Which celebrity would you like to bitch slap?

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Which celebrity or famous personality would you like to flatten out on the pavement? a good left hook to the jaw? or a nice bitch slap? Go ahead, open your can of whoop-ass.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2000


The guys:
  1. Kevin Spacey - did anyone notice that this guy only plays the most repulsive characters imagineable? Maybe that's why all his movies tend to make me feel really queasy.
  2. Michael Douglas - same as Kevin Spacey. He used to be like that in real life as well, but these days he just gives me diabetes.
  3. Brad Pitt - same as Kevin Spacey.
  4. Puff Daddy - no explanation necessary.

The girls:

  1. Melissa Etheridge - How dare you use your own kids as a publicity device to boost your dwindling album sales! I used to love your songs, lady, but these days you just make me sick, and your albums are gathering dust at the rear-end of my cd-collection.
  2. Catherine Zeta-Jones - Diabetes. Again.
  3. Annette Bening - Hysterics do not a good actress make, lady! Remember that, the next time you start slapping your own face.
  4. Gwyneth Paltrow - The only redeeming factor: she does get murdered an awful lot in her movies.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

My my Stijn seems pissed off today! :)

I don't feel like bitch-slapping anyone right now... well, maybe Kathy Lee Gifford. And Madonna. And that Darva Conger "marry a millionaire" twit.

And maybe Charlton Heston, of course.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

My my Stijn seems pissed off today! :)

I don't feel like bitch-slapping anyone right now... well, maybe Kathy Lee Gifford. And Madonna. And that Darva Conger "marry a millionaire" twit.

And Charlton Heston, of course.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

Calista Flockhart for this reason alone. What was she thinking comparing herself to Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp? Calling them both "Strong Women"????


-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

Eesh. I agree about Calista Flockhart. She has a point about women being singled out for their looks, but (a) Tripp and Lewinsky aren't exacty shining examples of "strong" women, and (b) it's a little hard to take this lecture from a woman who appears to have put her health in danger in an attempt to be skinny.

Actually, I'd also like to bitch slap her for Ally McBeal.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

1. The inventor of everything -- Al Gore!

2. Kathy Lee and Frank Gifford

3. Julia Roberts

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

BURT REYNOLDS. I'd kick his ass all over the place if given the chance. I've never been a big fan, but the whole thing with he and Lonnie pointed up what a classless piece of sh*t he truly he is. I loathe him, truly.

JOAN AND MELISSA RIVERS. Oh, how can I possibly convey my hatred for the Rivers'? From their catty, bitchy comments to their smug belief that they are just the bees knees, I hate them, hate them, HATE THEM. What pisses me off the most is that they are so freakin' two-faced, with no qualms whatsoever. One year they're sniggering at Camryn Manheim, the next they're oohing and ahhing over what she's wearing ("For a fat cow, she looks nice!" you can see them thinking). I think Elizabeth Taylor said it best when Joan Rivers told her that the only reason she (Joan Rivers) made so much fun of her (Eliz. Taylor) weight is because she (Joan Rivers) wanted to "Help." Elizabeth Taylor's response was "Bite me."

Okay, that's not true - I don't remember what Elizabeth Taylor said when Joan Rivers claimed she was only "Trying to help".

Another reason to hate the Rivers': their hideous movie about the suicide of Joan's husband/ Melissa's father. All surface, no substance, those Rivers'.


-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

Ack. It's "Loni", not "Lonnie." I get all het up and start mis- spelling things...

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

When Beth asked the question the answer the sprung immediately to mind was Calista Flockhart. I suppose it would be due mainly to her Ally McBeal character, which isn't quite the right reason to be wanting to bitchslap an actor, but what they hell.

I agree with some of the choices already mentioned.

For Kathy Lee Gifford, "laugh like a human, you freak." Whack!

For Julia Roberts, "your always-smiling mouth is too big." Whack!

For Joan Rivers, "I hate you." Whack!

For Linda Tripp, "Stop taping phone calls." Whack!

