Technology in Prophecy : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread



July 4, 1976 The rise of democracy as the result Daniel of the thirteen American colonies' abrupt separation from Britain.

Twentieth and Daniel's definition of the general Daniel Twenty-first period of time referred to as "the Century time of the end".

1900-present The second return of the dispersed Isaiah 11: nation of Israel to Palestine. 11-12

1917 The Rise of Communism as the result Daniel of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution

1920s Creation of several independent Arab Daniel states by Britain and France after World War I.

1922 The League of Nations approved a Isa. 11: 12 British mandate over Palestine that provided a legal right of passage for the world's Jews to return to Palestine. 1939-1940 Russia's seizure of part of Poland, Dan. 7:5 Finland, and Rumania during World War II.

1944 The establishment of the International Dan. 7:7 Monetary Fund (IMF) during World War II. The IMF is governed by the world's ten most economically powerful nations, which are prophetically represented as ten horns.

Feb. 4, 1945 The United States and Britain's Daniel acquiescence to Soviet expansionist demands at the Yalta conference after World War II, allowed Russia to extend its sway over 100 million people.

1945 The rise of resurgent Islamic Daniel Fundamentalism as a result of the founding of the Arab League after World War II.

1948 Founding of the modern Jewish state Ezekial by Europe's Ashkenazi Jews. 37: 15-17

1957 The rise of the European Economic Dan. 7:8 Community (EEC)- - prophetically represented as a "little horn" with a "mouth speaking great things".

1960-mid-60s The idols and temples of Egypt moved Isaiah 19 out of Lake Nasser's path.

4/12/61 The Russians' first manned space flight Zech. 1:8 around the world reveals the generation Matthew 24: 29-35 1964 Blocking of the Nile River by the Isa. 19 construction of the Aswan High Dam.

1964-Christ's Ecological collapse of Egypt's entire Isa. 11:15 Retutn agricultural system and economy. Isa. 19

1967 Israel's conquest of adjacent Isa. 11: territory during the Arab-Israeli Isa. 19 Six-Day War, including the Jews' repossession of Jerusalem.

1970-1992 Construction of four super dams Rev. 9:14 asride the Euphrates river.

1975 The heads of state of the world's Rev. 12:3 seven most economically powerful Rev. 17:8 nations began meeeting once a year to review world economic affairs.

1977-present The replacement of modern Israel's Ezek. 37: Ashkenazi political leadership by 18,19 the nation's former Sephardi minority.

1980 A Russian-Syrian friendship treaty Ezek. 38:4 pledged Russian military assistance if Syria becomes engaged in battle with Israel on the Golan Heights.

1989 to Massive migration of Jews out of the Jer. 23: mid-1991 Soviet Union to modern Israel. 7,8 Ezek. 37: 20-22

1991-present Continued exodus of Jews "out of all Jer. 23:8 the countries" that were created after Ezek.37: the Soviet Union broke up into fifteen 20-22 independent states.

BEFORE CHRIST The Israelis will conquer and settle Zech.10: RETURNS Gilead (Northern Jordan) and Lebanon. 10 " " " Egypt's environmental collapse will Isa.11: persuade the Egyptians to turn to 15 Christianity. Isa.19

" " " The Nile River will completely dry up. Isa.11:15 Isa.19 Zech.10:11

[Connie's note, breaking into Charles Miller's text: Perhaps this will be as a result of the four dams being turned off in some war, but also because of the winds.]

