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Traffic has increased a lot lately, and my logs don't show any particular links to explain the new visitors. I'm also curious about how many of you are long time readers, how many of you only read the journal, how many only read the weblog, etc. So if you don't mind ...
- How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?
- Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site?
- Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?
- Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.)
- Do I know you in person?
- Do you read any other journals?
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) I have been reading Bad Hair Days for about 2 months now.
2) Bad Hair Days first, I'm a newbie.
3) I read all three (but only the personal journal, I don't read the Garden Journal or forum).
4) I -think- I found your site during the Jim Valvis Debates, or possibly some other journal-related spat. I know I did come here through someone else's mention of you. (Sorry that's not more specific!)
5) Nope, you do not know me in person.
6) Lots and lots!! I read inside (http://www.spies.com/~xingcat/inside.html), Perforated Lines (http://www.perforatedlines.com/index.html), Bunt Sign (http://buntsign.com/), The Jon-Jon Diaries (http://www.bluffmag.com/jonjon/), Civil Savagery (http://caliban.diaryland.com/), The Book of Rob (http://www.digitalism.com/rhudson/book/), Kristin (http://www.sperare.com/open.html), Metrocake (http://www.metrocake.com/cake.html), Go Figure (http://www.impudence.com/journals/gofigure/index.htm), Shimmer Like a Girl (http://georgina.org/), I'd Rather Eat Glass (http://glass.restraint.org/), Blue and Green (http://members.xoom.com/Mopie/), Abeyance (http://abeyance.tripod.com/index.html), Lagniappe (http://www.la-lagniappe.com/index.htm), A Moveable Feast (http://www.crosswinds.net/~cavman/index.htm), Could Be Worse (http://baylissfan.simplenet.com/couldbeworse/index.html), Parenthesis (http://www.3harpiesltd.com/lfeb/), and The Mighty Kymm (http://www.hedgehog.net/)Yes, I spend a lot of time reading journals. Whew!!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I've been reading this web page for oh, three years at least. It killed me every time you'd stop journaling, because this is one of my favorites.
2. I started reading DJR - unless there was another journal before that which I'm forgetting.
3. I read the weblog and the journal.
4. It was probably through a link from the Mighty Kymm or some other journal.
5. Nope!
6. Yes, about 20 or 30 at least, depending on how much time there is.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) I've been reading for a few months. 2) The first site I found was Bad Hair Days, but I went back and read the archives first. 3) I read the journal, the weblog, and occasionally the forum. 4) I came here from some other journal, probably Mighty Kymm or maybe the Book of Rob. 5) Nope. 6) Lots. There are about 25 on my nibelung ring that I check about daily. Like Saundra said, I spend way too much time doing it!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) I've been reading your pages since sometime late last summer; maybe August?2) Bad Hair Days was the first of your pages that I read, although I've now read your archives in full.
3) I read the journal and the weblog every day, and I'll check out the forum if the topic is of interest to me.
4) I found this place through a link from Stee, as I recall. Pamie referred me to Stee, then I think both Pamie and Stee mentioned you relatively closely together, so I checked out the link and got hooked.
5) You do not know me in person, unless you've been lying blatantly in your journal and you actually live in Wisconsin.
6) I read Squishy, Plaintive Wail, Bad Hair Days, Perfect Way, Nobody Knows Anything, and Sleepwalker whenever they update, and I check them all every day. I've also read the full posted archives of the first four, and I'm working on the NKA archives right now.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I don't know how long I have been reading your journals. I think it has been nearly 2 years or more.2. I think I started reading DJR.
3. I read the journal and weblog daily, and read the forum when a topic interests me.
4. I found your journal through the Salon article on online journals that linked to you a couple of years ago. So I guess that will also tell you how long I have been reading. Yours was the first online journal I read, and I was immediately hooked. I followed some of the other links in the article, but yours was the only one that kept me coming back at the time. When you stopped writing, I went through your archives and read every entry there, then I began looking for other journals.
5. No
6. I read many other journals now: Squishy, Stee, Sara Astruc, ftrain, Columbine, Anhedonia...
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) At least two years - and I believe I've read every single bit of your archives, doll.2) Started with DJR.
3) I read everything.
4) I think it was through Disgruntled Housewife?
5) No... not yet.
6) Gads, scores. Plus I keep my own, as you well know.
With respect, admiration, and affection,
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. How long have you been reading? I've been reading ever since Jeremy was Sidney Overstreet/Aaron. Must be at least 5 years by now. On and off cause I lost the link once or twice or you moved a couple of times or you got fed up with the whole thing.
2. Which of my web pages did you read first? Bad Hair Days Weblog
3. Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? All Three
4. Do you remember how you found this place? You told me about it years ago while sitting on your balcony.
5. Do I know you in person? We used to share parents so, yeah.
6.Do you read any other journals? Many, about 15 to 20 daily. I had an online journal for two years or so that I kept to myself but recently started new with The Road Trip. My current journalling was actually inspired by what you do here and I have noticed that my writing skills have improved tremendously. I find that, while peeking into others' lives, aside from being completely voyeuristic, I can find solutions to situations that occur in my life. I also try on someone's situation for size and see how I would handle it and I love to learn things about different parts of the country and different lifestyles.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
I've been a fan since DJR. We began our journals about a month and a half apart (yours was first), but I don't think I started reading you until February of '98.tess
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
I misunderstood question 2, it must have been DJR. sorry
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?I've been reading since you started "If You See Her, Say Hello." The other journallers I read at the time all went into fits, saying, "Beth is back! Beth is back!" I had to see what all the fuss was about. As you can tell, I was completely unimpressed. :) Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site? Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?
Uh, see above. Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.)
Probably Kymm. I've been a part of the Cult of Kymm since I first stumbled across online journals, and pimping the hell out of you is one of the things she does best.
Do I know you in person?
No, but we've e-mailed a number of times, which is a step closer than complete strangers.
Do you read any other journals?
Gods, a bunch! I have a whole links page devoted to the ones I simply *must* tell everyone else about, but there are about 40-50 others that I pop in on from time to time.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Sporadically for the past year, regularly for the last 6 months or so.2. Bad Hair Days
3.all three
4. I think I started reading regularly because Stee linked to you
5. no
6. Way back when someone sent me the url for Sara Astruc's "list". When she started writing her journal I was hooked. She and I became friends, and she has recommended a few journals to me that I still read. I have also found alot of great journals through other people's links. I'm afraid I have a little problem, right now I have about 15 journals bookmarked that I read regularly. My journal addiction sometimes interferes with my ability to do my job (I'm a writer, so sometimes it is also inspiring). There are some journals I simply MUST read every day: Bad Hair Days,Squishy, Plaintive Wail, Perfect Way, Tomato Nation (whenever she updates) and I Wouldn't Make This Up. Honest.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I have been reading your web page for about 6 months now.2. I think I read Bad Hair Days first.
3. I always read the journal, I read the weblog and skim through to see if there is anything that interests me, and I contribute to the forum if I see an interesting question.
4. I believe that I found you through willa.com she mentions what journals she reads and I believe you are one of them.
5. No, I live across the U.S. from you.
6. Yes, only a few though. You, Pamie, Patrick, and I have just added Molly Zero and Mary Ellen at diaryland.
7. even though there isn't a number seven I just thought I'd say for the record that if you ever met Patrick you'd REALLY want to marry him, he is such a cutie and a sweetie, all around perfect man.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
I guess we need a special Patrick Appreciation Forum.Thank you guys for the information, by the way. (Michael, it's especially great to see you here!)
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Maybe a year, off and on.2. If You See Her, Say Hello.
3. I skim all three, only really reading bits that interest me.
4. Don't remember how I found "If You See Her" - probably a link from some other OLJ.
5. No, we've never met in person, that I know of!
6. I skim a few other journals - Willa, Lucy, and a few that are not as well-known.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?
Since June 1998, when I found you through a link of maybe Diane Patterson's?Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site?
That would have been DJR--I think you went to the abbreviated version in spring of 98? And I read everything promptly, which was good since you stopped in August, and that's why I love Kim Rollins 'cause she filled in that gap, and then life was sweet when you both were writing publicly for what, a month in the fall of 98.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?