For Darva Conger, "Wipe that smug smile off your face, you lecherous little lying gold digger." Whack!

For Donald Trump or Bill Gates, "You don't need that much money. Give me some." Whack!

For Oprah, "You think you're so damn smart." Whack!

And forget simple bitchslapping, I want to do serious bodily harm to Dr. Laura.

For Dr. Laura, "You no-mind hypocrite!" Whack! Whoomp! Ungh! Thump! Gish!

Okay, I feel a little better now.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

Jennifer Love Hewitt. Anyone who says "I prefer to be called Love" deserves a big ole schmack in the face. And does she have to be so damn perky? Somebody give her some Ritalin and a reality check.

Brad Pitt. I wish he would stop licking his red, chapped looking lips all the time. And ever since I read that he wasn't a big fan of bathing, I always think he looks smelly when I see him. If I was going to schmack him, I'd schmack him a bar of soap.

Gary Shandling. How did he get the lead role in a feature film? He is so whiny and hard to look at. I loved the Larry Sanders Show as much as the next guy, but it was in spite of Gary. I loved Artie.

And I totally agree with Dave - Bill Gates needs to start forking out some cash to the masses, he has way too much. Bill, you can't take it with you, buddy.

Oh, and I can't forget Charlise Theron. I have read three separate articles and seen one interview with her that all involved her declaring that she is almost TOO beautiful to be an actress. She said she has nearly been passed over for some good roles simply because she is too good looking, so she has had to work so much harder to prove herself. Uh, Charlise? Get over yourself! Do you remember the Astronaut's Wife? Yeah, that's right - it SUCKED! Schmack!

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

Britney Spears. If that is what you call a good singing voice, someone rupture my eardrums NOW. Forget the rumors about the boob job, it's just the overly computerized sound of her singing voice that drives me crazy. (Please no comments about the pure irony about that being a song of hers, thanks!)

Along the same line as Calista Flockhart: Lara Flynn Boyle. I love the show "The Practice," but in real life, this woman sets women back quite a few notches. When asked how to get a man's attention (seeing that she's dating ::coughcoughBEDDINGcoughcough:: Jack Nicholson), she stated the best way to do it was to "stick your tongue down his throat." Ugh.

The ENTIRE cast and anyone involved in the making of "The Talented Mr. Ripley." I could have paid someone $6 to punch me in the face and I would have enjoyed it more!

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

If that twit Jennifer Love Hewitt (aka Pointy Kitty) thinks she can actually pull off Audry Hepburn she's ... rrrrrrr... Just for trying it, she gets a big ol bithch slap.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

AHA! I gotta agree with kat --- Jennifer Love Hewitt is a definite bitch-slapping candidate for that ridiculous Audrey Hepburn fiasco. I'd also like to bitch-slap Hugh Grant (though not as much); the man just really annoys me for some reason.

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

all of those boy-pop-groups can go,'take 5' can take a dive,and the spice girls can help lure them away. can I sock it to 3eb(third eye blind)for finding such an awful way in which to drop a band member. regis can drop the million bucks at my door before I snooker him upside the head.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

About Lara Flynn Boyle--my friend's nickname for her is "skull on a stick." 'Nuff said.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

The celebs that really get under my skin are the pathetic ones -- people past their prime or in disgrace who will never be glorious again (or who never were), but who still just won't go away. I don't want to hurt them. I just want them to leave the stage quietly and retire into private life, like Fawn Hall did. When they stay in the spotlight they make my flesh crawl. It's the same discomfort that I had as a boy, watching a fish flop around in the boat after I caught it. My father would always whack them over the head, to put them out of their misery. I'm sure that's why I have this compulsion to wear feather boas and fishnet -- ah, but I've gotten sidetracked. My short list of PEOPLE WHO MAKE MY FLESH CRAWL (roughly in ascending order of pathetic-ness):

Women: Living: Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Kathie Lee Gifford, Sally Struthers, Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs. Ramsey, Cindi Lauper, Stevie Nicks, Mary (of Peter Paul & Mary) and the Brady Bunch girls.

