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Wednesday March 15 8:56 AM ET
Women Protest Drinking Dens, Demand Sex
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A group of women stormed a Kenyan police station to demand officers either make love to them or close illegal drinking dens they said made their husbands impotent, a local newspaper reported Wednesday.
The People newspaper said the women, from Kandara, north of Nairobi, brought business in the town to a halt with their day-long protest against excessive drinking by their menfolk.
``Our men have turned to vegetables. They leave home early and come back intoxicated. There is nobody to meet the sexual needs of wives,'' the newspaper quoted one woman as saying.
The women, drawn from 24 Catholic church groups, demanded that the officer in charge of the police station either order his men to make love to them or find them new husbands because they were sexually frustrated. The paper did not say how police reacted to their demands.
The women said the population of the district was falling as a result of the poor sexual performance of the men.
-- - (x@xxx.com), March 15, 2000
Then who is creating the Hordes of Humanity and how????
-- Soaker (not@all.pumping), March 17, 2000.