Everything you put up that I can find, I read.Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.)
Diane Patterson, I think.Do I know you in person?
I wish.Do you read any other journals?
Oh nooooo. You're the only one. You're my first! I'll never read anyone but you. You're the best ever. (Notice how the last contradicts the first three, which are lies--which means the last must be true.)
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1.) Two or three years now. 2.) Bad Hair Days 3.) All three. 4.) I'm not sure. Off the top of my head, it might have been off a link from Kim Rollins' journal, back in the day. 5.) No 6.) Yes
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. For longer than I can remember.2. I actually tripped over Girltalk first, then discovered DJR about 3 weeks into it (you and I had begun the same week) - it was an embarrassingly long time later that I realized this was the same person as Girltalk. Been reading regularly ever since.
3. All three. I confess to avoiding the Gardening Journal because it makes me feel guilty about my own black-thumb.
4. Psychic connection??
5. Not yet!
6. Ohhhh yea...
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1.How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)? 9 months.2.Which of my web pages did you read first: Bad Hair Days, but then I went back and read everything start to finish.
3.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? All.
4.Do you remember how you found this place? The Mighty Kymm, I believe.
5.Do I know you in person? Nope.
6.Do you read any other journals? The Mighty Kymm, Squishy, Bobofett, Ellipses, Plaintive Wail, Sleepwalker, Anhedonia, Like Sands through the Hourglass, Shelleyness, Noise, Planning a Sky, Perfect Way, House of the Moon, the Pillowbook, eXhibition, Blue & Green, Tomato Nation.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. About the last month or so.
2. Bad Hair Days
3. Journal & Weblog -- the forum a few times
4. I think I link through from Pamie's site. Of course, I notice for a while that many of the "popular" journalers link to you.
5. Nope
6. Dollheads.com, pamie.com, Cat/Astrophe (formerly Pink Pig Scribbles: http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/2723/)
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?About 3-4 months.
Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site?
Bad Hair Days
Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?
The journal first, then the weblog, and occasionally I hit the forum
Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.)
The Book of Rob had a linkb
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. i can't remember exactly when i started to read your web pages, but it was a long time ago.
2. i started with "If You See Her, Say Hello," but i've read most of your archives.
3. i read the journal, the weblog, and the forum, in order of preference.
4. i'm pretty sure that i found your journals through kymm, although i've seen too many links to them to be absolutely positive.
5. no, you don't know me in person.
6. yes, i read manymany other journals. and write one: jellyfish absolution. [i even use capital letters in the entries!]
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)? Since less than a month before the switch from old xeney.com to new xeney.com2. Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site? See 1.
3. Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? Skim weblog and open new windows of interest for later; then the journal; then the forum if time. If I really want to avoid work, then I come back once or twice for new forum postings.
4. Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.) No. Maybe Gwen?
5. Do I know you in person? Nope (unfortunately)
6. Do you read any other journals? Yep. anhedonia, bobofett, First Person Particular, Fresh Hell, Gwen, I wasn't built to get up at this time, Kymm, perforated lines, shelleyness, squishy.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. one year +
3. all three
4. The Mighty Kymm
5. no
6. i am currently struggling to keep up with 44 OLJs, but yours is always the first one i check each day! :-)
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I have only been reading for about 6 weeks. 2. I found Bad Hair Days first. I have since perused the archives of DJR and some of the others. 3. I read the journal and the weblog religiously. I will skim a forum topic if it sounds interesting. I also check out the Garden pages occasionally. 4. I don't remember exactly how I found it. I think from a website about journals, but possibly from another OLJ. 5. no 6. yes, quite a few.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. A year? A year and a half? Whenever you ended If You See Her Say Hello; I'd gone back to read your archives (including DJR) and by the time I got to the end of your archives, you'd quit.2. If You See Her Say Hello
3. All three, including the Garden Project.
4. I'm fairly certain I followed a link from Willa.
5. Nope.
6. I read tons, 30 or so; thank God for notify lists, or I'd spend half my day clicking to sites that haven't updated.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Maybe 8 mos.
2. BHD, but I found the Girl Talk archives and appreciated the hell out of them, despite being a male myself.
3. Read the journal, dip into the weblog here & there, look only occasionally at the forum.
4. Linked over from Columbine's journal one day
5. Nope, but if you make it to Denver, holler and I'll buy you a beer.
6. Columbine, who I found via Aussie, who has long been an e-pal. Occasionally Pamie when I need a grin. Also Jette, because she's sweet in a bitchy sort of way.
7. Extra free bonus answer! Why I read BHD (since you were too shy to ask): Because you express your thoughts well and you often think thoughts worth expressing. I don't bother with journals that limit themselves to what the cat yakked up on the carpet yesterday. I don't mind reading about the details so much, but I wonder why people feel compelled to share them. You put plenty of that stuff out there, but Important Ideas often emerge from those discussions. Often, those ideas are about the balance between thinking and feeling, a subject that has a lot of power for me at the moment. Also, you're correct on almost every question of politics I've seen you tackle, while the rest of the world stubbornly insists on toiling away in Gross Error. I like the idea that at least one other person in the universe can understand things, which is to say, agree with me.FWIW,
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since July 1998 (I think....)
2. DJR
3. I read the journal & the weblog (but not the Garden Project as I have a black thumb)
4. I found DJR thru that Salon article. I think I found you were back with "If You See Her..." thru a link in Kymm's journal
5. Nope. You've never met me in your life
6. It's become somewhat of an addiction, reading online journals. Daily/frequent reads are: you, Kymm, Squishy/Pamie, Perfect Way/Sara, Bobofett/Dana, Shimmer Like a Girl/Georgina, Estrogen/Jackie and Deb's Life/Deb. There are about fifteen others I check weekly.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since October 99.
2. Bad Hair Days - though I've backtracked alot since.
3. All three usually.
4. Through Kate's homepage - www.drizzle.com/~kate - I found yourself and Pamie and now I'm addicted.
5. No. Living in Ireland tends to rule these things out. And it sucks reading about journalling events you know you'll never be able to go to.
6. Yes. Lots. It's starting to worry me. I seem to keep finding new ones, then I worry about pissing someone off as I never seem to be able to keep my links page in synch with my reading.Just Stopping By
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since Fall of 1998 off and on.
2. "If You See Her Say Hello".
3. Journal always, weblog most of the time, forum rarely.
4. Followed Kymm's link.
5. Nope.
6. Yes! Addicted to about a dozen of them.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. about one month
2. bad hair days
3. usually all three
4. a reader of my zine clued me in
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
OPPS (sorry..stupid fingers)
5. no
6. no
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I've been reading Bad Hair Days for about three months, I guess.
2. Bad Hair Days was the first page I read.
3. I read all three -- first the journal, then the weblog, then the forum.
4. Um... I can't remember how I found the site. Sorry.
5. Sadly, no.
6. Yup -- I read Algernon, Patrick's, Joanne's, Pamie's, Stee's, and a few others.Mary Ellen
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) About 3 or 4 months, though it honestly does seem longer. I remember thinking, "Hey, she uses frames and I'm not annoyed!" (This was back when you had some limeish green color as the background.)2) Bad Hair Days
3) Journal always, and I skim over the weblog and forums for links/subjects that interest me.
4) Not a clue. It might have been either Rob or Kymm, or maybe Pamie.
5) That would be, no.
6) Do I? You bet! Pamie, Catherine Jamieson, Kymm, Mike Reed, Michael of Baker Street, Rob Rummel-Hudson (who I'm stalking, shhh!), Dana of bobofett, Chuck of chuckstake, his wife Beth, Stee, Sara Astruc, Melissa of Planning a Sky, Steve of Evaporation, James Lileks, Rick McGinnis, Al Shroeder and Patrick Cleary. Plus I've just started reading a two or three others that will be going on my Journals I Read list pretty soon.
Of course, you're all descended from John Scalzi in my mind. Back when the Whatever was actually daily, I read it faithfully (I still do, just not daily, obviously). His list of favorite journals led me to all of the others, which still lead me to even more and inspired my own humble efforts. It's an addiction I cannot break! Curse you, Scalzi!