Before AWWI The main message of the book of Rev. 5: Revelation will be opened before 1-5 AWWI erupts. Rev. 8: 1-7

Immediately A Russian-led confederated army will Ezek.38& before AWWI invade Israel. 39

First day A great earthquake in Israel will Ezek.38: of AWWI touch off AWWI. 18-23 Ezek.39: 1-8 Rev. 6:12-14; Rev. 8:5

First day of The first day of AWWI marks the start Rev. 7 the Great of the Great Tribulation. Tribulation

The first The world's first atomic war (AWWI). Rev. 8: three trumpets 7-12

Trumpet four Atomic smoke will shorten the Rev. 8:12 post-AWWI days. Mt. 24:21-22

United States U.S. will use satellite broadcasts Rev.8:13 Evangelistic to evangelize the world. Outreach

Trumpet 5: Start The world's first nuclear winter. Rev. 9: of First Woe 1-10

End of First appearance of the world's future dictator First Woe marks the end of the first woe. Rev.9:12

Trumpet 6- The sixth trumpet time period begins Rev.9: Start of with a Chinese-initiated world war. 13-21 Second Woe

Trumpet 6 Red China wins Sixth Trumpet war and Rev.12: opens a war against Christians. 17,18

" Administration of Jerusalem is taken Rev.14:2 over by the nations.

" The two witnesses begin their final Rev.11:3 1,260 day evangelistic outreach to the world.

" Red China sets up a world governemnt, Rev. 13 a false religion, and begins persecuting Christians with a computerized inter- national financial system.

" 144,000 Jews (from all the tribes of Rev. 14 Israel) join the Christians' worldwide evangelistic effort.

" The two witnesses raised from the dead Rev. 11:7 after three-and-one-half days.

Trumpet 7- Christians raptured (or taken to meet I Cor.15: Start of Christ in the air). 51-57 Third Woe Rev.11:14

Seven Last Destruction of the earth from the Rev.16 Plagues long-term after effects of AWWI.

Seventh AWWII and the atomic destruction of Rev.18 Plague the world capital ends the Seven Last Plagues time period.

End of Third Christ returns and sets up His earthly Rev. 19 Woe and the Kingdom. Great Tribulation

1,000 Years Christ restores the earth to health Ezek.47: of Peace and establishes His just Government. 1-9 Isa. 2: 1-4 Isa.32:5


-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000



I leave you with but one statement of extreme wisdom.....

"The unforeseeable future......has a way of becoming the undeniable past."

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000


The man who wrote..."88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Occur in 1988"....also, "out of the goodness of his Christian heart," offered the book for only $1.

Let me see, let's do the math......that's one million copies sold at $1. I believe that is $1 million??


If a man has an urgent message from the Lord.....why sell it at all?? I mean, if the Lord's coming is immenent....he ain't gonna need the money anyway.

Again reminds me of the fact, that the man that wrote the above mentioned book, predicted the Lord's coming in September 1988.

He then bought a new Tennesse ranch house in August of 1988.

Things that make you go....hmmmmmmmm.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

Talk about a formatting error! I should have put these in columns.

Satan doesn't want this message out!

I typed them into columns in my original posting, but this is the way it turned out.

John Wilson:

How could I have avoided this?

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

html treats tabs the same as spaces. You probably should have built an html table. (just be careful, this forum's programming is very unforgiving about missing end tags!)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Like the dump truck drive said :

"What a Load!"

We now know the the spirits of Ellen G. White, Hebert W. Armstrong, et. al. are alive and well.

Will the final event come before Tax Day (April 17th). Gee, I hope so......:~)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Or as Yogi Berra said, "It's difficult to make predictions -- especially about the future."

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Well Brother John, we have found someone just as messed up as our "Anglo-Israel" friend Mark. Connie wants to change the subject and run from the truth in one place to teach false doctrine in another.

All that you read in her post is a string of absurd assertions that have absolutely NO BASIS IN FACT!

We will see that people would rather talk of escatology before they have properly understood soterology! It is more important to stay with the truth of God than the above SPECULATIONS of men as presented and not proven by our friend Connie.

