For those of you who don't live in California, you can now experience what it's : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
For those of you who don't live in California, you can now experience what it's like.
-- Uncle Bob (, March 15, 2000
-- CD (, March 15, 2000.
Owww..that gave me a headache!!!
-- kritter (, March 15, 2000.
Howw did you do that?
-- wwoww (, March 15, 2000.
Clicked on the link, went to the blue page, clicked on the silver tab that said EXPERIENCE CALIFORNIA and nothing happened. Did I just experience California or does something else happen????????
-- suzy (, March 15, 2000.
Suzy:You are right in both cases [for what it is worth]. For me, it didn't work on IE but did on Netscape. May be my OS.
Best wishes,,,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 15, 2000.
Worked for me using IE 4.0. Kind of reminded me of being in San Francisco in 89.
-- Jim Cooke (, March 16, 2000.
I don't get it
-- cin (, March 16, 2000.
C'mon Cin, keep clicking and pay attention ;-)
-- (, March 16, 2000.
My speakers aren't working. Did I miss the sound of the freight train passing through my house?Debbie in So.CA.
-- Debbie (, March 16, 2000.
That WAS a cute one, Uncle Bob.Deb: No need for sound. [I put on my headphones based on your post, but still heard nothing.]
-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 16, 2000.
LOL! 4:31 am Northridge 1/17/94 all over again (w/o sound)
-- Debbie (, March 16, 2000.
OK, all you Golden Staters, let's go through the usual quake drill:(1) Sit fairly still and estimate the Richter on current "event"
(2) Decide whether it's a "roller", "shaker", "jolt", or "The Big One"
(3) Try to remember the last quake and figure out whether this one's an aftershock or a new quake
(4) Go back to sleep...
-- DeeEmBee (, March 16, 2000.
LOL, Unc B! Thanks for the bellylaugh...
-- Deb M. (, March 16, 2000.
I don't get itnot the first time and not the last
-- Sir Richard (, March 16, 2000.
If the earth doesn't move for you, your browser doesn't support Java. The California simulation is done using the Java 'shake' function defined by:function shake(n) {
if (self.moveBy) {
for (i = 15; i > 0; i--) {
for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {
-- Risteard Mac Thomais (, March 16, 2000.
OKI opened up in IE4, and it worked, so yes, I get it now =oP. But I have to tell you, any earthquake I've ever felt, feels like you're on a giant waterbed; Sort of sway and back and forth movement. But of course, I've never been IN the epicenter.
-- cin (, March 16, 2000.
It's not Java - it's javascript!
-- kermit (, March 16, 2000.
You beat me to the punch...javascript it not JAVA...Java is compiled code which becomes an applet...javascript is simply scripting language added to a html can do amazing "dynamic" things with javascript, however the shaking, quaking browser window can get old fast. LOL:-)
She in the sheets, upon the hilltop,...back after a long hiatus
-- Donna (, March 17, 2000.
Hi Donna - Glad to see you back!
-- Deb M. (, March 17, 2000.