P.S. Can I join the Patrick Appreciation Club? I swear he reminds me so much of me. That is, if I lived on the east coast and were a tall, motivated, interesting, talented, attractive gay man.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I've been reading Xeney stuff since fall of 1997.
2. I think I read GirlTalk first. DJR next.
3. I read the weblog, then the journal. I only read the forum occasionally, when a topic really interests me.
4. I have no idea how I found you at first.
5. I don't know you in person.
6. I read about seven other journals regularly, including Squishy, bobofett, and Assume Nothing. I'd read more if I had the time!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
P.P.S There are a lot of things I like about your journal, but I really enjoy your Doc stories. Having grown up with all sorts of mutts (but currently the surrogate mom/slave to 4 cats), your stories about Doc make me smile and chuckle on a regular basis.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since sometime in 1997
2. DJR
3. All 3, though I usually just skim the log.
4. Ha ha ha. You're funny Beth. Seriously ... I think it was a link from the Mining Company. But I'm not sure. Could have been anyone I was reading back then.
5. Unfortunately not *grin*
6. Tons. http://littleowl.com/thursday/others.htm
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. A few months2. Bad Hair Days but I believe i ran into Girl Talk a long time ago. I could be imagining things, though.
3. All three but mainly the weblog.
4. I have no idea how I got here.
5. nope
6. Lots but most are not as well known.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1 - I've been reading your page since December, I think. Flew through the archives and got myself all up to date.
2 - I think I may have followed a link to DJR, somewhere, but the first one I started reading regularly was Bad Hair Days.
3 - Yes journal, sometimes forum, sometimes weblog.
4 - I found this place through Pamie's site. Something about tae-Bo and a dog.
5 - No.
6 - Yes. Squishy, the Book of Rob, (Nothing, by God and Medea Sin until THEY BOTH STOPPED AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!!) Nova Notes, Lantern Waste, and Bobofett.
Beth, I must agree... I love the Doc stories. Lab-mixes are good, good dogs. Even when they are like mine and mixed with Chihuahua.
All of these journals inspired me to make my humble site, soon to be two whole months old.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I just started a week ago and I am hooked.2. I started with Bad Hair Days and found my way to Girl Talk (which I love to format of, by the way).
3. The journal and the forum. Haven't gotten to the weblog yet, but I probably will proceed to read it after I get done with this.
4. I clicked on a link from a friend's site and then proceeded to explore that site, and found this one on a list of journals that person read. I think it was www.sweetpeas.org. Actually, that is it, I just checked. :)
5. I really don't think so, but who knows. All that stuff about "six degrees of seperation" and all. It's a mediocre sized world. :) 6. Yes, and I try to write my own. It's heavily under construction right now due to some technical difficulties with frames. Hopefully it will be back up by the end of the month.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Just a couple of thoughts:1. You are all very nice.
2. Beth K., I know where we ran across each other ... it was a posting forum at The Fray, and you wrote something about being named Beth and being called by other names, and I wrote to you, I think with a back link to my site. That's when I started reading your page, and I'm pretty sure you sent me feedback about my page after that. You might not have started reading on a regular basis then, but that was the first time we ran across each other. I think it was early 1997.
3. I clearly need to buy Kymm and Pamie a beer to thank them for all the links.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Good gravy, was that a Freudian slip or what? The link to www.sixdegrees.com is VERY wrong on that last entry. I am SO sorry. :) I hope that isn't a real site and I hope no one went there and got their pure minds warped! EEK!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. The past two weeks 2. Bad Hair Days 3. Journal, Forum 4. Squishy (I think...) 5. No 6. Squishy, Plaintive Wail and some crazy bitch from NY (it's a compliment). Her site name is: I wouldn't make this up. Honest. and the site address is http://chickpages.com/zinescene/francesca/jamimain.html.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1.How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?Probably since about 1998, though not continuously for that time.
2.Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site?
DJR was actually the first online journal I ever read. I wish I could remember the exact reference. I went through and read almost every entry over the course of a weekend, and not long after that, DJR went away and I sort of lost contact for the next year or so.
3.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?
All three, usually.
4.Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.)
I think it was a link from Fresh Hell. I came here and started reading, and I thought, "Hey, this is neat, who is this person?" Then I realized you were the DJR writer, and I thought, "Well, naturally."
5.Do I know you in person?
6.Do you read any other journals?
Just a few. Fresh Hell, Shellyness, Fellaheen.net, Bobofett, Freak Magnet...
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I dont't remember. two or three years. 2. I started reading DJR. 3.I read the journal(BHDays, not the Garden Project), the weblog and the forum if I find the topic interesting. 4. I think it was through a link from some another journal (Ceej?). 5. No. 6.Yes, and a lot of them!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Katrina - No sexdegrees.com.
However, I might need a 'real' web address one of these days...
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. god, I can't remember. At least a couple of years. 2. One of your previous journals, I believe "If you See Her, Say Hello". Someone else pointed out how other journalists said "she's back" and posted links, and I think I started reading at that time. I went back and read the archives too. 3. I read all three. I only look at the garden stuff occasionally. Your have great links which I pass on to people on the Well, who always love them. The political contribution one was very popular. 4. See #2. A link from somewhere, probably Diane, Ceej, or Lucy. 5. No, but it would be fun to meet you some time. 6. Regular reads: Aries Moon, bobofett, book of Rob, Ceej, Erm, First Person Particular, Shellyness, Journal of a Writing Man, nobody knows anything.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. over a year 2. If You See Her, Say Hello 3. all three 4. I found Lola Swackhammer through go.com. I must have found it after you stopped updating it, because I never saw another update. By the way, I found a bunch of other journallers through *you*, Pamie and Kymm, to mention two. So they owe you a beer, too. 5. No, dammit. I wish I did. 6. Beaucoups. Some are dailies: you, Anhedonia (Jette), Speaking Confidentially (Lisa), Miss Melty (Ann), and Squishy (Pamie). Then there are, oh, maybe 25 or 30 that I check if I have time. I'm an admin, and time is on my side.Y'all inspired me, and my journal Corviosity is almost a year old. Thanks!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Milage does vary. I don't like Patrick's journal at all.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) I can't remember how long it's been. A couple of years, maybe? 2) I remember reading the old xeney.com site, and I think I looked at Girl Talk before as well. 3) I read all three, though not habitually. 4) How I got here: um, maybe Melty linked to you? I know I linked to you on my erstwhile site, but I don't remember where I found the link in the first place. 5) No, you don't know me in person. 6) I read a few other journals. I am partial to Bombs For Breakfast, Ericka Bailie's journal, Smoke and Mirrors, Abada Abada, Mimi Nguyen's journal, Squishy, and so on.The end.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) Oh, 3 or 4 months now.2) Bad Hair Days
3) All three
4) Through Pamie's links page.
5) Nope, though I'm sure you'd love me if you did. ;)
6) Yes, Squishy, Plaintive Wail, Tomato Nation, Shelleyness, Perfect Way, and I've got a lot on my "to see" list.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
crud. I forgot to put in the target="_top" attributes....
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Let's see, I think Dear Jackie Robinson was where I began reading you and that would be 3-4 years ago? Maybe more?2. I gues I already answered this
3. I read all three, and also the great garden page
4. You know, you were the first journal I began reading and I really think it was a Jackie Robinson search that got me to you. I can't remember now why I was looking for Robinson although I think he's great.
5. I live in Alaska, I don't think you've ever visited (although as it turns out I did meet Jackie here...just didn't know it was here!)
