IOWA--Error Marks End of the Road For Map Version : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

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Error marks end of the road for map version

By KATE HETTINGER Register Staff Writer 03/11/2000

Unless you like a scenic drive, don't consult the official Iowa road map to get from LeGrand to Grinnell.

The Department of Transportation has discovered that 21 miles of Iowa Highway 146 - from U.S. Highway 30 in Marshall County to U.S. Highway 6 in Poweshiek County - was left off the new 2000 map.

That means 2 million maps potentially confusing 2 million drivers.

Spokeswoman Dena Gray-Fisher wants to reassure everyone that the highway is still there, despite the omission.

"Yes, we acknowledge that Iowa 146 still exists," she said.

It must, said Craig Robinson of Gilman, who owns The Cottage, a restaurant just off the highway.

"I'm looking at it right now," he said Friday.

Gray-Fisher said the road designation markers are shown, but the line depicting the road is not. "If there's an upside about this, maybe it'll get a few more people to pick up the map," she said.


-- (, March 11, 2000


As a proud Iowan by birth, I say that you really have to admire Ms. Gray-Fisher's panache.

(Highway 30, incidentally, used to be the old Lincoln Highway, very important in U.S. automotive history.)

-- Peter Errington (, March 11, 2000.

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