The Rapture Express - All A-b-o-a-r-d! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I'm pasting the following from an earlier thread that can be found at:
2 Peter 3:3
3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days SCOFFERS, walking after THEIR OWN LUSTS,
4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
Jesus Saves.
True Enough but try to remember Moses.
Moses "invested".
-- The Shadow (, March 10, 2000.
Before you 'invest' you must (be) 'save'(d). Jesus is the vehicle for 'saving'. All He needs are believers.
Fyi: Moses 'invested' in learning the ways of God. A virtue ALL should 'invest' in.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
BAWWWHHAAAAA! I didn't take anyone's advice when it came to investments. A lot of people did the solar panel thing and spent thousands of dollars to prepare. What's done is done and don't look back. But I bet it hurts to have to pay the IRS for penalties for cashing in the 401K's and IRA's!
-- sight of my behind (Sightofmybehind@sightofmybehinddd.xcom), March 10, 2000.
Jesus is King,
I guess the billions of Islamics are wrong... Not to mention the Buddhists...
snarlin' at the TV evangelist...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 10, 2000.
The Dog
Billions of Islamics & Buddhists? Hmmmm.
Well, first of all God has NEVER taken an opinion pole or survey on what god or idol humans would like to worship. He did however tell us in Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Re: Snarlin' at the TV envangelist
God sent His only Son Jesus Christ in the flesh to save us from our sin, NOT the TV evangelist. If the TV evangelist was the savior, we and he, wouldn't need Jesus Christ like we all do.
If you look closely at the evangelists' feet the next time you catch him on TV you will find they are made of clay just like mine and yours. Jesus was the only perfect being placed on this earth in the last 2000 years.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father (God), but by me. Jesus - the only way to heaven!
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
INCREDIBLE. You can't distinguish a comment from a joke. Next you pontificate on the "God" of ISLAM and Buddha?
Your ignorance is truly widespread.
The GOD of ISLAM is the GOD OF THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS. They revere both Moses and Christ as Prophets. But the ONE GOD they worship is the one and same GOD of the Judeo-Christian Faiths (most of them anyway though not yours it would seem.)
You would do well to remember another passage: "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED".
Besides, I would fear for your sould simply because you even visit a den of inquity such as this much less post on it.
Have you seen your Pastor about your addiction yet ?
-- The Shadow (, March 10, 2000.
Aw, now that was mean...!!! Why do you call this a den of iniquity, shadow? As for the 'addiction' to what? I'm gonna put the high powered flashlight on ya, if you dont apologize and EXPOSE ya...
-- consumer (, March 10, 2000.
It has always amazed me that the supposed "Christians" look down their noses at everyone else. I don't suppose Mr. "I Believe In Him", that a cross or a Christmas tree or a Easter bunny is an idol. And as far as that goes, the image of "Mother Mary" would not be an idol either now would it?
Regarding "Snarlin' at the TV evangelist"... You obviously haven't been around here very long, or you would have recognized my "tag line" for what it was, a tag line.
(religious rant on)
IMHO, organized religion is the harlot of Revelations. Anyone who tells someone else how to believe, religiously speaking, is worse than the meanest criminal in a maximum security prison. Religious strife has caused more wars than any other item. I have a good, personal relationship with my creator... We speak regularly, (I speak, he/she listens) You can call him/her by whatever name you like: God, Jehovah, YHWH, Yahweh, etc... but religion is a PERSONAL thing, not something you do among friends...
(religious rant off)
I am donning my flameproof overalls now, because I know I stepped on somebody's beliefs. But hey, life is rough, get used to it.
growlin' at the narrow mind...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 10, 2000.
>>The GOD of ISLAM is the GOD OF THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS. ....never said differntly.
>>You would do well to remember another passage: "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED".
1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
>>Besides, I would fear for your sould simply because you even visit a den of inquity such as this much less post on it.
The Pharasies said the same thing to Jesus. I'll take that as a compliment.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
>>It has always amazed me that the supposed "Christians" look down their noses at everyone else. I don't suppose Mr. "I Believe In Him", that a cross or a Christmas tree or a Easter bunny is an idol. And as far as that goes, the image of "Mother Mary" would not be an idol either now would it?