False teachers take on many forms. Your unique abilities of insight must be coming on strong right now John. For we have located someone very much like our "Anglo-Israel" friend Mark who also cannot prove his assertions. Now I know she is not teaching "anglo- Israelism" but she is teaching a SPECULAATION very similar to it. She will send it to you in your e-mail if you just ask her to! She might even send it to you even if you do not ask her to! It is all absolutely pure speculation and without any basis in the facts or the teaching of Scriptur at all. Now I will state this right now. If we are going to discuss this subject I cahallenge anyone to enter an organized debate on this matter before we even get started. Because it is easy without bringing order to this discussion to just flounder around and accomplish nothing. For these false teachers refuse to tie themselves done to a specific proposition that forces them to prove one proposition before going to discuss another. Now if anyone wants to support this nonsense I will be happy to engage them in a public discussion of the matter in this forum but I will not even begin to discuss it until we have a clear definition of their position.

Your Brother ,

E. Lee Saffold

Your Brother in Christ,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

John Wilson:

Are you the one who could take this posting off? It is so messed up that it is not even readable.

I would appreciate whatever you can do.

Thank you.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Sorry, Connie ... I'm just a lowly visitor. =)

Lee, I think thats just a wee bit harsh. Prophetic speculation, while often vain, and futile, can hardly be put in the same vein as outright false doctrine and heresy.

Actually some of these speculations are kind of funny. Particularly the one that suggests Red China will set up a one world government. Wasn't Hal Lindsey a few years back saying Europe would set up a one world government? Personally I would buy Europe a long time before I would buy China. The history of the Chinese people for thousands of years has never been one of imperialistic conquest, always one of defense. They assimilated like people around them as a defense, they built a 2000 mile wall as a defense. They do not have the stomach for conquest; it simply isn't a part of their nature. (The Mongolians, on the other hand ...)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000


What do you think of the fact that China has stolen or bought ALL of our missile technology? This has been secretively downplayed by the Clinton administration. And the fact that there are estimates in high places (I've read this on the TB2000 site from many experts) that by 2005, China will be the chief economic power in the world?

Also, have you noticed that China is sabre-rattling concerning Taiwan (which has a large Christian population.) If she didn't have considerable power, she wouldn't do that.

This material was gathered through 33 years of intensive Bible study, technological study, and working with computers in a large bank, and you should not discount it, out of hand. Please, when I get it straightened out, just look at it and don't deny yourself this information.

Thank you for not picking on me, even though you disagree with me.

You may not be an officer, but you are a gentleman!

In Him

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

I don't think much of it. China has not made any secret about the fact that it desires to reabsorb its traditional holdings. It has already taken back Hong Kong and Macao, and it is intent on regaining Taiwan ... even if it means a future military confrontation. But I don't think for a minute that a future one world government under China is even a remote possibility. They have problems enough governing what they have, without taking on the headaches of the rest of the world.

And thanks ... being a gentleman is part of the Superhero's Code. =)

Regards, Batman

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Charles Miller cites many errors in Hal Lindsey's books and says most people prognosticating on prophecy are in it to make money. He says other authors (Christians!) have told him he'll never make money on a book like this.

And his response is that it is not his intention to make money on it. In his classes, he sells it for $5.00 and it costs $5.26 to produce. But you don't have to buy the book. The lessons are all free on the Internet. To order the book costs $10,00, but the quality is similar to books costing $12-$15.

I will be happy to make it a gift to you and send it to your church location in California, if you will accept it.

In fact, the Lessons on the 'Net have additional information, among which is information about the significance of the fall of the USSR.

The book has some other information and illustrations, and brings the information together nicely.

Also, he is just applying Scripture to what is happening, and has drawn some conclusions, certainly, but is not foretelling the future per se.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

My Savior epitomizes my soteriology.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

'By their fruit you will know them'. I see leaves, Lee , but no fruit in your life. Have you gotten on your knees and prayed lately?

And read a few verse in Scripture which doesn't support your pet philosophy, but doen't tell the whole story of what the Lord wants from you.

'Pride goes before a fall'. Remember, Lucifer was cast out of heaven for his pride. You are exuding pride.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000


The book costs 5.26 to produce, so for every book that is sold, Charles pays out .26 cents. This is a ministry with him. A more Godly man you willnot find. The costs of shipping (large numbers of books from the publisher) he absorbs.