6. I read about a dozen journals. You, Kymm and Patrick are my "must haves" can't start the day without you! otherwise, there's Journal of a Writing Man, Melissa at pretending to be me, the other Colleen at Alone in a Crowd, Rob, Stee, etc. etc. etc.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. on and off for a long time now 2. DJR 3. weblog and journal, forum if the topic and responses are interesting 4. I think maybe from Jackie/Estrogen 5. no, I doubt it 6. an incomplete list -- Willa, Estrogen, NKA, fellaheen, Man About Murfreesboro, ordinary ups + downs, Back to Basics, Visions and Revisions. I keep saying that I'm not going to add any more, but then I find a new one and end up reading the archives until 3 AM.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I started reading DJR in Feb. of 1998. I read whatever entry was current (don't remember the exact day, I am not quite that obsessive!) and immediately went back and read the archives. DJR was one of the first online journals that I stumbled across and the one I became the most hooked on. To this day it continues to be my fav. 2. Read DJR first. 3. I read the weblog and the journal always, the forum only sometimes. 4. I am fairly sure that I ran across your journal through the site planetamazon.com where Kymm used to a biweekly "tour" called tell me a story or something like that. I don't believe that I knew about online journals before then. Can't say for sure though. 5. Nope. 6. I read too many to mention here. The number fluctuates with the amount of time that I have. The list is long lately because I am on a sabbatical from work. BHD is always first on the list though. 4. I
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
I'm a vague guy. Here are some vague answers.1: Not sure. I looked at one of the old sites, and checked in on it a couple of times, but I didn't become a regular until Bad Hair Days.
2: Again, not sure. It was a few years ago, though.
3: I read journal and weblog, but have fallen out of touch with the forums. Perhaps someday I'll find the time again.
4: I think I got the link from Ashley, way back when.
5: Yes ma'am. Unless I'm very confused.
6: Yeah, but I tend to only keep on those kept by people I know. Actually I hardly ever even give one written by someone I don't know a shot. I'm a vicinity snob I guess.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. About 11 months. 2. Started with xeney.com. 3. Both journals (garden and Bad Hair Days) and occasionally the forum, depending on what's being discussed. 4. I found your journal through http://www.apersonalsite.com/. 5. No. 6. Lots!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since mid-1997, I think -- maybe as early as March? 2. DJR (See how cool I am? I know the abbreviation!) 3. All three 4. Pam O'Connell did a feature on online journals on the old miningcompany.com site. I think one of her other featured journalists was a prisoner serving a ninety-day sentence. He doesn't maintain that page anymore, although I do check back from time to time. 5. No. 6. Yes: Gus (http://www.spies.com/~gus/ran/body.htm); Robyn (http://www.bitchypoo.com/bitchypoo.html); Heather (http://php.indiana.edu/~hdrake/journalhome.html); Dave Van (http://members.xoom.com/DaveVan/); Al (http://userweb.nashville.com/~Al.Schroeder/journal.html); and Nigel (http://www.impolex.demon.co.uk/2000/march00/index.html)
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since Dear Jackie Robinson but I can't remember when that was.2. I think it was a spoof advice column, was there a spoof advice column?
3. All three, and the Garden Project.
4. After you went walkabout I found you again through The Mighty Kymm.
5. No.
6. Yes, but I always start with Bad Hair Days and sometimes you have so many links I want to check out that I run out of time!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1., 2., and 4. mixed together: I read the archives for DJR a couple of days after you decided to stop updating it. Columbine had referred to the end of DJR in one of her entries, and I followed the link (or asked why there wasn't a link and got a URL, if I remember correctly). Since then I've followed whichever journal you were keeping.3. I read all three, especially if I need entertaining breaks from work.
5. No.
6. I read a couple of dozen journals, checking daily. Maybe half a dozen weblogs.
Beth, maybe traffic has increased in part because you no longer update at the same time every day? You switched from morning to evening and now it seems to change irregularly. So perhaps people are checking your site more times in a day to see whether or not you've updated yet.
I have to say I'm extremely impressed to see my own site, Anhedonia on people's "other journal" answers ... at least five that I counted, wow. It's been one of those "is anyone reading the damn thing, or what" weeks, so it was pleasant to see that yes, someone is. Multiple someones, even.
"Sweet in a bitchy sort of way" -- that's me.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. About 3 months. 2. Bad Hair Days. 3. I read the journal daily, the web log if I have extra time, and the forum if I'm really bored. 4. Hmm.. I know I found it in a link from a link.. Perhaps from www.fresh-hell.com. 5. Nope. 6. Nope.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Oh. I read #6 wrong. Yes, I read other journals. The ones I read regularly are: this one (of course), www.rosamundi.com, and www.misanthrope.org/laurie. I bounce back and forth with a few others too.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I can't remeber how long. Probably about 10 months. 2. I think you had already started Bad Hair Days, but I started reading with your archives of Dear Jackie Robinson. 3. All three. 4. Don't remember. 5. No. 6. Other Journals I ReadAbeyance Alone in a Crowd Anhedonia Atropine Back to Basics (Without a Gun) Bobofett Covet What Was Mine Digital Ink Earthmovers and Sandcastles Elsewhere Evany GabGab Lazy Daysies Like Sands Through the Hourglass Me too! Me too! Metrocake more.than.this Noise Postcards from the Pond Same as Picture +/- Squishy The Secret Page Travesty Zannie Speak
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1)Two years 2)DJR 3)All but the Garden Report 4)It was either Pamie or Deb (Daily Dose of...) 5)No 5)Pamie, Mighty Kymm, Plaintive Wail, Deb. And a local WI guy: www.execpc.com/~eklister/index.html
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I have been reading you consistently ever since you came back with 'Bad Hair Days.' (you'd remember better than I would when that was.)2. Okay, I found your site about two years ago... it was pastel greens and yellows and I can't remember much of the content. I read it because I knew you from the Sacramento News and Review and from Jetrock's BBS. But I don't think it was a journal. I don't know what it was... but it's not around anymore. But it was at xeney.com, that much I know.
3. I read the weblog first, then the journal. I don't usually read the forum, but I do answer in it once in a while.
4. I found it through someone... someone in Sacramento but I don't remember who, someone posted "xeney is back." I didn't know you were even gone... never knew about DJR, etc... but since I vaguely remembered your posts from Jetrocks' board, thought it would be interesting to go see who the xeneyperson was. :)
5. I guess you kind of know me in person... we met once... but it's not like we hang out or anything. If I saw you in Safeway, I'd probably look in your cart to see what you were cooking.
6. I read lots of other journals, 6 Sacramento journals I think... they are listed at http://www.sweetpeas.org/journals.htm
You're Welcome!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1) Since late '99, possibly around the start of December. Not entirely sure any more.
2) Bad Hair Days.
3) All three.
4) Not sure of this either. Think I followed a link from Stasi.
5) No, but I did send a few links for your weblog and you've been kind enough to link back to me. That's as far as it's gone so far.
6) I can often be found catching up on the adventures of yourself, Pamie, Michael Rawdon, Ms E, Rick McGinnis, Stasi and a few others. Plus I keep my own, and keep pimping it here: Tonight We Sleep In Separate Ditches
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I started in December -- I spent my winter break reading everything in Bad Hair Days and all the old archives.2. Bad Hair Days
3. Journal and weblog. I've read some of the forum and answered a couple of questions, but I usually only check it out when there's a question of particular interest. I occasionally read the Garden Report, too.
4. I think I came here either through a link from Bellatrix, or a link from Vic Kipper in one of his first entries. Maybe both.
5. Nope.
6. Yeah -- the aforementioned Bellatrix (Neurotica) and Vic (Salmon Mire), Stee (Plaintive Wail), Jessica (Mental Sewage), Jennie (In Further News), Louise (Velvet Days), Pamie (Squishy), and everybody at hatelife.org (which is sort of like Diaryland, I think, except much less flexible and much more angst-ridden).
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Oh, I've assumed that the increase in traffic to the front page is at least partially the result of people reloading and checking back. But the number of hits to each individual entry has gone up, and since I doubt that most people reload an entry they've already read, I think that probably represents a fairly accurate hit count.Another note: I've been going back and editing people's posts to put in <BR> tags for line breaks. There are now officially too many posts and I'm tired, so I'm not doing it anymore.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. Since December sometime, I think. I went back and read a lot of the archive over Christmas, which is when I got truly hooked. 2. Bad Hair Days 3. All three, when I have time. Sometimes I skip the forum. 4. Diane Patterson linked. 5. No. 6. Loads. Regularly: yours, inside: Patrick's daily journal, Gwen's, Mary Ellen's smoke & mirrors, Monique's Blue and Green, nobody knows anything, Perforated Lines and I've just started reading Algernon because of the tumour contest you posted in the weblog. Also I write my own (Parietal Pericardium).
