AN IMPOSTER IS POSING AS ME -Obo -the posted "The Anti-Christ is Alive and Well and in your Child's Toy Box" today and even came back later and said they were the real Obo and gave my forum website calling me the webmistress - When I posted MY REAL post saying it was not me the email notification was turned off - Sorry to do this to the forum but I just want everyone to know including the sysops this is happening and my email box is filling up due to this imposter - please stop them from coming to this board and doing this to my email and handle that I have used for a year and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

AN IMPOSTER IS POSING AS ME -Obo -the posted "The Anti-Christ is Alive and Well and in your Child's Toy Box" today and even came back later and said they were the real Obo and gave my forum website calling me the webmistress - When I posted MY REAL post saying it was not me the email notification was turned off - Sorry to do this to the forum but I just want everyone to know including the sysops this is happening and my email box is filling up due to this imposter - please stop them from coming to this board and doing this to my email and handle that I have used for a year and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-- Obo (, March 14, 2000


I'm not sure, but I think all the emails here come from the same source, so if you have the ability to block certain addresses with excite, you may be able to block anything coming from Greenspun. I thought there was also a way to go back and turn off email alerts for a post, but I don't recall how.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 14, 2000.

I think I figured it out...

All you would need to do is go to the following web address:

where XXXXXX is the message ID of the post you don't want notifications from. I already tried it for that Anti-christ message, so hopefully, you won't see anymore posts from there. If you do, just go to:

and it's supposed to turn the notification off for that thread.

Hope that helps. . . . . . . .

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 14, 2000.

Susan, if "Hmmm"'s suggestions don't work, you should email me privately to make this request (at, so that I can verify the veracity of your request. I can sympathize with your plight, but as the sysop I have no way of banning anyone for coming here, and it is not in my desires to do so.


-- Old TB2K Forum Regular (, March 15, 2000.

Have you tried the 'delete' key?

What, just askin=)

-- cin (, March 15, 2000.

Has anyone ELSE noticed the similarity between OBO (aka Susan Water) and Lady Logic? Both post a crazy, off the wall post, then come back and claim they were spoofed and didn't actually put write it in the first place. Occasionally, both come back and claim that the original post AND the "spoof" post were from imposters. Either way, something's sure fishy here.

As we say in New York, "I'm not saying, I'm just saying,"

-- Wondering.... (, March 15, 2000.

Yes Self, I have noticed a similarity between both OBO and Ladylogic; They both have been victims of imposter trolls, and they got very irritated from it.

-- Wondering... (, March 15, 2000.

haven"t found a life yet....????

-- trrroooollll (, March 15, 2000.

Wondering and the yankee from NY,

I have seen spotted posts regarding lady logic but really do not know the full story about her.

YOU both are DEAD wrong. I am OBO not lady logic and that is it. Actually I have not visited this free speech forum very much, only when I get posts in my email the stupid imposter has posted and responses come to my email.

I have tried to straighten it out with you people -- I am thinking it is most likely one of you who are posting the imposter posts just to be a B@$##$D MAYBE one of you are really lady logic on top of it and this is part of your game.

I don't have the time to spend on this childish crap.

I really have no interest in this forum anyway.


-- Obo (, March 15, 2000.

If you have no interest in this forum, why do you come here?

-- Uhm... (, March 16, 2000.

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