vcd cutter can reconvert a highrate vcd .dat back to vcd to burn : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ok. For some reason if you have a highrate vcd and you copy the .dat part of it back onto your PC, most programs will convert this .dat back to an mpeg so you can re-burn it. However the programs you used to make the HR vcd to begin with will not accept the file back. Why? I dont really care anymore. But it turns out, the VCD CUTTER program will convert the .dat back to mpeg and it CAN be accepted by your highrate vcd burning program so you can re-burn it. HOWEVER if you re-edit this newly made mpeg clip the programs will once again not accept it and you will end up having to re-encode the4 clip. Well at least theirs a way to burn it back to highrate vcd with out having to do a disc image or re-capturing the stupid thing

-- Doug (, March 12, 2000


VCD CUTTER program will convert the .dat back to mpeg and it CAN be accepted by your highrate vcd burning program so you can re-burn it. HOWEVER if you re-edit this newly made mpeg clip the programs will once again not accept it and you will end up having to re-encode the4 clip. Well at least theirs a way to burn it back to highrate vcd with out having to do a disc image or re-capturing the stupid thing

-- luttapik (, January 12, 2001.

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