Make your own lotions, potions, concoctions and remedies (Link) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

I ran across a wonderful link to a site that has homemade ideas for all sorts of categories of helpful information:

Allow yourself some time to explore such things as home remedies for coughs, colds, childrens headlice, making aftershave, shampoo, breath fresheners and so much more! I lost track of time looking through it (uh-oh), bookmarked so I could return and get lost again *smile*

I love to learn about anything I can do myself or improve those things that I know, but there may be a better/easier way. Have fun....

-- Sammie (, March 11, 2000


Thanks,I've got it bookmarked too.

-- Chris (, March 11, 2000.

And now I will try a hot link, and probably make a complete fool of myself. It is a great site.

-- DuffyO (, March 11, 2000.

Many thanks Sammie! And nice work Duffy O - it works!!!

-- Aunt Bee (, March 11, 2000.

Sammy thank you. What a great site.

-- suzy (, March 12, 2000.

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