ONTARIO--Two Rail Cars Leaking Sulfuric Acid After Derailment

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Last updated: Tuesday 14 March 2000 NATIONAL NEWS

Two rail cars leaking sulfuric acid after train derailment in northern Ontario

TEMAGAMI, Ont. (CP) - At least 19 rail cars carrying a highly-corrosive chemical derailed and went into a creek Tuesday evening just south of this northern Ontario community. Police say two of 50 Ontario Northland Railway cars carrying undiluted sulfuric acid were leaking.

Neither of the train's two crew members were injured in the accident that police say happened when a bridge over the creek gave out.

The derailment, in a remote area about six kilometres south of Temagami, is accessible only by train, said Sgt. Dan Owca, with the North Bay provincial police detachment.

-- (Dee360Degree@aol.com), March 14, 2000


Don't know if this is relevant at all, but an oilwell blew out near Lethbridge yesterday and is burning today. Haven't seen an online article about it but have viewed several tv reports.

-- viewer (justp@ssing.by), March 14, 2000.

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