Also, sometimes people don't value what they don't have to pay for. I always pay the .26 cents on the ones I buy, but I can tell that Charles does not want ANYONE to think he is doing it for the money.

The information is all on the 'net for free, but most people do not know how to use it, so that would prevent the information from getting out. The reason I wanted to get that information out to you (and typed at the computer 'til my back and eyes were killing me) is because that particular information is not on his website.

His site is being re-designed with a wonderful timeline all laid out, but the former (retired) professor who is doing it says it will take six months, at least.

Also, I have tried to scan this into my documents, but I don't have enough computer knowledge to know how to do that. My children, who do know, are all so busy that I hate to bother them with it.

In Jesus

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

There are also videos, which he has offered to me for cost. I made up 20 sets of the lessons, and printed out only 25 of them, and included the book for my exrended family for Christmas - including nieces and nephews. I haven't bought the videos yet, because they are still expensive, and I can think of 20 more people I want to send them to.

I am in the process of having printed a Jacques Cousteau tape (Odyssey on the Nile) taken off the TV, so no copyright infringement, which was taped originally 10 years ago. It shows that the destruction of the Nile is continuing apace.

Also, I'm having another one which belongs to Charles' substitute while Charles is recuperating from cancer surgery, on that same tape, concerning nuclear war studies.

Charles' book was published 10 years ago, and no one would have thought that China could become the leading world power, but it is happening, my friend.

Also, we have made the whole world hate us for our belligerance. When you bomb countries to divert Americans' attention (already short) from your impeachment, the world is going to notice and try to get even. The whole world hates us. And most people are definitely devoted to 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth' philosophy.

But we shouldn't be. When the world looks at us, their first response should be: 'See how they love one another!'

In Him

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000


You have said:

"'By their fruit you will know them'. I see leaves, Lee , but no fruit in your life. Have you gotten on your knees and prayed lately?

And read a few verse in Scripture which doesn't support your pet philosophy, but doen't tell the whole story of what the Lord wants from you.

'Pride goes before a fall'. Remember, Lucifer was cast out of heaven for his pride. You are exuding pride."

All of the above is nothing more that shear assertion without proof. You make this kind of assertion filled with assumptions that you could not prove to save your life just because I reject outright your doctrine of "salvation by grace through faith ALONE". For such is completely and diametrically opposed to the plain teaching of the scripture which says "Ye see then how that by works (Acts prompted by faith and produced by it) a man is justified and not by FAITHONLY". (James 2:24. And it is contrary to the words of James who spoke by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and said, "Faith if it hath not works (Acts prompted by and produced by faith) is DEAD being ALONE." James 2:26. And your teaching is contrary to the inspired words of Paul who said, " For by grace are ye saved through faith" (Eph. 2:8,9). I do not accept or appreciate your, false, though often humorous speculations that you have listed in this thread.

Now I do agree with Brother John that you are not quite as bad as Mark who teaches "Anglo-Israelism" but false doctrine is from the same source and all false teachers are in the same category. They are against Christ. Now you are against Christ when you teach that we are saved by "FAITH ONLY" and your above speculations are also against Christ. These things are all deceptions of the evil one and no Christian can accept anything that is contrary to the "Doctrine of Christ" or anyone who does not bring the doctrine of Christ. (2John 9-11).

I do not have a philosophy, Connie, and I have not expounded any such thing. I have the word of God, and you are only disturbed that I have expressed some portions of God's word that are contrary to your beliefs. I suppose that we should judge the fruit on your tree. What we see is a tree that claims to have fresh healthy fruit from God when in reality an enemy has poisoned the tree so that it is producing false and counterfeit fruit. It has fruit that appears like the real thing but in realty it is poisoned fruit because the enemy has crept in an injected the poisonous word "ONLY" in every place that God did not place it. And in this way many honest and sincere souls are led away from Christ. That is the fruit on your tree Connie.

