Y2K Insurance Deadlines Approaching

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Y2K Insurance Deadlines Approaching,

NEW YORK, Mar 10, 2000, (A. M. Best via COMTEX) -- With the deadlines for filing Y2K-remediation-cost claims looming throughout this year, a policyholder consulting service is telling corporations to review all their insurance policies to see if they are covered for such expenses.

"Too many corporations did the technical work, but have not followed up on getting payments from their insurance companies," said [story]

DATE: 3/10/00 11:36:00 AM

Source: A. M. Best


-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), March 12, 2000


The "90-day limit" is approaching, too.

-- viewer (justp@ssing.by), March 12, 2000.

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