You be the judge ... : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I wrote this article in my weekly column, "According to John" on my church's website and it is also going to appear in The Online Christian Newsletter. But considering all of the accusations lately about people being judgmental of each other, I thought it prudent to post it here.


"Why are you judging me? Doesn't the Bible say not to judge people?" I hear this all the time. I think it's kind of funny when I hear it from people who do not even believe the Bible; they don't believe the very document they are appealing to.

In my humble opinion, Matthew 7:1 is perhaps the most misused, misapplied and misunderstood verse in the entire Bible. Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is telling His listeners not to be like the hypocritical Pharisees. This is just one more example. He is saying not to judge hypocritically, for by that standard you will be judged. However, Jesus tells his followers elsewhere that there are things they are to judge. John 7:24 says that we are not to judge on appearances, as the hypocrites do, but to judge righteously. Christ had absolutely no problems pointing out people's errors! And Paul writes, "The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment" (1 Corinthians 2:15).

So how are we to judge? And what things? Well, I believe the Bible is very plain. We are not to judge people. Only God has that right. We are clearly not to have judgmental attitudes or prejudices. We are not to consider ourselves better than others, and we are not to be "holier-than-thou."

But we are to judge doctrine. God gives that as not only a responsibility, but a command. That was a major point of the letters Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus. And how are we to judge doctrine? Acts 17:11 gives us a perfect example. The Bereans were said to have a been more noble than the Thessalonicans, because they judged everything Paul said by the measuring rod God has already given us, His Word. We are to judge any teaching by the Bible, and not the other way around. Old revelation always judges newer revelation. "To the Law and the Testimony (i.e. the Scripture)! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20). The writer of Hebrews says that it is the Word itself that judges. "For the Word of God ... judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).

Often I hear people in other religious groups -- people who would have you believe they are Christians yet their beliefs deny the historic Biblical doctrines of Christianity -- get angry and say, "Why are you judging me? Why are you trying to tear down my religion." Personally, if I am accused of tearing down religion, I feel I am in good company; after all, this was what Jesus did, tearing down the false religion of the Pharisees. "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9). I find it odd that these very groups have thousands of door-to-door proselyters telling people that all Christians are apostate and that they are the only true church. But when we counter them with strong arguments from the Word, they cry persecution. As the Jewish people say, "Go figure."

Many would call us "mean-spirited" for casting judgment upon false teachings. They would say Christ would have us just love them. Well, when Jesus went into the temple, did he pat the moneychangers lovingly on the head and say, "now now, you shouldn't be doing this?" NO! He took a WHIP, began BEATING THEM soundly, OVERTURNING their tables, and DRIVING them out! I know of so many Christians who believe in the namby-pamby, lukewarm "Peace-Love" Christ (who is more a flower child hippie Christ in my opinion), who cannot come to terms with the Christ who HATED false religion so much that he would quite literally BEAT UP those who would make a mockery of God's word, CALL THEM really rude NAMES, and ANGRILY tell them they were all going straight to HELL!

Now I'm certainly not advocating physically assaulting anyone, I am just trying to make a point. Sometimes Christian love must yield to Christian rebuke. Rebuke isn't always nice. Even the sound of the word is ugly. But it is sometimes necessary. In fact, it is sometimes COMMANDED in the scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, 4:2; Titus 2:15). Since it is a commandment, we had better be prepared to carry it out when necessary. And before you can rebuke false doctrine, you must first be able to discern (judge) it as being false.

When we compare the doctrines and beliefs of those who come to us, we are not actually the ones judging them or their beliefs. The Word of God is judging their beliefs, and the Holy Spirit convicts them in their heart of their error and guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. That takes the responsibility out of our hands. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. And our chief weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Let us learn how to use it well, and judge righteously.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000


I gotta agree with my wife Sammy Boy!!

Your post comes real close to sounding like "the spirit of the age"....where in if you disagree with anything that is "hate."

If you say homosexuality is are a hateful homophobe. If you say "Affirmative Action" is are a hateful racist who loves Hitler. If you say "Unchecked Welfare is Wrong" are a hateful rich person. If you said you are "Pro Life" hate women!!!

I want to challenge you Sammy....

1) Show me one post....just one....where anyone from "this side" claimed that anyone is going to hell?? That always started from the other side. 2) Show me one post where anyone from my side is guilty of an "ad hominem." (Dragon Slayer was right in pointing all came from the to other side.)

If Jesus would have confronted the women at the well in our day, He would have been told "Who are you to judge you Jewish biggoted chauvanistic pig!!!"