Now it is better to have leaves with the hope that one day the tree will eventually produce fruit in due season that is nourishing rather than have a tree filled with fruit that is "appealing to the eye" but is, in reality, filed with the poisonous venom of lies.

Then you falsely and without any proof whatsoever accuse me of being filled with pride. Is that your tactic, Connie? Anyone who opposes you and the things that you teach must be filled with pride? Is this especially true of those who will not speak to you softly and meekly so that you can barely hear what they say? Now you may not like to be opposed Connie, but I do not have any pride in my heart about our discussion. But you say that I do and your only reason for saying so is that I do not even attempt to compromise with you. I cannot compromise the truth of God, Connie, in order to get you to think more highly of me. I have no concern whatsoever of how you think about me. I care about your eternal soul and if you do not learn to love the truth more than yourself you will surely be given a strong delusion that you might believe a lie and be damned. (2Thess. 11,12). I do not want you to be lost by believing lies that are contrary to God's word. I am motivated by a genuine concern that you should learn and know the truth. Now that is my honest intent.

Therefore I will continue to resist anything that you teach that is contrary to God's word. I do this with everyone in this forum and they do the same thing toward me. It is the way we should care for one another. You will not find the spirit of Compromise in me, Connie. The truth is the only thing that will ever change my mind and I wish that it would be the only thing to change yours. We must follow Christ and his words, as delivered to us by the Holy Spirit through the apostles. And anything that He teaches we must accept. That is all I am urging you to do.

This is not about you Connie. This is not about me. It is about the truth of the gospel of Christ. But you would like to make it about you and me because then you can justify ignoring Christ and His words, which are opposed to your teaching. But I will continue to remind you of the word of God.

Your knowledge of how much I read my Bible and pray is amazing in that you do not know me at all. I suppose that you are going to claim that the Holy Spirit told you about these things. But I will not enter into a discussion of those things because it is of no value to my purpose of trying to "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints". (Jude 3). I do not need to impress you as you seek to impress others with your "diligence" in Bible study and how prayerful you are. I am completely satisfied that God knows how I go about these things.

You claim that I am exuding pride. I surely hope that such is not true. I will leave that for others to judge. But I do urge you to be sure that you are looking at me and not your own refection in the mirror. All of us must always avoid pride and I just cannot think of a single place where I have displayed such a spirit and I do not intend to accept such simply because you assert it, Connie. I will however repent of such if you can prove that I have demonstrated a spirit of Pride. Just because I have been forceful in my objections to your false doctrine does not mean that I am moved by pride. For there are other motivations for such reactions to false teaching. Now how you know which motivation is in my heart I just cannot know. All I can see is that you have not shown any evidence that would make any honest person believe what you assert concerning this matter.

Your Christian friend,

E. Lee Saffold.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

I'm not sure which thread Benjamin posted on in the last day, but I agree with him almost completely.

I agree with all John Wilson said in his message starting on page 80 of the first 'Restoration' thread. I give Scriptural reasons why, in both cases.

It seems that you ignore the ones I use, and you feel I ignore the ones you use. I started going through each reference you gave (Lee) but it was late so I couldn't finish. I think I stayed up 'til 2:00 A.M. that time.

And then you admonished me and told me to stay up as late as it took (presumably to go 24 or 36 hours straight) to answer your questions. I was amazed to discover that in some of the references you gave (and I typed them right there, referring to your page) they had the exact opposite meaning from what you stated. Go back to that and get your Bible out and tell me what it says. The longest rebuke was for the sorcerer and it was 4 sentences long, I think.

After dinner and some study, I'll get back.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000


You said:

"And then you admonished me and told me to stay up as late as it took (presumably to go 24 or 36 hours straight) to answer your questions. I was amazed to discover that in some of the references you gave (and I typed them right there, referring to your page) they had the exact opposite meaning from what you stated. Go back to that and get your Bible out and tell me what it says. The longest rebuke was for the sorcerer and it was 4 sentences long, I think."

