Help please...looking for some : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Lots of those folks I really like have made their way to this good old, uncensord, undeleted forum. But I notice AkLloyd tried to post on the old original TBk and got into a bit of trouble.Would someone that posts on TBII or EZ Ed's place please tell AkLLoyd and Donna, who stands on the Hill in a sheet (something to that effect) to come visit us here. I don't post there so would appreciate your help.
-- gilda (, March 11, 2000
I'd love to gilda,
ha ha
(whew! that felt good!)
-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 11, 2000.
-- Michael (, March 11, 2000.
Lady Logic,
-- (, March 11, 2000.
Lady Logic, Give it and yourself a break.I'm sure if you had any idea of how your're coming across on this newboard, you'd withdraw forever as you've promised so many times. These are good people; who gives you the right to carry on like a 13 year old brat? Get a life. mimi
-- (, March 11, 2000.
At first I thought LL was cut-and-pasting larger and larger chunks of "HAHA"s, but due to occasional errors, I think she typed them all.Opening a business in handpainted keyboard "H and A"s,
-- Someone (, March 12, 2000.
Thanks so much Michael.LL, do you think that they might've let you post my message, simply as an altruistic gesture--offering the olive branch, as it were, in order to further goodwill between forums now at the detente stage.
-- gilda (, March 12, 2000.
I doubt that was LL. Looked more like Impostor Troll to me.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.
hmm,Quit calling me an imposter when it's ME!
Oh, and while I'm here, I never did get an e-mail from you. All I got were two from well, I'd rather not say at this point. If you want to prove to me you're not who I think you are, you had better e-mail me today.
-- Laura (Ladylogic@....), March 12, 2000.
Gilda, I saw your post on the other forum posted by Michael. Had a reply to it shouting "delete!" right after it."offering the olive branch, as it were, in order to further goodwill between forums now at the detente stage."
Looks to me like taking the olive branch is not encouraged by Ed Yourdon. On another thread, where Chuck wants to put out rumors that subscribing to EZboard increases junk email, Ed made this comment:
Greetings from LAX airport...
Your original message implies that "nasty rumors" were floating around on some other discussion forum ... goodness, which one could that be? Well, in any case, it seems to me that if you were to post the thread of this URL on the other forum, that might provide at least some anecdotal evidence that people here don't feel that they are being spammed."
-- Lurking Everywhere (not@telling.noway), March 12, 2000.
So now it is inferred that we are the "nasty rumor" forum? I supose so since it is so easy for Ed to guess which other forum started nasty rumors. Nasty rumor that opposed to the "think like we do" or get lost forum?I must say that events have proven to be HIGHLY enlightening of late.
-- Uncle Deedah (, March 12, 2000.
The difficulty is that Al seems to think that subscribing automatically gets you spammed by EZboard. This is not true, as anyone can see from the thread mentioned which is titled "OK I've had it wat up past my chin with this" and has a URL of uhm, I'll post it in a min.. topicID=905.topic
-- Chuck, a night driver (, March 12, 2000.
The difficulty is that Al seems to think that subscribing automatically gets you spammed by EZboard.And who else here thinks this? Anyone? Or is it just Al? I haven't seen any indication of this rumor here on this forum, have you? In fact, regarding Ed's question:
Your original message implies that "nasty rumors" were floating around on some other discussion forum ... goodness, which one could that be?
Well, Ed, that "other" discussion forum would be the ORIGINAL TB2000 FORUM where Al mentions this here and possibly here although that message was subsequently deleted so it's hard to say.
So I suppose if you want to call one post by one guy a "nasty rumor," or better yet, let Ed somehow add a plural to it and get "nasty rumors," that's fine. Just make sure you realize where they came from.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 12, 2000.
Night driver:You didn't hear it from me. Ed told me I wasn't welcome among his followers. Hence, I left. No contact since then.
Best wishes,,,,,, ,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 12, 2000.