Dead: Princess Diana, Jon Benet Ramsey, Carole Channing (for all the time after Gentlemen Prefer Blondes).

Men: Living: Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Roman Polanski, Danny Bonoducci (sp?), David Cassidy, and Paul something-or-other (that weird little guy who played the psycho pervert in a bunch of bad 1970s films where he wore shoulder length blond hair and big glasses -- he still shows up from time to time in bit parts, and I hate it).

Dead: For some reason the current level given to dead male celebs seems pretty low -- I had enough of the Big Bopper and the La Bamba guy about ten years ago. I also got pretty damned tired of Vince Foster. But they've faded and I bear them no grudge. As Graham Greene said so eloquently, "The first duty of the dead is to be forgotten."

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000


Paul Williams. He was, in the last few years, an evil sidekick on my beloved "The Bold and the Beautiful." He tried to make Taylor fall in love with some Anthony Robbins wannabe. Sadly, he failed.


-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

I agree with the Tom Delay comment. I consider myself a republican and he makes my skin crawl. I just wanna pop him one. The ABSOLUTE worst part, however, is that HE is MY Congressman! Every time I see him I think of a lying, conniving, lecherous old man with rotting teeth. I gives me the willies. I'm not saying what Bill Clinton did was right, but Delay was calling for impeachment before the Starr report was even delivered. And Delay's had his own problems. Failure to report income because the company he co-owned was being sued.

And he's in pest control! That's his claim to real life before he entered politics. He owned a pest control company! Bluck! He just makes my skin crawl and because of that, I want to pop him one.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

Hillary! Bill Algore The above need to be slapped because they think they know what's best for me better than I do, and because you or I would have long since gone to jail for any of a dozen crimes committed by them.

Brian de Palma : For "Mission to Mars".

Molly Ivins: For pretending to be a Texan.

John McCain: Needs to be slapped until he figures out who his friends are.

Tom Brokow Peter Jennings Dan Rather Because all three spiked the Maria Hsia conviction.

Bill Gates: For dumping Java instead of Visual Basic.

The U.S. Patent Office: For "business process" patents.

Ellanor Rodham-Cliff: For not realizing that she will never get a date with Bill Clinton no matter how many times she snaps her thong at him.

Southwest Airlines: For flying legs longer than one hour.

Pat Robbertson: For shouting from the temple steps once to often.

Dr. Laura: Who died and made her Pope?

Japan: For Pokemen.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

I have to say Martha Stewart. Even though I respect the hell out of her as a successful business person and marketer, there is something about her persona that gets on my last freaking nerve. Her show is like a train wreck that I feel compelled to look at yet repulsed at the same time. Schmack-o-rama.

In the male arena, Pat Robertson. I would enjoy to be in a room with him for five minutes and show him what morally corrupt means to me. Schmack-a-roony.

And just for kicks (beside most of which are listed above),

Dr. Kari Weaver from ER (character and actress -- each one schmack)
Jerry Springer (to give him some of what he incites -- one schmack)
Katie Couric (love hate relationship with her -- half a schmack)
Alex Trebeck (pompous ass -- three full backhanded schmacks)

But really, I'm really a nice guy...

Shameless plug --- > The Road Trip

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

Kathie Lee Gifford: For pretending to ve Mrs. All-American while clearly sending the message that a cheating-scum-of-a-husband is better than no man at all.

Shania Twain: For flaunting her good looks to make up for marginal musical talent. Every one of her songs has stupid, silly lyrics.

Rosie O'Donnell: Look, Barbra Streisand is straight and she's already married so LAY OFF ALREADY!!

Bravo to the person who listed Joan and Melissa Rivers. What a hateful, talentless pair they are.

Whew! I'll stop now but I'm really just getting warmed up...

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2000

I know it's overdone, but Calista Flockhart just has to get off television and get a job selling doughnuts somewhere. Looking at her actually makes me feel the same way I do when I see roadkill, I kid you not.

