THAILAND--Spate of Accidents Sparks Factory Inspections, 2,200 Plants to be Covered : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


Spate of accidents sparks factory inspection drive 2,200 plants will be covered

Yuthana Praiwan March 15, 2000

The Industrial Works Department has ordered all 2,200 industrial factories nationwide to conduct a safety impact assessment report to prevent chemical leakage accidents.

The new regulations require factories nationwide, prone to the risk of accidents, to report on their safety standards by January 12, 2001, according to a top executive of the department.

The regulations were enacted following the increase in industrial accidents, in particular the poisonous gas leak at the Thai Polycarbonate Co in Rayong last week which resulted in a number of deaths and injuries.

The departmental source said factory owners have to report every five-years on their risk assessment, risk management and hazard identification in their manufacturing process, machinery and equipment systems.

Businessmen who want to build a factory or renew a licence are also required to file a report.

Major industries which face the new reporting requirements include palm oil crushing, chemicals, petrochemicals, dangerous materials, fertiliser and agricultural chemicals.

The report has to identify the danger and risk of each procedure, the potential level of disaster if an accident occurs and the impact to the public and surrounding property.

The source added that factory owners are now required to identify their prevention measures for accidents caused by fire and chemical leakage.

The new regulation was drafted after the fire at the Thaioil refinery and its tank farms in Chon Buri in December. But it has only now taken effect. The Industrial Works Department will establish an inspection centre to help officials finalise reports on small factories and improve safety enforcement.

-- (, March 14, 2000

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