I'm 9/10ths of the way out...greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I'm sure this is going to disappoint my troll(s) greatly!!!
There's a lot I need to learn about E-Biz, the internet, and computers, so I have to take off. I really only stayed so that I could get my 2" in about Yourdon et. al., and prove that people don't spam if they aren't censored.
I've decided I have to lurk (only) because I need to catch the trolls who either use my name or something similar to it. (Thank you, OTFR, for calling them on it.) Please remember, folks, I always use a color signature in my posts in case they aren't caught right away.
I was going to write a long list of goodbyes to those who have meant something to me, but the list is too long, and I need to get outta here.
Take care, good people, and enjoy this incredible forum OTFR has set up...
Laura (waving bye-bye!)
-- (Ladylogic@.............), March 10, 2000
And, congratulations for putting up so politely with all the s*** you've been handed since you came back. I was only a lurker towards the end, so I missed the major flame wars. But, I think you've got class.But, you've gotta admit the "white powdered butt" comment was not one of your best ideas.
Take care, fly low, stay cool, all that sort of stuff.
-- E. H. Porter (E.H. Porter@just wondering.about it), March 10, 2000.
For those of you who haven't been at Biffy, we have heard this song- and-dance before. With apologizes to "Ahhhnold" Schwarzenegger, "She'll be back".
-- cjs (cjs@noemail.com), March 10, 2000.
Too bad your aren't 100% out of the way.
-- tsk tsk (tsktsktsk@tsktsktskkk.xcom), March 10, 2000.
Yeah, Logjam is sort like dogsh*t on yur shoe, can't seem to scrape the smell off.
-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), March 10, 2000.
I love ya Porky! But on a lighter note, I called a truce with LL, and she decided against it - she decided to go WHOLE HOG (1+ for you Porky). Anita/Eye Spy/Watching..KISS MY PRETTY, WHITE, POWDERED BUTT, and then...Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Date: Feb 20, 08:41 From: laura
get on your knees and kiss my feet. Start with my left one, and don't you dare slobber on me.
When I'm done ALLOWING you to touch my angelic body, you can run to the store and buy me some grapes and Calgon musk-scented bath oil beads.
If you're a really good girl, I'll let you peel those grapes, and feed them to me one by one while I study the neutronics material from Palo Verde.
After I finish my bubble bath, I MIGHT allow you to dry my beautiful long blonde hair while you sing, "She's a brick house."
Naw, never mind, you're not worthy; and besides, it wouldn't be any fun having a woman do it.
Kiss my Pretty, white, powdered butt!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HAHAHA HA HAHAHA (I'll bet I irritated the shit out of you with this post, didn't I? You old:
Battle Ax
Messages Inline: Outline:
4. it looks like laura I.Q. 46 needs another round of medication by You are 1sick puppy, Feb 21, 15:07 3. You Filthy Whore! by Second That Emotion!!, Feb 21, 02:52 1. Coming from YOU ("Second that emotion!" "Eye spy" "Netghost" and all the rest of your personalities) that really hurts.. by laura, Feb 21, 09:26 2. Powdered butt by WhoMe, Feb 22, 00:54 1. Sorry Laura, I had to butt in here... by Dirt Road, Feb 21, 10:43 1. You're right, and that was cute. by laura, Feb 21, 11:35 (_ Yup! by Dirt Road, Feb 21, 11:41 2. N. Arro is right! by EyeSpy@EyeSpyyy.xcom, Feb 20, 19:47 3. Words of Wisdom from Mr. Polly by EyeSpy, Feb 20, 20:24 2. Words of Wisdom From Patricia by Eye Spy, Feb 20, 23:12 2. And more words of wisdom - read them over and over so they sink in! by Eye Spy, Feb 20, 23:48 1. More Words of Wisdom for you Lady by EyeSpy, Feb 20, 23:20 1. kiss my pretty butt, netghost:, Feb 20, 20:33 1. Uhhhh..... I didn't post that but it seems the real poster.... by Netghost, Feb 20, 22:19 2. Let me say that again, with EMPHASIS:, Feb 20, 19:58 1. Untitled, Feb 20, 19:55 1. Apologize . . . NOW . . . you petulant little snot! by N.Arro, Feb 20, 17:00 2. N. Arro. This will only take a moment of your time and mine: by laura, Feb 21, 09:47 1. Untitled, Feb 20, 17:35 2. Moi? by FactFinder, Feb 20, 19:22 1. FactFinder, Feb 21, 09:33 1. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WITH EMPHASIS THIS TIME:, Feb 20, 17:43
to: "Anita/Eye Spy/Watching..KISS MY PRETTY, WHITE, POWDERED BUTT, and then..."
-- Archiver (Archiverrr@archiver.xcom), March 10, 2000.
Archiver/Anita, go take a LONG overdue bath.
-- (I know@I saw.you), March 10, 2000.
And to all of you LL fan's, Lady would like for you to do this to her:
Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Date: Feb 20, 08:41 From: laura
"get on your knees and kiss my feet. Start with my left one, and don't you dare slobber on me.
When I'm done ALLOWING you to touch my angelic body, you can run to the store and buy me some grapes and Calgon musk-scented bath oil beads.
If you're a really good girl, I'll let you peel those grapes, and feed them to me one by one while I study the neutronics material from Palo Verde.
After I finish my bubble bath, I MIGHT allow you to dry my beautiful long blonde hair while you sing, "She's a brick house."
Naw, never mind, you're not worthy; and besides, it wouldn't be any fun having a woman do it.