Denzel Washington for One Reason Only: taking too many politically-correct, African American Hero roles (i.e., The Hurricane, a screamingly badly-written piece of work). He's a great actor -- and he was good in The Hurricane -- but he's playing The Archetypal Hero so often it looks as though he's posing for 8x10 glossies in every take. But -- gotta love him. He gets one small back-handed slap.

Any Hollywood actor over 45 who leaves his wife of x years to date/marry/cavort with women younger than his children.

Madonna, for the damn British accent and the ridiculous hardbody. The review in Salon for Next Best Thing said, correctly, that when she's shopping for groceries in the film, she looks as though she's never held an uncut grapefruit, as though grocery shopping was a new thing. Like former President Bush when he had never seen the scanners in supermarkets.

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000

I'd like to bitchslap the Gallagher brothers from Oasis for being a pair of utter twats and also for the most recent album. Also, I'd like to kill Bill Gates (bitchslapping aint enough) for being a multibillionaire when I only draw $163 a week in unemployment benefits.

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000

Angelina Jolie: "I'm sexy, I like knives, I'm crazy sexy, I like dark things, I'm sexy." Oh, shut up, already!

William Shatner: Saw him on Leno last night. The guy makes my skin crawl. He reminds of my highschool art class teacher choking the chicken in the supply room. Ewwww

Tim Robbins: I respected him for the flawed, "Cradle Will Rock," but what is he doing in, "Mission to Mars?" It reminds of when John Cusack (I adore him, but sometimes ...) justified being in, "Con Air," by saying he wanted to try being a cop in sandals.

Kate Blanchett: She was great in, "Pushing Tin," but whenever I see her, I want to color in her eye-brows.

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000

I'd like to hug you all for those wonderful answers. I would like to bitch slap all of the below, and that will happen when I take over the world...but that's another story.

First of all, I would like to comment on the Jennifer Love Hewitt business: she is talentless, and the sight of her makes me want to vomit. She is my arch nemesis, and has been ever since her days on "Kids Incorporated". She deserves a bitch schwapp for the Hepburn fiasco, and another slap for her trying to have a music career by her titts alone.

The Rivers' bitches. The only reason they show up for the grammys and stuff is because E! takes them there. Those two friggin hasbeens are jealous because no one gives a shit about them. Who the hell is Melissa anyway? She's ridign her mother's coattails. And they both look like horses!

Bitch slaps please?

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000

Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. They both kind of scare me and neither one can sing worth a darn.

Just about every star under the sun for having such poor fashion sense -- and the designers for _making_ these terrible pieces of clothing in the first place.

The only two people I've seen in something resembling a nice outfit at a big Hollywood event were Kate Winslet at the Oscars two years ago and Catherine Zeta-Jones at the Oscars last year.

Actually in general I have _beef_ with fashion designers of the late 90s, early 00s -- the whole retro 70s thing is just _ugly_ and it's all over TV and movies like a bleeding eye-sore.

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000

(rather off-topic)

Beth - Oh, how about Kim Basinger's minty green dress when she was nominated for LA Confidential? I thought it was quite nice.

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000

Ducky -- that one wasn't _too_ bad, but the color was all wrong for her.

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2000

Dr. Laura wins by a light-year. I only slap those who've been guilty of slapping others. She's angry and cruel and gives just plain bad advice to her callers. I listen to her all the time to remind myself how wise and kind I am by comparison. King Solomon, she isn't. She's a one-note piano with a bent wire. She sounds like she needs heavy meds, and pronto! Wouldn't we all just leap at the chance to come back as her husband or son? I'd rather be eaten alive by a swarm of rats.

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000

Shania Twain, not only for being talentless, but for saying she "doesn't think she's beautiful" while showing her navel constantly and getting a gajillion dollars from a Revlon (!) contract. Puh-leez.

Kathie Lee Gifford and Dr. Laura, just because.

It's been said before, but Madonna for that faux-British-upper-class- twit accent.