A cross is a 'symbol' of Jesus' crucifiction. My family does not put up Christmas trees or worship bunnies. I am not Catholic so your reference to Mary has no relevance.
>>IMHO, organized religion is the harlot of Revelations. I agree for the most part. Surprised?
>>Religious strife has caused more wars than any other item. True 100%!
>>I have a good, personal relationship with my creator... Ahhhh...but what about His Son?
>>but religion is a PERSONAL thing, not something you do among friends...
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
I won't be able to respond further tonight....maybe tomorrow.
God bless all!
Remember, God loved you so much he sent His only begotten Son Jesus to die for 'our' sin.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
*nostalgic sniff*
Is this our first jihad in the new digs?
{seems like old times}
-- flora (***@__._), March 10, 2000.
Wow... this thread jumped the tracks rather quickly. First, I did not give investment advice. Because of my own analysis, I sold most of my equity positions last April and May. I did rather well on a speculative tech stock and made enough profits to justify sitting on the sidelines for the rest of the year.
Around rollover, I bought back into the market. My investments are in a few Dow blue chips that have taken an unfair beating (or so I think.) Even with the recent Dow slide, my investments are up... nicely.
The first rule of investing (and poker) is to take full, personal responsibility for your decisions. Blame prevents you from learning important lessons. The second rule of investing... never lose money. Even if you were parked in T bills for a few months, you made money. You could have easily lost your backside with a single bad stock investment. I bought Ciena at 13... and it closed recently at over 150. I sold in the 30s. I could cry about the money I could have made... but what's the point? Any profit is better than a loss.
The third rule of investing... any advice is worth no more than what you paid for it.
-- Ken Decker (, March 10, 2000.
The Shadow,
One of the 'zoobie-isms' I recall from the heady pre-rollover days was:
"Jesus saves,
the Lord Buddah recycles"
-- flora (***@__._), March 10, 2000.
And i seem to be successful at the old practice of fitting in at least one mistake, so as not to offend the Creator...
-- flora (***@__._), March 10, 2000.
You said, and I quote: "Wow... this thread jumped the tracks rather quickly."
Isn't that the way it is on just about every thread?
I appreciate the response: "The third rule of investing... any advice is worth no more than what you paid for it."
Mr. I believe in Him,
Symbol=Idol, IMHO.
Even though the literal translation in the original Hebrew Scripture is "stauros" or stake, not cross... But I am not going to go there right now.
Patrick McHenry, does this sound familiar to you???
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 10, 2000.
Good to see ya back in the game Dog!
-- Sam (, March 10, 2000.
I made it back tonight after all....
The Dog
>>Symbol=Idol, IMHO.
I do not 'idolize' the cross. I do have great reverence for what it stands for. My savior died for our sin on that cross. For that I owe a debt I can never repay.
There is a distinct difference.
Before I go further, let me first say M-A-N-Y call themselves 'Christians' but are instead focused on the 'ritual' and not the 'faith'. They also do not try to read/understand their Bible as they should. They generally go by 'accepted practice' within their church/religion. They also generally are 'shy', shall we say, about their supposed belief in Christ.
...that said, let me now say that 'Faith Christians' view of the 'cross' is not looked on the same as 'Ritual Christians' do.
A Ritual Christian may look at the cross as a holy object; receiving worship in it's own right. A Faith Christian sees the 'cross' as a symbol recognizing the willingness of our savior Jesus to be crucified and die for our sin.
A 'Faith Christian' does NOT provide 'worship' to the cross, but to it's owner, Jesus.
Blessings to you....
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
The Dog
>>Regarding "Snarlin' at the TV evangelist"... You obviously haven't been around here very long, or you would have recognized my "tag line" for what it was, a tag line.
Does doing something for a long time make it right?
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 10, 2000.
