Critics say tsk tsk tsk to roo zoo : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

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Critics say tsk tsk tsk to roo zoo
Monday 13 March 2000

People who cringed when inflatable kangaroos roared into the closing ceremony in Atlanta on BMX bikes can rest assured. Only the real thing will be used in Sydney.

Olympic organisers plan to borrow 11 wallabies, two emu chicks and numerous native birds from a Sydney wildlife park to parade for the viewing pleasure of the overseas guests at the international media village at Lidcombe.

The man behind the idea is village manager, Mr Geoffrey Bennun, who said he wondered how some "charm and life" could be added to the site.

"It's a bit of Australiana and a way of showing our warm and fuzzy and fun creatures," he said. "Many of the foreign media will be very busy while they're here and won't necessarily have time to leave the city to see wildlife."

Although the Olympic Coordination Authority loved the idea, approval has yet to come from the New South Wales Ministry of Agriculture.

The idea could come under scrutiny from animal-protection groups. The Humane Society International yesterday said it found the idea "fairly suss".


"Charm and life" could be added by parading the excessive boozy woozy wankers of the Olympics Committee and corporate crooks and bunyip aristocracy thugs of OZ politics who keep on keeping on in the whackier-than-thou deparment. This article is about 'suss' ideas that are just plain hairbrained by ghouls of the Urban elite. Bro Possum of the renown 5th column has been informed and a protest will be posted on this board soon.

"Long Live the Rodent Revolution!"

Cringe you Yanks!

-- Pieter (, March 12, 2000


gawd, more animal exploitation

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.


Could you perhaps explain whether this is a good thing or a bad thing?

--The Humane Society International yesterday said it found the idea "fairly suss".--

Actually, you might just point me to an internet dictionary for the language used in Australia. Suss?

-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 13, 2000.

Anita, "suss" = OZ for suspect or doubtful practice. I'm not convinced the idea is sound. Can't see any point in stressing out the animals by trucking them in for a bunch of galahs to gawk at. Best the galahs get bussed to see the animals in their safe bush habitat. That way we can re-affirm Bro Possum's contention that all humans are really quite atractive when caged.

-- Pieter (, March 13, 2000.

Thanks, Pieter. I would quite agree. I believe it's at the zoo in Brookfield, Illinois where there's a sign stating "This way to see the most dangerous animal on earth." At the end of the arrowed path pointing to the destination stands a mirror.

Should we move along now to the definition of galah?

-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), March 13, 2000.

Anita, ...Galahs are our larrikin cockatoo-type-birds when they flock together get quite raucous in a socially disruptive manner. Thus we refer to our Federal parliametarians as galahs, due to their propensity to flock & be raucous in their behaviour fit to bring the house down in uproar.

A larrikin is a term denoting a ruffian or rowdy bloke who stands out for excessive neatness in style of dress. Derived from the Irish for larking - thus suitably apt when referring to our illustrious leaders, for they fail everyone except themselves.

Strine Rules! OK!

-- Pieter (, March 13, 2000.

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