More assertions without proof. Connie, when I respond to something you said I quote it and then I explain whay I think you are wrong or if there is a contradiction etc. I do this so that everyone can see that the things I am saying are true. I at least offer evidence and quote your words so that you have the opportunity to defend it or not as you chose. But you simply assert that these verses that I quoted, whichever ones they were had an opposite meaning to what I said they had. Now no one knows which verses you are talking about, what I said they meant, and how you have determined that they have an opposite meaning from what I had said.

You see Connie, you just do not want to have your comments scrutinized do you? Now state the passages to which you refer, quote what I said about them and then give us your reasons for beliving that they say the opposite of what I said that they said. Then we will deal with the matter of whether you are correct in what you ASSERT or not.

This procedure of making accusations and assertions without offering evidence is dishonest Connie. Now dishonesty is a form of lying. It is a form of Spin. Now I am sure that you do not really want to be dishonest do you? Either you can prove what you say or you cannot. So far you have written quite a bit but you have not yet given one passage that supports your false doctrine that "salvation is by grace through faith ALONE". We are all still waiting for you to give us just one of the "many verses" that you claimed taught such a doctrine. But still we have nothing but silence from you concerning that matter.

We wait for you to be honest about these things and to give us just one verse that says "salvation is by grace through faith ALONE" as you have falsely claimed.

Your Christian Friend,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2000

"Well Brother John, we have found someone just as messed up as our "Anglo-Israel" friend Mark. Connie wants to change the subject and run from the truth in one place to teach false doctrine in another."

As noted the term "friend" is not a very friendly jesture on your part.


Notice that the Kingdom will not be left ot others. Not even the Idumians.

(Dan 2:44 KJV) "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."

(Dan 2:45 KJV) "Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure."

But that is off the subject of this thread.

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

Mark H.:

With some of my friends, I don't need enemies!

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000


You quoted my words with comments as follows:

"Well Brother John, we have found someone just as messed up as our "Anglo-Israel" friend Mark. Connie wants to change the subject and run from the truth in one place to teach false doctrine in another." As noted the term "friend" is not a very friendly jesture on your part.

Mark, I do call you my friend and I do so because I sincerely consider you as a friend. But I also consider your false Anglo- Israel racist nonsense as being all messed up. The fact that I tell you the truth about it is proof that I am your friend. Therefore the term friend is a statement of fact. The friendly gesture is found in the fact that I tell you the truth from Gods word. Now you continue to run from the truth by refusing to even attempt to answer the arguments that have been put to you from Ezekiel 37:15-22 in another thread. I consider you a friend even though your false doctrine is an evil racist doctrine. I do this because I sincerely pray that you will turn from that evil doctrine and obey the gospel of Christ.


I can see that I have become your enemy in your eyes simply because I tell you the truth. You are also running from the questions that you have been asked. You still have not shown any of us ONE SINGLE passage that teaches your false doctrine that we are saved by grace through faith ALONE and you will not give one because you cannot yet you think I am your enemy because I tell you the truth about these things. I call you a friend Connie because I sincerely consider you a friend. I do not call you a sister in Christ because you have not obeyed the gospel of Christ and therefore are not in Christ. This is the plain truth and simply because you do not like it you think of me as your enemy. Paul even said to the Galatians,  Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth? Now I know that you may think that what I have said to you in this forum is not the truth but you have not yet answered the arguments that were presented to you and you continue to refuse to deal with them. Your deliberate effort to ignore these things does not change the fact that the truth has been presented to you.

I do pray for both of you that Mark will see that his racist Anglo- Israel doctrine is opposed to Jesus Christ and all that he taught us. I also pray that Connie will realize that salvation is by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8,9) and not by grace through faith ALONE as she contends.

Your friend who has told you the truth,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

No, no, Lee! I did not call you an enemy; I said with friends like mine (and you keep saying you are my friend), I don't need enemies.

God will eventually help you to understand.

-- Anonymous, March 23, 2000

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