Movies We Hate : LUSENET : Jan : One Thread

OK, what's the worst movie you've ever seen? And why does it suck so much? No holds barred, baby. Let it all out. I want to hear some name-calling. Kevin Costner, we're onto you.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000


A lot of people say "Don't see the movie until you've read the book!" or vice versa. After finishing my second reading of Dune, I decided that I'd better finally get off my wannabe-movie buff, Frank Herbert-fan ass and go see that Dune movie that David Lynch made oh so long ago. Mistake. Probably the worst book-to-movie adaptation I've ever seen. My advice for Dune is now "Just read the damn book, and wait for the Sci-Fi channel miniseries."

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Although I will never reclaim the time I spent watching Titanic, I'm not sure it was the 'worst' movie I've ever seen. "Bowfinger" might have been. I've never been so bored watching a movie. IS IT OVER YET? FUCK! something with so good a cast, and so much possibility.. and it was horrible, and wasn't funny at all. I was sooooooooooooo disappointed.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

I dunno, Christine, the action sequence right at the end of Bowfinger was almost worth the whole rest of the movie.


-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

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