyed to meet you. Come on little buddy, I could really use a few laughs. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

When will you jokers learn; chickenhawk feeds on this kind of BS.

Leave the poor kid alone. He has "small man's syndrome". Problem is, If that little boy took Viagra, he would only get taller!

Hey....waitaminute....maybe that is the secret!....hmmmm....

-- ChickenHawk (is@jerk.wad), March 19, 2000.

Now Ra,

Why would you say we shouldnt meet in person? I'm a good natured quick witted female who thinks most folks are ok.. I'd love to meet most on here...with the humor that abounds, I think it would be a riot. I like the post about having a pot luck., but, I'll stick with the cancun vacation for now. spent to much on preps...


who is now even cracking a smile.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 19, 2000.


Did you say Cancun? LETS PARTY!!!! Just bring cash and the desire to party like its 199.... I mean 2000 ;)

Or Jamaica---nekid;o)

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 19, 2000.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Wheeeew, God this is great! I just noticed what liitle scumbag Ra said....

"Kind of like having a little pet gerbil, watching it scurry around when provoked."

Heeeee heee heee!!!! Yeah, I bet you know a lot about provoking pet gerbils, probably the de-clawed kind! LOL!!!! Did you learn that from your butt-buddy Richard Gere? Bwaaahhaaahaaahahaa!!!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.


I'm still laughing at you.

Are you punching your monitor and throwing stuff about the room?

I would have rather given John Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer my address before giving it to a psycho like you, regardless if you are the size of Shaquille O'Neal or Billy Barty.

Now put your true talents to work and go find some more information linking Y2K to plane crashes.

-- CJS (cjs@noemail.com), March 19, 2000.

Taking up Bandwith with this "pushing on the playground". Shut up!, and go play in opposite rooms. Nana

-- ENOUGH! (gocool@off.com), March 19, 2000.

Bandwidth! Your Nana says!

-- ENOUGH (gocool@off.com), March 19, 2000.

Lol!! Thanks again for the laughs Ra, the more you say the more your true colors are starting to show.

Looks like a couple of Ra's male Pet gerbils are starting to learn something by watching Ra and Richard Gere in bed together...

Here's what Ra told his gerbils to do when they journey into his tunnel of love....

"Wiggle and shake, wiggle and shake little butt-buddies..... ooooohh, Daddy Ra likes that!!"

Heee heeee heee!! :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

CJS, I'm laughing at you too, but from what I see on this forum I guess a lot of faggot twerps spend their whole life on boards like this. As I had guessed, you're too much of a chicken shit to say the same things to my face.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.

but from what I see on this forum I guess a lot of faggot twerps spend their whole life on boards like this.

Pretty funny comment from someone who has now posted 90 messages on this board.

And only 82 on EZ-Board.


. . . . . . . . . .

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 19, 2000.

"hmmmm," with no guts, no name... does that include the 17 I've posted on this thread ? Well, normally I do spend a lot more time talking with the more intelligent civilized crowd at the EZ board, but on this thread I'm having an awful lot of fun playing with the retards.

You're not trying to say you don't want me hanging around here now are you? I would be shocked if you suggested such a thing! After all that is censorship, and on THIS forum we are the freedom fighters against censorship! Anyone should be able to say anything they want and call each other assholes, because that is the "patriotic" way by golly!! Even though you are letting these irresponsible bastards destroy our country, you have to let them do it because it is PATRIOTIC, right?!! :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.


To clear it up a bit consider the following quotes from Hawk;

I am part of the God of love, as are all of us. and then But that's perfect, now I can not only feel no guilt in beating the fuck out of you, but I will take extreme pleasure in it!

That my dear is incoherent rambling at it's finest. Diametrically opposed ideals held as gospel by the same mind.

God has assigned me to a mission to eliminate the scum from the Earth, and he lets me do whatever I see fit with no guilt whatsoever.

Delusions of grandeur, plain and simple.

Should have known a dumbshit like you would worship Satan, who doesn't even exist except in your warped psychopathic imagination.

