Listen Up And Listen Good : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

I love Lady Logic so you men just leave her and us alone.

-- cin (, March 11, 2000


Thanks, Impostor Troll.

Have a nice evening.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 11, 2000.

Me knows I smell someone with carpel tunnel or bad imitation of a female impersonator.

-- capnfun (, March 11, 2000.

Hey clone...

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.


Do you know enough about IP's to be able to distinguish between me and cinloo yet?

(I love her too, and I don't want her catching my heat.)

hmm! I thought you were smarter than that! She has children (check on EZ board) I do not.

What part of that don't you understand?


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 12, 2000.


I know who hmm is, and I'm going to give him an earful tomorrow.

Have a nice night, darlin'


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 12, 2000.

It's ok Laura

I feel sorry for this guy. He's pitiful. I wonder if the neighbor's dog is telling him to kill someone.

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.

It appears that I have angered the Impostor Troll. Fascinating.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.


Will you please get out of here and check your e-mail??


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 12, 2000.

Okay. Done. Didn't see anything.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.

is the room spinning?

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.

ooooohhh i get it (blonde moment).

I was referring to the clone being pitiful, and not to hmmm. sorry hmmm. whew glad we got that cleared up . "next"

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.


Yeah, right. Look again.

(You MUST be blind or deaf.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 12, 2000.

No problem cin, I knew what you meant.

And yet I still have no email. How sad and lonely am I. LOL

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.


I suppose it's possible that you're not who I think you are. (Although, I doubt it.)

Will you please e-mail me? (It's the only way we can clear this up.)


-- Laura (, March 12, 2000.

I can't wait all night!


Crossin' my arms.



-- (, March 12, 2000.

That's funny. I e-mailed you 10 minutes ago. Guess you just might not be who you say you are.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.

Aaaah, just as I suspected, LL and cinlooo are dykes. That's why they made that remark to Sysman about all the good men being gay. Bet they'd make a great mudwrestling matchup for KOS to enjoy! :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 12, 2000.


I thought I remembered you being brighter than this.Is there maybe someone using your persona?

-- capnfun (, March 12, 2000.

I'm brighter than this when I'm having discussions with other bright people on the other forum. When I come over here I have to stifle my IQ by about 40 points to come down to the level of the participants.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 12, 2000.

You know Hawk....if I had to choose between yourself and LL...oh nevermind. Let's not go there. We really shouldn't feed your fantasies.

-- cin (, March 12, 2000.


If you feel that underwhelmed then please go back to the NOTZ board.

You sir,in your present mind are useless.

-- capnfun (, March 12, 2000.

Now capnfun, you wouldn't be trying to censor me, now would you??? Surely, such freedom-loving constitution-defending outstanding patriots such as yourself can tolerate a few little annoyances by someone who doesn't agree with you! :-)

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), March 12, 2000.


Please feel free to post anything you desire.I would not gag you for any reason.It is quite allright to disagree with me or anyone else and it is quite allright to be an annoyance,that,is up to you.

I reckon you could be the anti-christ,and I would give you the opportunity to speak your mind,loud and clear for as long as your voice would hold out.I would NEVER be the one to even flinch to obstruct your speech.

To tell you the truth;I would fight anyone who would try and deny you or anyone the right to speak freely.

-- capnfun (, March 12, 2000.

Hawk, Now, Now, I dont have any problem with you per se, but I do resent the statement you made regarding 'participants' of this forum having lower iq's....Shame on you...Where is the dog when you need him, any other time hes biting and growling!!! Hawk, hope he bites ya where the good lord split

-- consumer (, March 12, 2000.

Dog here...

Yo Hawk, how the "hell" are ya?

Hawk can't be the Anti-Christ, his tongue isn't smooth enough.


loungin' watchin' the humans...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, March 12, 2000.

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