Kiss my Pretty, white, powdered butt!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HAHAHA HA HAHAHA (I'll bet I irritated the shit out of you with this post, didn't I? You old:
-- Archiver (Archiver@archiverr.xcom), March 10, 2000.
Here's another mentor of LL her advice:A note to Ladylogic (Laura)
Forum: Gary North is a Big Fat Idiot Forum Date: Feb 03, 13:10 From: cjs
ou talk about the quest for the truth, finding God, baking bread, etc. The internet is not a place to quest for the truth, except when you are checking stock or oil prices (dammit, it's all a conspiracy). It is a place that is primarily devoid of personal contact and filled with faceless communication and prevalent misinformation. The internet "quest for the truth", however, continues on TB2000. Look where it's gotten them.
Just my opinion, but I think you spend ENTIRELY too much time on the internet. I think that most of what you do is disruptive, not only to those you oppose, but also to those who you side with. I feel that you are one of the reasons why Debunker's closed when it did. Going after people such as Cherri was stupid; you were the one that was being a pain-in-the-ass.
I appreciate your finding of God, but it is hopefully not just a "few day" investigation. It is also your personal choice, the same as when you want to bake bread or huuuuuuuuggggggg people (hug real people in-person instead). We don't need to know about it, although I wish you luck in your "search".
This isn't to say that people can't or don't post personal nformation, but it gets old when you hear people say "I can't wait to bake chili-salmon-ketchup bread" or "I'm writing a book on goat farts" and "I'm doing this" or "I'm doing that" or "I'm on a quest for something". Then you turn around and attack someone, and then oftentimes come back and apologize. What's the frickin' deal?
Get a grip on yourself. We all have things that we want to accomplish; we are all on a quest of sorts, whether it be for religion, the meaning of life, or finding a candy manufacturer that will bring back the Marathon Bar or Willy Wonka's Super Skrunch.
So go to it. Quit telling everyone what you are going to do, and go to it. And use the internet in moderation.
-- archiverr.xcom (Archiver@archiverr.xcom), March 10, 2000.
BTW, I asked for a truce, and this was her answer to me:Archiver, you are boring me to death. I was talking to you in this thread: http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002k2C
"yeah you guessed it
-- OLD GIT II (old git Second@morrrisminor.com), March 10, 2000.
P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)
sounds like "convoy" - took some typin that did bet you still have a CB with a "handle" only an arsehole would use "handle"
BTW how brown is y2k1pro's nose
-- old git drives a datsun (old git third@datsun.com), March 10, 2000."
Now, I'm not going to say another word to you, and I mean it Get over me, and get a life.
"yeah you guessed it
-- OLD GIT II (old git Second@morrrisminor.com), March 10, 2000.
P.S. You can tell when it's me because I always sign my real handle, and add some color.)
sounds like "convoy" - took some typin that did bet you still have a CB with a "handle" only an arsehole would use "handle"
BTW how brown is y2k1pro's nose
-- old git drives a datsun (old git third@datsun.com), March 10, 2000."
-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.
It is so weird. Most of the posts start out as something totally different and then end up about this. I feel like I'm -- cin (cinlooo@aol.com), March 10, 2000. ------------------------------
So, there you have it, people! I was offering a truce and you read the answer. BTW, Old Git is far from this situation.
-- archiverrrr (Archiver@archiverr.xcom), March 10, 2000.
Enooooooooough with the sorry old crap. Old sins are about as usefull as old wives and just as bothersome. Let's give Bok's another try. Good up front convers. Hell, even Decker can almost get laid there. Somebody bettern me give the addy.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), March 11, 2000.
Carlos, are you the volunteer willing to be called a "CUNT?"
-- just asking (justasking@justaskingg.xcom), March 11, 2000.
What an enlightening thread.....guess that's what we're here for? LOL? (not me........gakkk!)Have fun "youse guys"...soon you may have this place all to yourselves!
-- WhoMe (Whome@nowhere.home), March 11, 2000.
"CUNT" me if U think it helps there *just asking*.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), March 11, 2000.
ERRRR, that's LL's favorite name calling word in Bok's chat room. It's no wonder no one wants to go there...unless you get off on that sort of language. However, TB2000 is uncensored now so you don't need Bok's chatroom to talk dirty.
-- yeeeowwww (yeeeooowww@yeeeowwww.com), March 11, 2000.
Laura was extremely courteous and pleasant when we chatted...There isn't one person alive who hasn't made mistakes, said and done things we WISH we could take back...
This is small potatoes comparatively...she was attacking strangers...have you ever really hurt someone that you love?
-- Mumsie (shezdremn@aol.com), March 11, 2000.
PS... I criticized the spamming to her, but politely. She responded in kind. I'm sorry for what she did, I wish she had not done it. Yes, I think it was wrong. No, I don't like spamming or obscenities. I am simply stating two things:Her interactions with me have been completely civil.
Why be ungracious about a second chance?
-- Mumsie (shezdremn@aol.com), March 11, 2000.
"Hell, even Decker can almost get laid there."Rumor has it Ken hasn't had a woman since a woman had him. Except Laura, of course.
-- (@ .), March 11, 2000.
I think Decker and I both take offense to that. What kind of trash can you possibly come up with next?
-- Laura (Ladylogic@......), March 11, 2000.
@, were you at Bok's the time that Laura logged on as both Decker and Laura and had cybersex with herself? Do you 'spose Decker would take offense to that? Too funny! ROFLMAO!!!
-- (X@xy.zzz), March 11, 2000.