He is on a mission from God, but says there is no Satan. I'm not sure what classification that falls under, but it is amusing.

Here's my email address: godschainsaw@hotmail.com

See, he is God's chainsaw, and feels perfectly justified using force against others, but has the gall to follow that with If people had the courage to stand up against lost souls like Hitler then millions of innocent people would not have died.

See, in his childish demented mind it is OK to do the evil that God tells him to do, but all other acts of evil are to be stood up against!

Don't you get it? Hawk is INVAR. Either that or a 13 year old pimply faced closet case. Notice how quickly he had access to pictures of gerbils?

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 19, 2000.

Where, I ask you can we have so much fun for free without breaking a sweat? Unc, you have me in stitches with your last post. I too was curious how quickly hawk came up with the Gerbils. Gerbils of the world please except my apologies for exposing you to the diseased mind of Hawk. As long as the show is still running, lets take a shot at this:

Hawk, you remind me of the feckless eunuchs that the Sultans of olde would use as servants for the fair maidens.

Got any eunuch gifs? How bout a digital camera with a 4 second timer. Please, carry on.its early.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 19, 2000.

Uncle Deeduuuh, you're definitely gettin old there ya old fart, and it shows in your cognitive abilities. You are unable to differentiate between an offensive action (or the actions which initiate a conflict), and defensive actions (actions which reflect the initiating action). That's what's wrong with our world today. You dope smoking hippie types think it is "cool" to just let people do whatever they want. "Hey man, it's cool, it's the American way, like, freedom man!" If you do a little searching through the archives you'll see that in every case in which I get nasty with someone I was insulted or treated discourteously by the offending part first. In short, I am a mirror, reflecting the bullshit that people put out right back in their face until they get sick of it. The funny thing is, it isn't me they are really getting sick of, it is themselves!! Say what you like, but I've found this approach works, and I'm gonna keep right on livin it. Don't initiate hateful behavior, just reflect it. "An eye for an eye", it's the only thing people understand. I'm not the type to just sit back and say.. "Oh wow man, that guy just raped my wife, guess we better give him his freedom and pray for his soul to be saved." It's the sad pitiful excuses for human beings like yourself that are allowing the world to fall apart. It's all up to us, have some balls, take action against wrongdoing!

Sorry I wasn't around in Hitlers day, but if I had been you can bet your ass that I would have countered his violence with equal or greater violence.

(PS: Gerbils on the Internet... takes less than a minute to search and copy an image, but I guess that's hard to understand for a burned out old hippie codger like you. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 19, 2000.


that was great, "seriously are you incarcerated?" "say hello to bubba" ROTFLMAO.

sorry for my absence but now i'm back! i agree that this is an imposter and not my old buddy hawk. you can see that he's not posting as "Hawk the Lard Ass" as we agreed upon earlier. this is udoubtedly some foul fake who only pats his monkey.

whoever it is, i,(this is a comma FYI)unfortunately, have to agree with his comment about bikers. most are great people which is why i don't think this fuckwad is one. what club does he belong to? he mentions the hell's angels but doesn't elaborate. he can't be one of the sons of silence because he can't keep his fucking mouth shut. oh well one of lifes mysteries i suppose.

i have been giving some thought to your offer to get together and i got to wondering "Fake Hawk, are you asking me to mud wrestle?" could this be a resurection (had to say it since he goes on and on about his special relationship with God)of KOS? if so i'm very flattered but you will have to give me your address since your pig sty is the only place i can think of with enough mud for both of us. well,(look another one)its probably not KOS anyway.

Fake Hawk stop besmirching Hawk the Lard Ass's name and go fuck yourself. oh by the way pull my finger! sorry unc, but i love that line.

Any one want to buy a monkey? Freshly spanked of course.

-- monkey spanker (youcanstillkissmy@ss.now), March 20, 2000.

"hmmmm," with no guts, no name...