BTW.....the confrontational style sure seemed to work for the prophets of the Old Testament.

To borrow some terminology from "W"......I'm a compassionate, confrontive.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

Thanks for the compliment Duane.

(Not said "tongue in cheek.")

I really mean it!!

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Nicely written, John.

I should like to add one bit, as it concerns what we do here. We have recently received a lot of criticism for the "spirit" of the discussions here. On the one hand, such criticism is easy to ignore, taking the position that "all we are doing is pointing out to them what the Scriptures say." We can all feel very nice about ourselves, as long as we proclaim the Word forcefully.

On the other hand, however, I think we must admit that sometimes we can sound downright angry, snotty, impertinent, superior, etc. We must remember that, while on occasion Jesus railed and ranted at evil and bad teaching, just as often He remained very tender and careful with the souls He was touching.

At times we need to be like the Jesus who angrily berates Peter with the words, "Get behind me, Satan!" At other times we must be more like the Jesus who speaks with the Samaritan woman. When she says to Him, "I have no husband", Jesus would certainly have been well within His rights to say to her, "You're right, you slutty piece of trash! You'll sleep with anybody who looks at you for two minutes! You're gonna burn in Hell, baby!" Instead, He confronts her sin and lifestyle, not by "turning over the money tables" at her, but by lovingly and tenderly, but directly, guiding her to understand the truth.

Perhaps we could do more of the latter, and less of the former, and still hold to our strong positions against bad doctrine. whaddya think, guyus?

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

Sam, I understand what you are saying....but...from where I sit you, and others on this forum, have been unjustly criticized. It has come to the point, not just on this forum but in Society, that you have no right to an opinion, you have no right to tell another he is wrong, there is no truth and we must be "tolerant" of all. All, that is that "Agrees with my point of view." Notice that the religious right is berated because of our language of hate when we say that Homosexuality is a sin or the Bible is the inerrant word of God, a faith once delivered, etc. Yet it is quite politically correct to turn around and be "untolerant" of the Christian right. The same is true on this forum, unfortunately. If I have a strong opinion, I am a legalist, unloving and you name it! So you see Sam, it doesn't matter how "nice " you are. The truth hurts and people will attack you if you even try to explain that in a nice way. It just don't matter, Sam! People are afraid of the truth!

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

Brother John:

I do not have much time but I just wanted to say AMEN to your post. It is excellent! It seems that many just do not understand that LOVE can and often does prompt us to strongly rebuke sin and deception.


I believe that most of us would also agree that we should strive to be certian that our words are motivated by love and that harsh rebukes are reserved for those occasions that properly call for them. To use a hasrh rebuke on a person that is merely trying to understand is just as wrong as speaking gently to a deliberate liar and false teacher who is seeking to lead precious souls away from Christ our Lord.

So I do agree that we must use wisdom in the choice of our words but we must never shy away from sharp rebukes when wisdom dictates that they are needed.

Your Brother in Christ,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000


(Is that song about you?)

to borrow someone else's words (if not their meaning), "methinks thou dost protest too much."

I tried to be clear in my post that there is clearly time for strong confrontation, and I have done my share of that here. I am not agreeing with the "Let's all just be nice" folks by any means.

I don't know that anyone on our side has sent anyone to hell, or any of the other things you seek proof of. That's not what I was saying at all.

I do believe, however, that there is a time for more gentle instruction.. I think we SOMETIMES tend to assume that any disagreement at any level means near total apostacy.

There are times to be gentle and times to be strong and forceful. I intend to be both, hopefully at the right times. please, don't back down from anyone on my account.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

Don't worry...he won't. :)

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000


I appreciate you attitude of humility and teachableness. I'm praying for all of us to achieve wisdom and understanding.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2000

John - Excellent!

Sam - Amen!

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

Connie, On matters of opinion, one remains teachable. But where the Bible stands, like Baptism, the inerrancy of scripture, a Faith ONCE delivered, etc, I will continue to remain "unteachable," as you put it. I think this is where you and I have a problem. I know this has all been said before. We have argued full circle on this one and noticed that even the guys are having to repeat themselves. Again, I appreciate their stand for the gospel and refusing to allow it to be diluted, they do a much better job than I ever could. You are certainly entitled Connie to your views and I have said this as "nice" as possible. But I have found all too often that the "Unteachables" like myself are far too often not allowed their views, no matter how "nice" they are. Until the "unteachables" like myself are allowed to express their views without being labeled legalistic, unloving, etc. there will continue to be this unfair double standard.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2000

I wonder do we need an apologe for His arrest?

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2000

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