Which gives me an idea...greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
What do you say we start a new game show thread - "Win Ed Yourdon's Money"? It can be in the style of "Win Ben Stein's Money", except with questions about the failed Y2K debacle."How long was the power grid supposed to be down, according to Jim Lord?" "What would post-apocalypse society be molded into, according to Gary North?" "New York City was going to resemble which country, according to Ed Yourdon?" "Contrails have not been accused of spraying the following: anthrax, anthrax vaccine, mind-controlling nanorobots, sea monkeys?" "Signs claiming 'Road Closed Due to Martial Law' were NOT found in the back of trucks owned by which company?" "Which Y2K doom-and-gloomer who sold books and/or preparedness supplies was in it for the money?" <--- trick question, they all were!
-- Win Ed Yourdon's Money (win@my.money), March 14, 2000
I need to make at least one clarification:"Signs claiming 'Road Closed Due to Martial Law' were NOT found in the back of trucks owned by which company?"
Actually, the claim was that the signs said:
"Road Closed Due to Marshal Law" (emphasis added)
So, unless you intended this to be a trick question, you should endeavor to be more accurate.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.