OT - You Thought Your Job Was Bad

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

1992 -- In February, the Austin American-Statesman profiled John Stapp, a troubleshooter for the Travis County, Texas, sewage treatment plant, who might be the nation's only professional sewage diver. Stapp dons a diving suit, mask, breathing tube, and air-powered tools to perform repairs on the 60,000-gallon, 16-by-40-foot containment vat. Said Stapp, "It's just a job to me that requires a lot of skill that not everybody has." A typical repair job requires Stapp to be submerged for four hours or more, in zero visibility. Stapp describes the job as "very quiet and peaceful" and says that, at the end of a shift, the thing usually on his mind is food: "I'm usually starved when I get through."

-- P.U. (ggg@ddd.www), March 14, 2000


I remember that article,and although the sewage treatment plants are/were technically in Travis County they are owned and operated by the City of Austin or private municipal utility districts.

-- george (jones@choices.com), March 14, 2000.

Shouts to John, but a little further south I think we have more of a sewage problem. Ever had to deal with out and out "mispeak" involving the public weal in the face of hard evidence? Wish we could deal with our sludge by putting on protective gear. Nice to have when you have to deal with deep sh**.

Beginning to think Texas'most marketable product is sh**.Seems to keep us on payroll, anyway. And by the way, I'm Texan born and bred for a long way back, so I can talk.

Maybe we need to contact those Aussies and find out how they plant to tax cow farts. You there, Pieter?


-- another government hack (keepwatching_2000@yahoo.com), March 14, 2000.

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