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.Come), March 10, 2000
When I was younger, I used to believe that I would be raptured away before the Great Tribulation. But the more I read and studied Christian literature, the more confused I became at the conflicting views and timetables. So I prayed to the Living God for an answer, and I found it in Matthew 24:29-31.Everyone alive at the time of the Great Tribulation must pass through the great perils and troubles. There will be no easy exit, no sudden snatching above. Those who have proclaimed such will be shocked when they remain firmly footed along with everyone else.
Be prepared to endure trials. Be faithful to God, who loves you beyond all measure of human understanding. John 3:16
-- dinosaur (, March 10, 2000.
dinosaur, Thank you for those words. I had not read them. Only felt my trials to be of more consequence than I could overcome, maybe not. I shall remain firm, as long as The Strength will allow.
-- Thank (, March 10, 2000.
Holy-Moley! was that a long rant.
-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), March 10, 2000.
Back in 1980, I had a long conversation about religion with someone who (after a great deal of hesitation) eventually identified himself as Michael the Archangel, come to Earth to prepare the way for the Second Coming. He informed me personally that I was one of the 144,000 saved. He even gave me a Bible.I never believed him for a minute. I sold the Bible.
True story. I would do it again, if it happened today.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, March 10, 2000.
Brian, I don't blame you. If you had really met Michael the Archangel I think your response would have been an awesome dread, similar to those patriarchs in the Bible who met Michael.Dinosaur, thankyou for the scripture from Matthew. I don't know when the rapture is coming but I've always found the most substantive passages on rapture imply a post trib rapture. I've never found a convincing pre-trib rapture scripture(s). It seems to me that those that espouse a pretrib rapture take a great deal of liberty with interpretation....and unfortunately, this is most of the church. What is going to happen to these Christians when the Tribulation is obviously in progress and they have not been raptured?
Some teachers I really, really respect, like Dave Hunt espouse a pretrib rapture. How I am to think of him when everything else he says is soooo on the mark?
-- NH (, March 11, 2000.
DinosaurI just read Math.24:29-32 Read where he gathers his elect from. Not from earth.
-- rmoose (, March 11, 2000.
He who quoteth me without permission standeth on very shaky ground.
-- Saint (Peter@the.Gate), March 11, 2000.
Some teachers I really, really respect, like Dave Hunt espouse a pretrib rapture. How I am to think of him when everything else he says is soooo on the mark?Ole Dave Hunt still have his newsletter? Nancy - don't fall for the trap of unquestioned loyalty. It's a gospel trap that many fall headlong into. Question EVERYTHING.
Personally, Dave H. was pretty good on SOME things, but I gave up on reading him when he seemed to get into Catholic bashing every 3rd or 4th newsletter.
Rapture? LAST TRUMP, if yah believe that stuff. Before the bowls of wrath. "we are not destined to wrath" or sumthin like that
-- do not be a respector of persons (, March 11, 2000.
Yo, you dig my funky rap. Sure.
-- (, March 11, 2000.
Walkin' after my OWN LUSTS. Huh, that must have been my downfall.Dog said, "IMHO organized religion is the harlot of Revelations." Hooray for you Dog. I agree that religion has caused more blood shed, wars, burnings, family problems and strife than any other cause in the world. I too believe in a higher power, but it's personal, and I don't intend to talk about it, much less try and influence someone else.
If all the Christians who claimed that other Christians weren't real Chriatians, how many do you think would be left. This is a phrase I hear over and over. "He or she is not a real Christians."
And yes Christians do look down their noses at other people and other religions; for they call themselves the "one true religion." It's a good old boys club for sure.
-- gilda (, March 11, 2000.
Gilda said:>>I agree that religion has caused more blood shed, wars, burnings, family problems and strife than any other cause in the world.
People with Religion and it's rituals/idols YES! True believers quote & TRY with all earnest to live by the words of Jesus at all times. Unfortunately we aren't always sucessful. John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. >>If all the Christians who claimed that other Christians weren't real Chriatians, how many do you think would be left.
Not many according to Jesus. Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and NARROW IS THE WAY, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it.
>>This is a phrase I hear over and over. "He or she is not a real Christians."
Just attending Church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than being German made you a Nazi during WWII.