As opposed to a name like "Hawk". LOL

Well, normally I do spend a lot more time talking with the more intelligent civilized crowd at the EZ board,

Not from what I've seen. They post an average of 2-3 liberal-bashing, Shrubya-loving posts a day there, and hardly a peep out of you. What's wrong? Are you scared of them over there?

but on this thread I'm having an awful lot of fun playing with the retards.

Yes, we are more fun over here, aren't we?

You're not trying to say you don't want me hanging around here now are you?

Of course not! We're having a blast with you around.

I would be shocked if you suggested such a thing!

Not as shocked as me.

After all that is censorship, and on THIS forum we are the freedom fighters against censorship! Anyone should be able to say anything they want and call each other assholes, because that is the "patriotic" way by golly!!

Damn right!!

Even though you are letting these irresponsible bastards destroy our country, you have to let them do it because it is PATRIOTIC, right?!! :-)

Uh, okay, how am I "letting these irresponsible bastards destroy our country?" Are you referring to them being freedom fighters against censorship? Are you saying that fighting censorship is destroying our country?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 20, 2000.

"Well, normally I do spend a lot more time talking with the more intelligent civilized crowd at EZ board." ????

My Gawwd!! When did that happen?? Do you mean to tell me the liberal hating, bible thumping, conspiracy cowards, rightly named the Delete & Censor Dunderheads, the ghouls of Cerberus, have been replaced by intelligent, civilized human beings. Hey, I'm impressed.

-- gilda (jes@listbot.com), March 20, 2000.

Hawky says,

Uncle Deeduuuh, you're definitely gettin old there ya old fart, and it shows in your cognitive abilities. You are unable to differentiate between an offensive action (or the actions which initiate a conflict), and defensive actions (actions which reflect the initiating action). That's what's wrong with our world today.

But yet when old brain-dead Uncle Deeduuuh scrolled up to confirm what he suspected about Hawky's first post he finds:

It's because this forum is dominated by the insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, psychotic barbarians like Ra, Flint, Sifting, Jim Cooke, Mickey, cinlooo, Liberal Hater, etc. etc. who are not willing to listen to ideas by anyone else.

Hawky whines like a little bully about how he is only defending himself, but it is in HIS first post that HE attacks others.

But even an abject idiot gets one right now and then. Yes Hawky, people like you are indeed what is wrong with this country. And guess what Hawky,

that's EASY to understand [even] for a burned out old hippie codger like ME.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 20, 2000.

Good morning Gildathanks for the humor to start the day. Doubt if we will hear from the Hawkster this morning as the drugs have worn off and the boy is crashed for sure. Or, he has scurried over to the EZ board for some high level communication with the collection of Mensas there. Have a great day!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 20, 2000.

Uncy, I was only havin some fun with ya before, but man, you really ARE dense! My first post on this thread was in reply to the original question of the post! Remember, the one about the reason why you retards think it is okay to leave slanderous statements posted on your board, but you delete other posts justs to protect ladylogic? Jeeez, you idiots just don't get it do ya? The thread you left posted about Ed Yourdon and Diane is SLANDER, and you call that freedom of speech? I guess you figure that, like Flint, you can have a lot of fun treating people in a biased discriminatory fashion, but you probably won't be laughing when they take you to court! Lol!!!

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 20, 2000.


Why do you attack Flint? He seems to me to be a reasonable, courteous person. I just checked this thread and didn't see any attacks on you by him.

Although I'm fairly new to this forum, I seem to recall some earlier posts from you that made some sense. Recently it seems that all you do is attack people and degenerate to an adolescent level.

I agree with you about the Yourdon-DJS thread not being deleted vs the one about LL being deleted, but as OTFR indicated, it's his/her list. I consider any obvious, deliberate slander, especially against people who are not present to defend themselves, to be offensive. But your four-letter-word attacks certainly aren't likely to convince anyone to act in accordance with your wishes.

Calm down, relax, and come back with reasoned arguments. Then, people will listen.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), March 20, 2000.

Fake Hawk,

glad to catch you! how about those directions to your pig sty for our rasslin' match?

got a freshly spanked monkey just for you!

