Kodak dc240 f/16 bug resolved?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Concerning the dc240--Does anyone know for sure whether the f/16 bright light problem has been definitively resolved as of March 2000? Thinking of getting this camera but take a lot of landscape shots in winter, with snow and bright sun, so if there's any doubt I won't get this camera. Thanks!

-- Ben Haggett (benjulie@3rivers.net), March 12, 2000


I don't think it's completely gone, but the newer production models have a higher shutter-speed capability, which helps a good deal, and everything since at least 6-8 months ago has different firmware that pushes the shutter speed all the way as far as it will go before it jacks the f-stop up. Don't know just how much this will eliminate the problem. Definitely OK for the vast range of typical shots, don't know if bright sun on snow will trigger it though...

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), March 15, 2000.

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