Faded picture on top of vcd capturegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
When I capture with my snazzi from a vhs source (svideo and composite both have same problem) the top of the screen is faded, almost white on letterbox titles. This does not happen on dvd captures. I tried diffrent players even a panasonic av1960 still same results. Any suggestions on what could cause this?
-- Joe (panzarel@ptdprolog.net), March 12, 2000
I have had similar, my problem was a color overlay shift in the capture from a vcr that needed a Y/C shift correction.
-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), March 12, 2000.
Guess what? Two weeks ago, I had a different problem. My overlay went flickering from normal colors to almost white and then back again. It will settle to normal colors but when the scene changes, the flickering starts over again.In addition to that, the video rolls just like in the old days when your TV rolls and you have to adjust the vertical hold.
I thought my Savage 4 card has busted but everything else seems normal and only the video capturing is affected.
Brought the card to the vendor who inspected it and found that the encoding chip is causing the vertical roll and also causing the chip to calibrate itself constantly.
Now I am waiting for them to fix or replace the card since it's still under warranty.
-- NT (i1x@nightmail.com), March 12, 2000.