-- monkey spanker (youcanstillkissmy@ss.now), March 20, 2000.

It's because this forum is dominated by the insensitive, immature, egocentric, narrow-minded, psychotic barbarians like Ra, Flint, Sifting, Jim Cooke, Mickey, cinlooo, Liberal Hater, etc. etc. who are not willing to listen to ideas by anyone else.

But yet you post your nonsense here, and are not being deleted. They are willing to listen to you.

Wait a minute,since your posts do not contain any ideas I guess you don't count.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 20, 2000.

oh feathered one of the tiny brain mass:

For something to be SLANDER it must be untrue.

For instance, If I call you an asshole, that is NOT slander.

-- Go Home (Small@man.syndrome), March 20, 2000.

Hey small dick,

Are you saying you have proof that Ed and Diane had sex?

If not, that is one hell of a slanderous false accusation you're making there, dipshit. You're lucky they are nice people, if you said that about any celebrity or person in the public spotlight you'd get you'd get your babyshit-filled diapers sued off, fuckwad.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 20, 2000.

1. Slander is the *speaking* lies about someone.

2. Libel is *printing* lies about someone.

3. The Imposter Troll called Hawk on this list is an 11th grader (read previous posts in the archives)

4. Most lawyers will laugh, either in your face or behind your back, if you try to sue someone for slander on the Internet. Maybe KB8 will quote some case law for you if you ask him nicely.

-- (bigmouth@lunch.now), March 20, 2000.

Okay, so you're guilty of libel then, asshole. Typical troll moron, nitpicking about irrelevant details that don't make a flying fuck worth of difference. Either way, their both illegal as hell. I hope Diane sues the fuck out of you bastards.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 20, 2000.

So how come you're not defending Laura for all of the libelous postings against her?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 20, 2000.

Man, is this thread still going on? 2 days later? Anyway, suing doesn't seem like Squire's style to me, although unlike Mr. Yourdan I can't say I "know" her to be sure...

Having fun (good naturedly), although at someone else's expense,


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), March 20, 2000.

(Deleted. See the "About" section for directions how to find deleted threads. OTFR)

-- Brothel Gal (gal@innevada.com), March 20, 2000.


You are about a Fowl Mouthed Individual.....

-----consumer who wants to know if you eat with that mouth?

ps, is it really true you do the funky thang with declawed gerbils?

just wondering...

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), March 20, 2000.

Hawk, was that psychotic barbarian as opposed to normal & charming barbarian? BTW, Im honored to be included on your A list. And dont you know how pleased Ed and Diane are to have the Hawk acting as the palace guard, protecting their character from all assaults. I dont believe we are seeing multiple Hawk posters here, just a frightening window to the mind of a very, very disturbed person. You can visualize the cherry red face and bulging eyes as the words flow in random, mixed with the hot spittle of the insane.

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), March 20, 2000.

Hey small dick,

Are you saying you have proof that Ed and Diane had sex?

If not, that is one hell of a slanderous false accusation you're making there, dipshit. You're lucky they are nice people, if you said that about any celebrity or person in the public spotlight you'd get you'd get your babyshit-filled diapers sued off, fuckwad.

Hmmmmm, unless his dick is in fact tiny, you may be faced with a lawsuit Hawky.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), March 20, 2000.

Unc, it all depends on the interpretation of tiny. Is it tiny compared to a Zebra or is it tiny compared to a Hawk. Personally, Ive never seen a Hawk with a woody but I doubt if it would attract any attention. And while we are on the subject of weird science, how would a Hawk jerkoff? A Hawk could be a jerkoff but could he jerkoff, that is the question. Anyway, contrary to popular belief, Hawks do make interesting pets.

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), March 20, 2000.

PAGING Brothel Gal ... was the REM song that Hawk wanted played over and over "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?"

What a great post! I'm still ROTFLAMOCTC.

-- (nottelling@byte.mee), March 20, 2000.

Yeah, and we should take up a collection since you got stiffed on your tip. That waitress that Billary stiffed received about 5K. Hold on while I phone World Net.