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
Oh, yes, the time line for those of you who are confused:
- Original homepage, "Xeney's Guide to the Galaxy" -- started sometime in late 1996 or early 1997. I don't remember. Lasted until April of 1999. No journal, but yes, it included an advice column. (Ask Lola Swackhammer.)
- Girl Talk. March 1997 - some time in 1999, when I stopped updating it. It's still around, but archived.
- First journal, Dear Jackie Robinson. November 1997 - August 1998. Not connected with xeney site.
- Second journal, If You See Her, Say Hello. September 1998 (included offline entries from August) - February 1999.
- Garden Project. March 1999 - present, with a hiatus from April 1999 to July 1999.
- Bad Hair Days, July 1999 - present.
There. Now will someone please tell that annoying journaler whose name I can't remember that I did not "quit for a whole year," thus rendering me forever ineligible for Diarist Awards and continually targeted for her whining?
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
I've been reading since something like last July. I'm also anal enough that I went back and read all the archives. All of them. Over a period of about a week. I have no life, thankyouverymuch.
I'm not entirely sure what I started reading. Last July. Someone else figure it out.
I read the journal, the weblog, and I'm enough of a dork that I get the forum put into my mailbox. In it's own little folder. I'm too cool.
I found you through my own unrivaled talent. *erm* Or not. I have no idea, to be honest. I think that it can be pinned on Paul, but I'm not sure.
No one knows me in person. I'm just elusive and mysterious like that. Or something.
Of course I read other journals. What else would I do with all my spare time? get a life or something? I think not!
The short list...
Squishy (A Journal)
More Than This
Mental Aberrations
Who I Am
Covet What Was Mine
Normal Like You
Bad Hair Days
Fresh Hell
Perfect Way
The Seth Warren Project
Inside the Velvet
Pieces of Me
For once, then, something
Shudder / To / Think
She's Actual Size
Standing On A Beach
No Idea, No Spark
Redeem Me
Blissful Moments
It's Easier Not to be Great
Earthmovers and Sandcastles
Blue & Green
Third Eye
Canadian Beauty ; A Dave Van Journal
I'd Rather Eat Glass
A Moveable Feast
Medea Sin
Hope With No Pay
Heh. I'm a loser.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. I've been reading for about two weeks.
2. Bad Hair Days was the first.
3. I hit the weblog, since I'm a media junkie.
4. I ended up here by way of a link at .
5. No, you don't know me in person.
6. Journals I read religiously (again we see the junkie factor):
Harrison B. Silchwasser's 24-Hour Pottery Barn
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000
1. (How long?) Off and on for a year. 2. (Which first?) Xeney.com, then more recently Bad Hair Days. 3. (Journal, Weblog, or Forum?) All three, although I had taken a break from the forum for the past few weeks. 4. (How found?) Kim Rollins likes it, so I tried it. 5. (Do I know you?) No, but I flew over your house on Sunday afternoon. 6. (Other journals?) Stee, Sara Astruc, mine.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
I started in with webtv late June early July. After touring art museums, using search engines, and getting a "favs" file of medical stuff, including my HMO's website i ran onto the diarys and journals.
I've been reading you since July 1999 when I spotted your url, maybe Nova Notes, Scherzi - somewhere I saw it and gave it a try.
Bad air days
Journal first, forum next, weblog last.
We've never met, I'm in Denver an you are in Sacto, But it would be nice, and I promise to bring Heather along.
The other journals I read or check on......Oh my.......My main "fav" file for journals / diary's can hold 32, I have several more. I am retired and have a great deal of spare time, some of it afer Heather goes to bed, as she retires early. I like especially the ones like yours,Nova Notes,
Mouth Organ,
Sunshyn's Daydreams,
Dirt Road Ramblin',
The Chattering (once "Rant or Rejoice),
This Little Light of Mine,
Just Stopping By,
For Once, Then Something - I like the "hunger site",
Mary Anne's Homepage,
The Book of Rob,
Adventures in Living,
Perfect Way,
How Not To Fly - - -Mike Leungs journal,
Shmeul's journal
and many more
It interests me to see what things are going on and how each writer deals with life. A twist of satire, a bit of humor helps.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1) Quite some time.
2) Dear Jackie Robinson.
3) I read the weblog. Lately, I've just been skimming the journal entries. (I blame the dog.) I've never followed the garden journal.
4) I think it was through that Salon article on online journals. Which, in turn, I first found through... Ceej, I think?
5) Nope.
6) Over a dozen.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
For a year or so..since, If You See Her Say Hello.
Journal, the weblog, the forum sometimes. I do enjoy the links in your weblog a lot, and often get lost there.< br> Salon article link.
Yep. First Person Particular, parentheis, Naked eye, hinesite, and many others on occassion per links from those U read regularly.I just don't have time to read as many as I would like to. I soon hope to start my own. .
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1.How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)? -well,its been a few months..?- 2.Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals,Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site? -bad hair days-3.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? -all three,though now I tend to hop through your links,and some of the forums more often.when i started reading,the journal was injested daily,and i've slowly eeked through the archives.-
4.Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.) -uh,okay I'll spill the beans..I thank Yahoo for some link of interest thing that they had passed on to me.-(I like aliteration?)
5.Do I know you in person? -nope,and your probably better off,I think my freinds are waiting for a good moment to clue me in on the fact that they arent really my friends.-
6.Do you read any other journals? -nothing else on a daily basis,sad to say on the net I'm a all over the place,so i keep a few spring boards to jump from-
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. about two months; also read Dear Jackie Robinson briefly just before it vanished2. DJR, then came back when someone else linked to the weblog and forum
3. weblog, forum, sometimes journal. The weblog is my favorite. It's the only weblog I need to read. But I like the other stuff and will even occasionally go look at the gardening page, and I hate to garden. I'm one of the people Beth will banish to concrete apartment blocks when she's queen, and that's fine with me.
4. probably a link from Gus or Daily Dose of Deb, which were the first two I read
5. no.
6. regularly: Gus, Ceej, Patrick, JenWade, Jette, Kymm, Elizabeth (formerly Grace), Sara, Diane, Monique, Pamie, Stee, Shmuel, Susan, Miriam, Columbine, Rob.
less regularly (this includes journals with less regular updates): Tracing, Sometimes Deb, Karen, Georgina, Karawynn, Dana, Elaine, Lucy, Sei, and others if someone previously mentioned links to something interesting.
weeklies: Paul Schindler (weblog/column), Glenn McDonald (music reviews).
euro-journals (in English): Tim, Mia, Aet.
I should really put them all in a table with frequency of update on one axis and timezone on the other, to optimize my click:newstuff ratio. Of course the forums update constantly.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
Oh, and Dawn. How could I forget Dawn?
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
Ooh. It's all about meeee. ;) 1. About 3 months or so. 2. Bad Hair Days. 3. Weblog & Journal, with a bit of Forum thrown in if I have the time. 4. Followed a link in Squishy. 5. No, unless it's from another life. Perhaps the past life where we were both monkeys... 6. Oooh yes. Bobofett, Squishy, Plaintive Wail, The Book of Rob, Shelleyness, Shimmer Like A Girl, and mucho others that I can't remember 'cause it's early and I haven't been properly caffeinated yet.- m_l
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. Since I got a computer at home - around January 1999, I think.2. Started off with IYSHSH, off and on, went back and read all your archives (DJR, IYSHSH, Girl Talk), then started reading regularly with Bad Hair Days.
3. I always read the weblog and the journal, and check out the forum if you say something about it that interests me. I don't usually post, though.
