Florida may create "Secretary of Barbecue," new cabinet post.greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
From: AP Wire, Mar 15
-- (.@...), March 15, 2000
Hey!Can I nominate myself for this august position of public sevice? I met Jeb once, do ya think he would remember me? Almost shook his hand, even!
Jeb, if you're lurking, my resume includes a mean marinated London Broil, the envy of the neighborhood; and my special pork ribs that are to die for. For those of more refined tastes, my wife's favorite is grilled rack of lamb, basted with lemon, mint sauce, thyme, and pepper.
Jeb, if you're listening, if appointed I can deliver at least 3 votes for your brother, and as many campaign bbq's as he requires. And at a reasonable, tax-deductable price, of course! (Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean?).
At your service, spatula and tongs in hand,
-- Spindoc' (spindoc_99_2000@yahoo.com), March 16, 2000.