Cheapest anime VCD retailers : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does any body know what retailers sell the cheapest VCD anime titles.

Thanks for any help find these retailers.

-- Daniel Wickson (, March 16, 2000

Answers they have a series of pokemon anime!!!

-- bryan (, April 13, 2000.

Hi Daniel,

We are offering the cheapest high quality anime movie at

Pokemon 6 CDs series box set for only US$23.99. You can't find these elsewhere.

Other retailers is selling single disc at US$9.99 each, that makes up a total of US$59.94.

Come and visit us at http://www.VideoValley.COM

and see what we have to offer

regards, Vincent VideoValley.COM

-- Vincent (, May 07, 2000. the only place

-- Doom (, March 11, 2001.

Try going to and search for POKEMON VCD. There's someone selling Pokemon VCDs 1-6 and 7-12 sets for $15 each!

Info correct at 15:00GMT 28/03/01

-- Chris Maggs (, March 28, 2001.

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