4. A link from Pamie.
5. No.
6. Whenever they update: You, Pamie, Jen Wade, Molly Zero, Beth Atkins, Sara Astruc, Deb of Deb's Life, Georgina. A few others when it occurs to me.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1.About two years. 2.Dear Jackie Robinson. 3.I read the weblog first, then the journal, then the forum, if I think I want to answer one of the questions. 4.The famous Salon article on online journals. 5.Nope. 6.Lots -- Scalzi, Lileks, Lucy, Gus, Bobofett, Murfreesboro guy, John Bailey. And my own, of course. (heh)
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1-Since DJR days (about the last 6 months) 2-see above 3-if i'm in a hurry, just the journal. Weblog when I have time 4-from Diane Patterson 5-no 6-yes Diane,Ceej,Gus, Bonus Round, Lucy,Daily Epiphany and U9
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1/ One month or two, dunno exactly, but i'm definitely new around
2/ Bad Hair Days first, but I just LOOOOOVE Girl Talk :)
3/ Mostly the journal, sometimes the weblog but i don't really click through a lot, except for stupid tests online, and I also read the forum [not everything, there's too much!]
4/ From Squishy, I'm pretty sure. Or am I getting confused?
5/ Nope, don't think so. Did you ever come to France or Luxembourg?
6/ YEP. Squishy, the book of Rob sometimes, Stee's but not very often, and recently i started to read Mary-ellen's and Patrick's...
I just have to stop and get back to work, don't I?
Or try to write in my own ;-)
You're welcome!
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1.How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)?
Regularly since December or so, I think. I had stumbled across one of your entries while ego-surfing a year or two ago... it was the article you had written for me way back in 1995. I looked through some of your other entries then, really identifying with the one about being bored at shows and the need for multitasking. I think I pointed a bunch of people to that one. However, I didn't check back regularly and "rediscovered" your site in December of 1999.
3.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three?< BR> I look for a new journal entry first, and will read that, then the "last year" and "two years ago" entries. I don't read the garden report. I read the weblog but rarely follow the links. I usually only go to the forum when it is linked to from the weblog or the bottom of a journal entry, and then only if I think it might be a subject where I have something to contribute. I've been looking at the forum more and more lately as I haven't found journal entries waiting for me in the morning (especially since all the other journalers and webloggers are busy at SXSW)
4.Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.) Well, I know the first time I was ego-surfing. How I found it in December I don't recall. I was beginning to switch Retrogression over to a weblog-and-story format and I was looking at a lot of other weblogs and such, so I may have found it that way.
By the way, when my laptop broke, I sent out an email to my subscriber list suggesting other sites they might want to read. I have about a thousand subscribers and it's possible some of them now read Bad Hair Days. If they clicked in from an email I think it shows in your log as "no referrer."
5.Do I know you in person?
Not really, but we used to be on the punk-list together back in 1995 or so, when I was living in Pittsburgh with Wandi.
6.Do you read any other journals?
Abada Abada - Jessamyn's journal... she's an anarchist librarian and really fucking cool, although her journal is often three or four paragraphs a week.
Life as I (hardly) know it - This is done by a friend of mine. I actually became friends with her because of her journal and Retrogression. Sometimes she posts really good entries but the majority of the time she just posts an entry saying she will write later.
Misnomer - This is mostly a weblog, one of the few that came out of Manila that I actually like. He occasionally writes a more in-depth piece and links to it.
Rebecca Blood - This is mostly a weblog but she occasionally posts and links to epinions.
Squishy - I kept hearing you talk about Pamie so I checked out her site. It was the week she was doing beatboxing and had this hilarious post from Taylor and Cal. I was laughing out loud in my office. I occasionally check out other journals if I see the person referred to enough or a link to a particularly good entry in someone's weblog, but Squishy is the only one that I kept on my bookmark list for more than a week.
And of course, I do Retrogression
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. Since early 1998 or thereabouts. 2. Dear Jackie Robinson. When I tried to picture you in my head, I would picture a little 5-year-old blonde girl praying to Jackie Robinson. Sort of like a pre-pubescent version of "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." 3. I read the journal and the weblog. I check in on the forum when I have a few idle minutes during the day. 4. I remember one of my readers wrote to me about your page, but I think that may have been after I found you on my own. I have no idea how _that_ came about. Kim Rollins, maybe? Or surfing Archipegalo? 5. I'm really that annoying girl who works in your office. Surprise! 6. But of course. Many of them are listed above, so I'll save the bandwith. Plus, Shelleyness.com, Bill Dickson (awenet.com), Nicole (thinveneer.org), Lisa H. (penguindust.com), damn I hate making this sort of list because I know I must be leaving pe
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
How long have you been reading my web page: Since early 1998. Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days, one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site? Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.) Do I know you in person? Do you read any other journals?
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. Lordy, I don't know, about 1997 or so. 2. Probably the old xeney.com site. No idea how I got there. But then I came back to DJR via a link from the Gus, or Rob. 3. Mostly the journal, sometimes the forum. 4. See #2. Found Rob through People Chase a long time ago. Found People Chase entirely at random. 5. Nope. 6. Gus, Pamie, Rob, Scott Anderson. Others, occasionally. I don't have all that much free time.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
First I apologize for the bogus post. I tried to put in a line feed and IE 5.0 pressed the "send" button for me.I've been a Xeney fan since early 1998 when I found DJR.
I read the journal and the weblog, but the Garden report makes me feel bad about my black thumb. I don't remember how I found you. We've never meet in real life.
Checking Xeney.com is a part of my morning, I can't really get to work programming until I check for an update. I eagerly follow "The Book of Rob". I enjoy "CJ's black book" and "Nobody Knows Anything", but Xeney and Rob are the Queen and King of journaling as far as I'm concerned.
I don't even mind the fact that both are commie-libs, their great writing makes up for their ridiculous political views.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
I'm revising answer number one, since there was no DJR in March 1997 -- must have been December. I know I read the 12/11/97 entry about menstrual cramping. So I'm bad with dates. So sue me.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
jnhtx@jump.net - - - - spoken like a true, dyed in the wool old line republican
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
I started reading in January 2000. I've only been reading Bad Hair Days, but it seems like I've caught links to Girl Talk several times in the past...I don't remeber from where. I read the journal and the forums, and sometimes the weblog, if work is especially slow. I'm pretty sure I came here from Pamie's page, but it could have been linked from Kymm too, as I read both pretty regularly. I don't know you in person and really the only other journals I read are Pamie's and Kymm. There isn't much time to write now, as I just got to work, but I enjoy your page every day! It's g
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. Two years or so. It was the Jackie Robinson Days.2. Dear Jackie Robinson was my first exposure to you that I know of.
3. I read the weblog and the journal, and the forum when there's an interesting question. (I don't read the Garden Journal, but then, I have black thumbs.)
4. You were recommended by another journal, maybe Lynda's, although I'm not sure if you preceded or were after Lynda.
5. No, you don't know me in person.
6. Yes, I read a lot of journals. You're one of my dailys...Kymm, Lynda of (Parenthesis), Catherine of NAKED EYE are some of the other journals I read every day. I read a lot of others besides my "dailys" but only a few times a week or every week.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1) Oh, two or three months.
2) Bad Hair Days.
3) All three.
4) Yep, I remember - I linked to you through squishy, liked what I read, and bookmarked the site for daily reading.
5) No.
6) Yep, but not many - squishy, tomato nation, and sometimes plaintive wail.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. I've been reading Bad Hair Days since last summer. I also started reading the Garden Project last summer, before I found Bad Hair Days, and didn't put the two together for quite some time.2. The Garden Project.
3. I usually read all three.
4. I'm pretty sure it was a link from Kymm.
5. You don't know me in person.
6. I read only two every day: Bad Hair Days and The Mighty Kymm. Others I read weekly: Nobody Knows Anything and Willa's Journal.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. almost a year2. bad hair days
3. all three
4. pamie link
5. no, but i would love to do lunch, ever come to North Carolina?
6. yes...i check every morning (in order), sara, stee, dana, al, dave van, kim, ms. e, pamie, mike reed, shelley, rob, and beth. I have to save you for last because I usually stay forever, there is so much to do here!!
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. A year? A year and a half? Off and on. 2. Dear Jackie Robinson. 3. Mostly the journal, but I usually skim the weblog too. 4. Wow, not at all. 5. no. 6. Yes, pamie, melty, mary chen and lemonbugg are the regulars.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. A couple of months.2. Bad Hair Days.
