Azeri aircraft turns back on flight from India with engine problems : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Azeri aircraft turns back on flight from India with engine problems

Source: BBC Monitoring Central Asia Publication date: Mar 11, 2000

Text of report by Azerbaijani newspaper 'Khalg Gazeti' on 11th March entitled "An Azerbaijani Airlines aircraft was forced to land in Delhi airport"

A TU-154 passenger plane of the Azerbaijani Airlines state concern, which was leased in Belarus, was forced to land in Delhi's Indira Gandhi airport on 10th March.

The press service of the concern has told an AzerTaj correspondent that the plane made for Baku from Delhi early in the morning. However, in the 38th minute of the flight the monitor showed that one of the engines was not working. The captain of the plane decided to return and land at that airport.

The pilots landed the plane successfully with two engines. No casualties are reported among the crew members and passengers.

Publication date: Mar 11, 2000 ) 2000, NewsReal, Inc.

-- Carl Jenkins (, March 12, 2000


Just another good reason not fly on airlines with too many vowels in their names.

-- Jim Cooke (, March 12, 2000.

What's the point, Carl? Azeri Airlines have always been a bit iffy. On the Dubai-Baku route they use 737's, but so what, given their spotty maintenance, I'm still flying on Emirates to Baku next week. You can only take so many chances, ya know?

-- Morgan (, March 12, 2000.

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