Pearl Jam, for covering "Last Kiss." The song sucks; the original 50s version sucked, too, but if I didn't listen to oldies stations, I wouldn't have to hear it. If you're going to cover oldies, don't cover stuff that qualifies for Dave Barry's "Book of Bad Songs," ok?

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000

First and foremost--> that actress the plays the profiler in the new show: "The Profiler." for making a really stupid shit show. Second, all people who played a part in the creation of the show "The Huntress." same reason as the profiler one. Carson Daly, for being a complete ass on TV and dumping Jennifer Love Hewitt. Julia Roberts- do I really need to explain myself? Richard Gere- for making some of the worst movies I've ever seen and dumping Julia Roberts (a relatively good looking woman). All those who created and those who watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

1- Julia Roberts- for being such a feminist idiot, and having such a big fuc*ing mouth. 2- The person who decided that all women should have a more significant role in movies- for being a bitch and ruining movies and supreheroes as we know them. 3- All boy bands for making bad music, taking up all the spots on MTV and also being morons. 4- All bubble-gum girl singers- for being prissy idiots--> all of your damned songs have the same words in them, just rearranged. 5- Hillary Clinton- you god damned carpet bagger! You shouldn't even be in NY you moron! All your base are belong to us.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Beth, can I bitch slap the previous poster? Huh?

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

You'll have to get in line, Valerie.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

I'd like nothing better than to punkslap that sanctimonious Republican shill, Rush Limbaugh! That fat piece of "mega dittoing" horse fodder gives me the bends everytime he opens his mouth about how evil the Democratic agenda is. You can also include Rosie O'Donnell as a candidate for a well deserved smash across the mug with a dead tuna. The way she goes on and on about gun control and then waddles around under the protective watch of her armed bodyguard, what a hypocrite!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Beth, what are you talking about? Obviously, the guy is right. I mean, ALIENS and LA FEMME NIKITA sucked because of all the women in them, but DUDE WHERE'S MY CAR and WHAT DREAMS MAY COME were great.

Personally I'd like to slap Paul Hogan for making Crocodile Dundee III. Oh wait, there are no women in the trailer, it must be a great movie. Nevermind.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

Could I please slap Michael Douglas for being so cheesy and not knowing it and Britney Spears for being an absolute freaky scarey woman, who makes me sad because I fear she is the voice of the future. Oh and Celine Dion for reproducing.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

Janet Reno. This cow sent stormtroopers into a predominantly Catholic community last Easter weekend (i.e., 2000) in order to kidnap Elian Gonzales at automatic weapons gunpoint. I would delight in the opportunity to kick that ugly bitch's ass across the parking lot of your choi

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

Oprah Winfrey, for believing her own hype.

Amazon promotes the monthly Oprah book club selection with the phrase: Oprah Has Chosen!

Right, like I'm supposed to care.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

Jesus Christ. No, I'm not using his name as an expression, I mean JESUS FUCKIN' CHRIST!!! He is the most over-hyped celebrity of the last two millenia! He claimed to turn water into wine, cure blind men, and WALK ON WATER! How much bullshit can one society suck up? If you think about it, the little bastard probably didnt get enough attention, so he played parlor tricks on stupid people, and now hes the son of divine creation and I should kneel before him?! FUCK THAT! I'd back-hand him for every person who has died for his dogma (and thats ALOT of smacks!)


-- Anonymous, July 14, 2001

Are you there, God? It's me, Beth.

Please don't smite the rest of the forum, God. We don't even know this guy.


-- Anonymous, July 14, 2001

He'd just keep on turning the other cheek for you to slap him again, Mike.

---Al of NOVA NOTES.

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2001

Al, that's one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Thanks, Dave!


-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Drew Barrymore.

Or whoever it is that was responsible for the Charlie's Angels movie. That's two hours and eight minutes of my life that are forever gone.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

I would like to bitch slap either Jennifer Love Hewitt or Reese Witherspoon cuz I just plain hate them, oh and Mandy Moore.