-- (stillnot@telling.you), March 20, 2000.

Not telling,

While Hawk's posts can be out of line, Brother Gal's was OUT OF LINE. I at least am glad to see it gone.

Totally uncalled for,


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), March 20, 2000.

Seems you were awfully quick on the draw with that gerbil, hawk/clone hawk. Accusing Ra of something *you* are experienced at?

As far as the thread topic and DJS/Yourdan doin the nasty -- my vote is she WANTED to, but ole Ed couldn't get it up :-)

-- burned out ole hippie -Hell YEAH! (doomerstomper@usa.net), March 20, 2000.

"vote is she WANTED to, but ole Ed couldn't get it up :-)"


I agree, Doomerstomper.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@....), March 21, 2000.

I realize this is tedious and no one cares, but my ego compels me to correct my last post. Besides, lack of audience interest doesn't seem to stop anyone else here. Was horrified to discover that the parts I cut and pasted didn't cut and paste, thereby rendering my argument useless. So, I am laughing at myself for admonishing Hawk's stupidity, while overtly displaying my own.

From above, but corrected, theoretically. The missing parts are hopefully in italics. If this doesn't work, I give up.

Hawk, since you're obviously none-too-bright, I'll clarify the comma reference for you. Your inability to understand this simple exchange explains how you missed the irony in your own words.

In response to the original post by Alex, you wrote: No, you're not smart enough to worry about that stuff Alex. Just concentrate on learning how to spell first before you start getting involved in world affairs.

Then, cin, with astute observation, wrote: Hawk, perhaps you should work on your punctuation. =o)

So, I sent your sentence back to you, corrected: No, you're not smart enough to worry about thatstuff, Alex. Just concentrate on learning how to spell first, before you start getting involved in world affairs.

Get it now?? A person with minimal talent for punctuation ought not criticize someone else's spelling. Granted, I'm assuming Cin's meaning, without her consent. Hope I'm not stepping on toes here. I admit this minor error of yours deserves much less attention than I'm giving it. Still, you irritate me, so I'll continue.

-- (Miss Ann@th.rope), March 22, 2000.

Miss Ann@th.rope, I respectfully submit that correcting an 11th grader's use of formal English is often a lost cause; you would be better served attempting to herd cats. If you're one of the few, the proud, the enlightened, then an exciting career as a technical editor awaits you! Apply now at your nearest computer company. Unfortunately, I'm not being sarcastic. There is a dearth of decent technical editors, and I'm the first one to admit that I badly need the services of one.

-- (bigmouth@home.now), March 22, 2000.

Am I the only one that finds Hawks "potty mouth" more offensive than what was posted (and deleted) by "brothel gal"?

I don't think it would be out of line for the moderator to ask Hawk- politely- to refrain from profanity.

Maybe if we all ask the young man to "settle down" his speech, it would have an effect on him?

-- Blush (oh!@my.virgin.ears!), March 22, 2000.

Miss Anthropod, you sure have a hang up about commas! Have you taken a writing class within the last 40 years? I have, the rules have changed my dear. Don't get to overly anal about it, you might work yourself into a stroke or something.

Blush, the only one I know who uses powder pink text is LL the spam queen. I wouldn't talk about other people too much, considering the fact that you're lucky you're not in jail. :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 22, 2000.

Gee and I thought I was gonna miss well reasoned debate when I left to go to another forum.

I don't miss THIS well reasoned debate at ALL.

What a waste of bandwidth.


PS having a tough time typing coherently from the floor, ROFLing.

-- Joss Metadi (warhammer@Pride.of.Mandeyne), March 22, 2000.


I hoped that by now, you would know that I post to you directly. I DID NOT write that post by blush. Other people know html too, you know.

Personally, I would rather see a thousand expletives than some bogus, B.S. story somebody thought up to entertain themself on their way to work. Maybe people come up with their crap out of sheer boredom while at work,...I don't know.

I do know I didn't write that post, so lay off.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 22, 2000.

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