>>And yes Christians do look down their noses at other people and other religions; for they call themselves the "one true religion.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Blessings to you...
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 11, 2000.
Is the Rapture Express any relation to the Revisionist Riverboat to Richmond?
-- Flint (, March 11, 2000.
>>Is the Rapture Express any relation to the Revisionist Riverboat to Richmond?Nope! The Rapture Express is really outta this world!
Plenty of room left, care to hop on?
"Now boarding, ticket please".
-Jesus, don't leave home without him!
-- I believe in Him (Jesus is King@Kingdom.come), March 11, 2000.
BRIAN -- i am very glad you didn't follow that "angel". two of the world's false religions have resulted from messages given by angels. mormonism (they are wonderful folks, salt of the earth, yet, i believe they follow false doctrines) and islam (also many nice folks).beware Satan sometimes comes as an "angel of light". plus, i believe at times he has his demons appear as "gods" to people. these gods however often demand very strange things. hence some of the eastern religions, ancient religions.
in the end days, the bible says, that even the "very elect may be deceived". that is why it is so important for us to stay grounded and know the bible so we can discern error and false ideas.
-- tt (, March 11, 2000.
tt,I couldn't agree with you more. Unfortunately, I haven't the time to learn Hebrew so that I may know what the word is...
I feel that deep down inside everyone knows the difference between right and wrong. My conscience will not allow me to go astray. Too many people today do not have a connection to their conscience, or they refuse to hear what it has to say, because it is telling them what they do NOT want to do... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you..."
Good words to live by. You cannot go wrong if you follow this one "golden rule".
It is interesting that "I believe in Him" brought up the bit about the narrow path. You go on your own to negotiate a narrow path now don't you? I can see a response already to this topic, and no, the church is NOT the ropes, carabiners, and spikes to help you by tying you to others. The church, IMHO, is the idiot trying to push you off the cliff where the narrow path is located.
Conversation with your creator is needed, in a quasi one-on-one enviornment. Hopefully, I may get an answer to my quandries someday. I never fail to continue my side of the dialogue though, because I know I am being heard...
stalkin' the thumper...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 12, 2000.
If deep-down-inside everyone knows the difference between right and wrong why is moral decay, depravity, and love of the lie the current American culture?nancy
-- NH (, March 12, 2000.
I told you in my previous post... people choose not to listen...scratchin' an itch...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 12, 2000.
The Dog,Then how do you explain that some professing Christians think abortion is OK?
-- NH (, March 12, 2000.
I don't try to explain it... people nowadays are lost... without the ability to "hear" their conscience, as they have "walled it up" long ago.I didn't say people don't have one, they just don't know how to reach it anymore. Modern society hardens a person, and if they don't actively court their conscience, they soon lose touch, being exposed to "all that is wrong with the world"...
I have no answers for anyone except myself...
Does this clarify, NH? Yeah I know, clear as mud.
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 13, 2000.
"And yes Christians do look down their noses at other people and other religions; for they call themselves the "one true religion." It's a good old boys club for sure."I was tought I was a Christian growing up as a Catholic. I was told "outside the Church of Rome, there is no salvation" (no kidding). Then when I got out of my little world, I found out Protestants thought of themselves as THE Christians, and I was second class citizen. Ooops...I was born into the wrong boys' club. Should I join the Right one? I ask myself at one point. But which one? There are more Protestant factions in my town than there are saints. Then I grew up more and realized that it didn't matter. I wasn't a boy.
-- (not@deluded.anymore), March 13, 2000.
Also, considering the title of this thread, "The Rapture Express - All A-b-o-a-r-d!"...Rapture is a nice diversional delusion... The world is going to hell but you will miss it all if you are in the right "good 'ol boys club".... yeah right... sounds PC to me. Fits right in with:
"It wasn't my fault..."
oooh boy....
"I find your lack of faith... disturbing." - Darth Vader
scratchin' an itch...
The Dog
-- The Dog (, March 13, 2000.
"One component which religion and politics have always had in common is, pure, unadulterated horseshit." From the "Hucksters of Holiness"
-- gilda (, March 13, 2000.