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2001

Billy Bob Thornton - (a full scale whack to that ugly smug mug of his) for being a redneck skinny creepy-looking asshole. Also for making a shitty comment about his Oscar nom/win being as 'good as gravy' or some crap. Also for marrying Angelina Jolie and making her spout vomit-inducing unintelligible sentences about their relationship.

Angelina Jolie - (love/hate thing going with her, so depending on what I've read about her and how I feel - either a full scale whack or a back-handed bitch-slap) - For prattling on about being bisexual or whatever the hell she is and then completely contradicting this by marrying some redneck twat. For her films: Foxfire, Girl Interrupted (definitely a full scale whack for that pile of manure), The Bone Collector and especially Gone in 60 Seconds and that recent pile of trash - Tomb Raider. For those idiotic comments she makes that no-one can make sense of. For just being an all round prat especially since she married Billy Bob Redneck and cannot stop boasting about her enormous sexual appetite. For being a silly cow.

Angelina's female fans - For being so freakily obsessed with Big Lips - it's SCARY!

Madonna - (A whack that should send her straight back into the womb) - For making us endure those dreadful songs she has recently spouted out. Also for that disgustingly nauseating politically-correct video of American Pie. For basically being a c*nt.

Julia Roberts - (A series of small but sharp slaps across that constantly grinning mug of hers) - For winning a totally undeserved Oscar. For being an overhyped mediocre frizzy-haired big-toothed cow.

Kevin Spacey - For being a smug wanker who wins Oscars just by playing the same slimey unlikeable bastards.

A.M.P.A.S - (The Academy) - For handing out Oscars to overhyped and pretentious twats such as: Helen Hunt/C*nt, Jack Nicholson (horny old bastard), Banjolina Jolie (do my lips look big in this?), Julia Roberts (does my mouth look big in this?) and so on.

George W. Bush - Enough said. This also includes the wanker's father.

Mandy Moore - That fucking song 'Candy' is enough reason for wanting to slap her across her cheesy Britney-wannabe-clone chops. Also for that freaking Neutrogena ad.

Britney Spears - For attempting to be a Madonna clone and for attempting to be a virgin (when she is really one 168 times removed). For those shit songs - those shit videos - that ANNOYING freaking voice that sounds like fingernails scraping down a blackboard.

Melissa Joan Hart - For being 'Sabrina'. Also for that dreadful pile of shit that was Drive Me Crazy.

Sarah 'Buffy Gellar - Her name says it all.

Freddie Prinze Jr and Racheal Leigh Cook - (this also includes everyone who participated in the making of She's All That/Crap) - For being talentless wankers who probably use furniture polish for make- up because they are both so fucking wooden! Also for making that awful prententious 'teen' movie.

Anyone who writes/directs/produces/stars in shitty fucking teen movies - Varshitty Blues, She's a complete twat, etc.

The whole cast of Dawson's Creek - for being a bunch of complete dicks who agreed to make this shit.

Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas - Just seeing these two together says it all.

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2001


-- Anonymous, August 12, 2001

Here is a list of the four celebrities I'd like to bitch slap the most, in no particular order.

1. George W. Bush, White House Occupant: His opposition to the Kyoto Protocol, his national missile defense program, and his smugness in general have made us the skunk of the international community. Also, his energy policy, like oil and coal, smells.

2. Brock Yates. This automotive journalist repeatedly paints environmentalists, public transit advocates, the entire city of Port- land, Oregon, Ralph Nader, and Al Gore as Commie pinko subversives. Also, he wrote the screenplay for "The Cannonball Run," a love letter to wanton automotive destruction. Yates clearly loves the personal freedom of the automobile, because it gives him more freedom to be a jerk.

3. Madonna. She single-handedly destroyed American popular music with her offensive, perverted videos, her unlistenable, annoying songs, and her habit of catering to to the lowest common denominator. She's also responsible for Britney Spears. Kurt Cobain, rest in peace.

4. Adam Sandler. He thinks acting like a moron is funny. So why don't I laugh when I watch George W. Bush? And how many times will the Marx Brothers have to spin in their graves before Sandler's career finally runs out of gas?

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2001

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