3. I read the weblog almost exclusively for a long time. I just started reading the journal in the past couple of weeks.
4. Everyone links to you. It was cumulative peer pressure.
5. Nope.
6. I just counted yesterday, and found I was on the notify list for 41 (now 42) journals. I read a whole bunch that I'm not on the list for, and I also loyally read everyone in my Bookworm 'Burb (That's right! The Bookworm Burb! For a limited time only! Absolutely free! Try it today!), when I get the chance. I went through a pregnancy journal phase, and now I'm in a funny journal phase. My all time favorites are mostly the tried and true big names, like Rob, stee, Patrick, Diane and Dana.
Oh, and Tamar, Nancy, Mar, Shmuel, Columbine, Miriam, Iain, Dave Van, Joanne, Jim Valvis, Ri, John Scalzi, Bliss, Jolene, Saundra, Kim, Kym and Kymm, Kate, Melissa... okay, I read a lot of journals. I know I'm forgetting a bazillion of them...
But I only read one weblog.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
How long? I can't remember. I think I discovered online journals through the Salon article that mentioned Diane's 'nobody knows anything' and I *think* it's from her that I found 'if you see her say hello.' That was the first of yours that I read. I didn't like the spider, but everything else was cool. :)I read the journal and the weblog and pieces of the forum.
No, you don't know me in person, although I spend some time in northern CA occasionally (my SO is there), so maybe someday. ;-)
I read several other journals. They're linked off my portal. Faves (other than this) are: Naked Eye, Speaking Confidentially, FPP, . . . and some others I'm sure I'm not thinking off of the top of my head.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. um... about two months 2. Bad Hair Days first.. and then browsed through much of the others. (got a big kick out of Girl Talk, btw) 3. Always the journal, and often the other two. 4. I know I found a link to it from someone's personal home page, but can't for the life of me remember who.. which is kinda sad since it wasn't that long ago! 5. nope 6. your journal got me hooked, and I've since added to my list Naked Eye, Squishy, Perforated Lines, Lucidity, Plaintive Wail.. and probably a few others I'm forgetting about at the moment.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000
1. DJR- started reading it in the spring maybe a year, year and a half go (can't recall actual dates much). If You See Her- after that until you got rid of it. Just found this site today and glad to see you're back at journaling (and more) again =) 2. DJR. 3. Will probably get to reading everything (especially since I'm reading this instead of studying for a final) eventually. 4. Off melty.com when I was looking for online magazines, clicked on girl talk, clicked over here. Hmm, rather roundabout there. 5. Nope, and you'd hate me if you did. 6. Used to read a bunch of them (somewhere around fifteen, I think) up until about seven months ago or so, when actual life got in the way.
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
(1) Ummm, about .. more than a year. less than two. (2) If You See Her, Say Hello. When it had a big spider on it. (3) I read the journal. I read the web log because it's on the front page, though honestly I wouldn't seek it out otherwise; on theo ther hand I end up following a bunch of links and enjoying the commentary, so being forced to see the weblog doesn't hurt. I don't read the forum except when the weblog points out specific topics that interest me. (4) Karawynn linked to the entry about the dental visit. I'm a major dental phobic so I went to gape. The next entry or so was a list of things you liked about your boyfriend, which seemed so cutesy I almost gave up, but later entries hooked me. (Sorry about calling it cutesy.) (5) Nope. (6) I read parenthesis, columbine's journal, bluetattoo, more than this, and occasional other bits. I occasionally read a few entries from some of the Big Popular Journals everyone mentions, but for some reason I don't stick with them. I dunno. They all seem to be in theater. I like theater ok, but I really can't relate. (There, I've just provided the weirdest and most wildly inaccurate summary of the Online Journaling Community ever known.) Actually, they all seem so normal and happy and successful I get bored. You're so abnormal you're interesting. Er, that's not what I meant to say.
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
1. Since the Salon article in 1998.
2. DJR
3. I've read your journal ever day you've written it since I found you way back when. I also read the Garden Journal, and click all the links. I skim the weblog and occasionally follow links. I come into the forum now and then if you point to something interesting going on.
4. Salon article link.
5. As Lynda said: Not yet!
6. Fewer and fewer. Four or so I read everyday (or in your case, every day you update. Hah), a handful of others I catch up on every few days or when they update. There are a large number of journals I like very much but don't often read. Go figure.
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
1. I've been reading since sometime in late '97 or early '98. 2. At first I read the old xeney.com and DJR at the same time for a while before realizing you were the same person! I came to them separately. 3. The journal and weblog mostly, and sometimes the forum. 4. I think I came from a link from Melty, my first web hero. 5. No 6. Oh, yes, lots. And of course I have my own, sporadically updated
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
I have already answered the questions once but feel impelled to state my feelings more emphatically. Beth, you have a complete production in my mind there is something in there for each of us each day. Judging from the response you are getting on this one subject, we all follow you and consider what is being said deeply. Please, oh, please do not discontinue your forum. Some may exercise their prerogative and not look at the forum, that is good. Some of us live to see what is next on your forum and love to stick an oar into the already muddied waters and stir up shit and some of just like to advance an opinion to people who seem to pay attention and listen seriously. Please stay with it, and us Denver doug
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
Let's see...1. I lose track of the years... but I first started reading when it was "Dear Jackie Robinson..." so that would make it, what, three years?
2. Oops. Think I just answered that question. DJR was first for me.
3. I read all three but am rather casual about the forum - I only look at the questions that interest me.
4. I'm trying to remember how I found DJR... I think it was through The Gus' journal.
5. No, but to know me is to love me.
6. Other journals... are there any other journals? Only kidding. At one time I was reading a lot of journals, but in the last year or so my reading list has been getting pared down. Maybe I'll go hunting for new ones soon. Right now I'm reading about a dozen to 15 of them faithfully. I have to say that I found many of them through your journal among them Viv's "First Person Particular" and Mavis Minge's "Erm..." There's also Pamie, Stee, Shelleyness, The Gus, Linda DeVault's Stranger Than Fiction, St. Jezebel (formerly Replitwank), Bill Chance's Daily Epiphany, Left On Red and of course The Gus.
P.S.: You're my hero. You kick ass.
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
I've been reading you since DJR.LOVE the weblog, enjoy the forums, read the journal.
Not sure how I found you... I think one of the journal-reading cohorts (probably Ed) alerted me first, then there was a link in Sugar & Preserve.
No, we don't know each other in person.
Do I read others? Whoa, yeah! Plenty. Top of the list: First Person Particular, Lucidity, Naked Eye, Perforated Lines, Shelleyness, Chucks'take, Aries Moon, Hedgehog Tales, Plaintive Wail, bobofett, and my own- Artist At Large. (Yep, I read it after uploading it... don't we all do that?)
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
1. I've been reading for quite a long time now.2. I started with Dear Jackie Robinson
3. I read them all
4. From rebekah jude (Http://www.rebekah.org)
5. nope
6. The Org and BenBrown.com
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000
1) I've been reading since DJR.
2) see above
3) The journal in chunks, reading every entry but not necessarily on the day they're posted. The weblog everyday. The forum occasionally. The Garden Project is a must for me.
4) Haven't a clue how I initially found the place.
5) nope
6) I read only a couple of other journals nowadays, and that's sporadic. Much more discriminating with my time now that I'm trying to learn how to sleep.
-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000
1. I've been reading since DJR. I started reading shortly before it ended and was bitterly disappointed to lose you right after I'd discovered you.2. See above.
3. I read all three, but am most likely to skip the forum, especially when a topic starts to get long.
4. I'm pretty sure I found you through Diane. She was the first journal I read and you were the second.
5. Nope.
6. I read Nobody Knows Anything, Squishy, Plaintive Wail, Algernon, The Book of Rob, Speaking Confidentially, The Pillow Book, Perfect Way, and Ellipses regularly and often pop in on others like Tracing and Aries Moon. I also keep my own journal.
