Lets make Ladylogic a Sysopgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Then the crazy bitch will know for sure who everyone is and will give up her guessing game.
-- Manny (No@dip.com), March 14, 2000
Ya got a way with words there Manny!
-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), March 14, 2000.
Thanks. I try real hard.
-- Manny (No@dip.com), March 14, 2000.
jeez that would kill the forum in big@ss hurry. can you think of one single individual that would post here after seeing that psycho-bitch going cyber-postal??? jeez i'd want the moderator to use the "delete all" feature and erase me before psycho-witch did something wacko!
-- a hawk (flying@higher.and.higher), March 14, 2000.
after seeing that psycho-bitch going cyber-postal???
-- Been (there@done.that), March 14, 2000.