--- Original Hollywood Movies on VCD | 20% Discounts ---greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Thought that you might want to know this,There is a GRAND Opening of http://www.videovalley.com, a Online Movie CyberStore that allows you to purchase your favorite English and Chinese Video CDs in real time.
This store is equipped with a good search facility and each products contains reviews and information. In conjunction with this auspicious occasion, there is a 20% discount GRAND Opening Sales at VideoValley.COM until 1st April.
There is a FREE Video CD on offer each week, and I also know that there will be contest going on! The first price is a cool Video CD player.
-- Vincent (sunweb@visto.com), March 14, 2000
dont use this place they take your money and dont send your stuff, go to www.vcdplace.8m.com
-- josh (jjllk@hotmail.com), March 15, 2000.