-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000
1. How long have you been reading? According to what I read, I am one of the many of your new readers this month. But I'm working my way through the arhcives right now2. Which of my web pages did you read first? Bad Hair Days
3. Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? All three, depending on if the forum topics interest me
4. Do you remember how you found this place? I was browsing for new journals to read and your link kept popping up on everyone's list
5. Do I know you in person? Nope
6.Do you read any other journals? About a dozen, including Squishy, Scotty's World, Mighty Kymm, Blue & Green, Digital Ink, Mermaid Wishes, Normal Like You, etc..
-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000
1.About a year-and-a-half 2.The old Xeney.com site first (see answer 4) 3.All three. 4.Long story. I stumbled upon a short comment you had left on some site I can't even remember. I can't even remember what the comment was about, but I do remember thinking: "Hm, I think I like the way her mind works." So I just typed www.xeney.com in the address bar, and the next moment, my life changed... 5.No, we've never met. But should you ever visit this part of the world, I'll be happy to give you a guided tour. 6.Squishy, Spacegirl and Judywatt.com - great pictures. Other than that, I don't have time. Reading journals is strictly a lunchtime activity for me.
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000
1. Can't remember ... maybe 3 years? Yikes. 2.Dear Jackie Robinson 3.The journal, the weblog, the forum, and sometimes even the garden journal. 4.Probably someone raved about you. 5.No. 6.Yes -- Book of Rob, Life as it Happens, a couple of others -- but yours is the one I've been reading longest.
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000
1.How long have you been reading my web page (any of them)? Since about Christmas I think.2.Which of my web pages did you read first -- i.e., Bad Hair Days,one of my previous journals, Girl Talk, or the old xeney.com site? Bad Hair Days.
3.Do you read the journal, the weblog, the forum, or all three? All three, and in the order you've listed. And i read the garden journal too, but not as much. 4.Do you remember how you found this place? (Especially if you came in the last month or so.) Nope, sorry. It was among the first few journals I found. Wait, yes I do - it was from a Salon article which I found though Diane Patterson's site. 5.Do I know you in person? Nope. I am on the other side of the world. 6.Do you read any other journals? Yes, mostly Pamie's, Diane's, Al's and Kymm's. Other's here and there.
Kay of Ocean View Verandah
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000
1. Umm, about 3 days!2. Well, BHD obviously. Love it! But eventually I'll find the time to go back and read some of your archives.
3. Since I'm completely addicted to the forum, I always check the new answers first (you may have noticed, I'm incredibly long-winded and frankly, my husband gets tired of hearing me talk...). If it's not way, way past my bedtime, I'll check out the journal and then the weblog, then figuring I'm doomed anyway, I'll go to the archives and check out the forum one last time before I call it, "Oh crap, it's dawn!"
4. Yet Another Web Thing (Mark Prince), specifically his archive. No clue what brought me to him to you.
5. Unfortunately not. You really crack me up!
6. Considering how much time I spend here, how would I ever find the time? Actually, I spent about 3 hours at YAWT, but then he lost me when I linked here. Too bad for him I guess.
-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000
2. I started reading your journal a few years ago in a previous incarnation. I think it was Dear Jackie Robinson at the time.1. See question 2. Whenever you were writing DJR was about how long ago I started reading, but I have no idea when that was. I've been hooked ever since.
3. I read the journal always, and usually the weblog and forum too. I seldom read the garden journal, though.
4. Again, no idea. I'd guess it was a link from another journaler.
5. Not that I know of.
6. Yes, lots. I tend to go through stages - I'll keep adding journals to my reading list until it gets so long it takes hours to check them each day. Then I throw up my hands and cut down to just a few. That lasts for a few months and then the list starts growing again. Real life has also been known to interfere with journal reading on occasion :)
I suppose what I like most is seeing life from so many different points of view. Gives me a sense of perspective. So many different stories and outlooks and experiences to share.
Thanks for sharing yours, Beth.
-- Anonymous, March 21, 2000
My ears were burning. Now I see why.1. I've been reading your web page for I guess almost two years now.
2. I started at the goodbye letter from DJR and then when IYSHSH starteed I was hooked.
3. I read all three. I must confess I rarely go to the garden journal, because I could kill a plant just by looking at it's image on my monitor.
4. I've narrowed it down to three choices: the goodbye letter from Dear Jackie Robinson was linked from either mali, ms. e, or melty. I started reading all of these things from ms. e, but I think I found you through melty. oh, wait, it might be lemonbugg. she loves her some xeney.
And by the way, I got many of my readers from your IYSHSH awards. So our beer-buying is mutual.
5. Not in person, but deep in your heart. (awwwww.)
6. You can see some of the journals I read here. There are more, but I try not to update my links list as it has the power to make people quit or move their journals.
-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000
1. About a month. 2. Bad hair days. 3. All three. 4. Link from Monique (http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/Mopie/archives.htm) 5. Nope 6. I read only outrageously funny and smart journals. The top five are Blue & Green/Monique (see link above), Pamie/Squishy (www.pamie.com), Plaintive Wail/stee (www.plaintivewail.com) bobofett/Dana (www.bobofett.com) and the Book of Rob (http://www.digitalism.com/bookofrob.html)
-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000
1. I've been reading since Oct. 15, 1999. I know that because three days earlier I had surgery. I was released the next day, and spent a lot of time only able to move my wrists without pain. My boyfriend rigged my computer so I could lay in my recliner and put the keyboard on my lap. I found you my second day home. 2. I read three entries of Bad Hair Days, then went into your archives and started from the beginning. 3. I read all three. 4. I'm not sure of the actual name anymore, but I know I was looking up scary stuff. I think it was named Scary Girl. 5. No 6. The only other one right now is Back to Basics...
-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000
1. A little over a year.2. If you see her...
3. All three.
4. Kymm's Christmas visit with you and Lucy
5. Nope.
6. Mighty Kymm, Tracing, Aries Moon, and Squishy mostly. My first was Deb's Daily Dose
-- Anonymous, March 22, 2000
Jim sez:Checking Xeney.com is a part of my morning, I can't really get to work programming until I check for an update. I eagerly follow "The Book of Rob". I enjoy "CJ's black book" and "Nobody Knows Anything", but Xeney and Rob are the Queen and King of journaling as far as I'm concerned.
Wow. That is very very cool. Thanks.
And from a conservative, too. Great, now I've got to toss out one more unreasonable prejudice of mine...
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000
Hey Stijn, thanks, and I wish you had a photojournal too, of The Netherlands - or I wish I could come back and take about 1,000 pictures this time!
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000
1. Since Bad Hair Days started, and Viv had kittens about it. 2. Bad Hair Days. But I've been trawling the archives of the others. 3. All three but the weblog, journal, and forum, in that order. 4. Viv of First Person Particular 5. Not that I know of. Although I have been to Sac. once or twice ... um ... 6. Heaps. See http://www.lucidity.au.com/00/files/links.html if you need to know exactly.cheers!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
1. i'm not sure how long it's been exactly, but... 2. i first started reading you sometime during the "xeney's guide to the galaxy" days. 3. usually i read the journal and skim the weblog. i used to follow the forum more, but i've just been skimming it for interesting topics the past month or so. 4. i followed a link from either mimi or the much-missed malinchista. 5. nope. 6. yes, but i've quit reading a lot of them recently. i still keep up with pamie, kim, jan, columbine, the aforementioned mimi, and about four more whom i'm not sure whether i should link to, since i don't know whether they would appreciate the extra publicity. but they're some of my favorites.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2000
1. Since... dear jackie robinson 2. Uuhhh, see above. 3. All three 4. Nope. 5. Nope. 6. YES! Pamie (of course), Dave Van (please update soon), Daily Deb (same goes for you - daily - HA!), Chuck s'take, the daily Whatever (yeah yeah not a journal, whatEVER), Sleepwalker, Stitches in Time (thanks again for the link), U9 (baby!), and... there are more I just can't think of them right now.
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000
Oh- and I forgot to mention that this was the first online journal I ever read, and it got me hooked. Did 'if you see her' come before DJR? I don't remember...
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2000